Shinovi Versus Arc: Chapter 21: Unconditional

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Hanzo and Tohno had watched the rest of the remainder of the days fights from the room Nachi was in. With everything done, Izuku decided he would go visit Yagyu. "I'm gonna go tell her about what happened today." He told them. "I'll come with you." Asuka spoke. "Me too." Hibari chimed, wanting to see Yagyu as well. One by one the others of the elite squad decided they would go as well. They said their goodbyes to the Tohno group and went for the door. When they opened it, Kagura was right before them, and wrapped herself around Izuku in a bearhug. "PAPA!" She yelled as Izuku almost fell backwards. Asuka caught him and helped him stand back up before practically prying Kagura off of his face. "Hey Kagura." Izuku spoke holding the child in his hands. She laughed at his expression. "That was funny."

Hibari got right next to her, "Kagura, that was funny, but you could have hurt Papa doing that." Hibari told her. Kagura looked a bit disheartened, "Oh, I'm sorry." She apologized. Hibari grabbed the girl and cradled her, "It's okay, just be more careful next time, okay?" She asked and Kagura gave a nod. With that settled they continued on their way to visit Yagyu. Izuku was going at a faster pace than usual. His heart was still hurting from what happened, and he wanted to see her as soon as possible. None of the others questioned him, they all made their assumptions.

Izuku was the first to enter the room, as he stepped in he heard a doctor speaking to someone. "Now, while you have awoken, you still need to take it easy, so I'm afraid I can't advise participating in the tournament." The doctor spoke. Izuku looked to Yagyu's bed, and he saw her sitting upright. She turned and smiled at him, "Hey, Izuku." She spoke. Izuku's eyes welled up with tears, "Yagyu," He spoke quietly before practically running to her. He scrambled onto the bed and wrapped her up in a tight hug as he wailed, glad that she was awake. Yagyu hugged him back, enjoying his warmth, he face turning a light pink as she held him closer.

The others entered the room and one by one they all surrounded Yagyu giving her a massive group hug, showing their relief that she was awake. Yagyu began to cry from how happy she was, the last thing she saw before passing out was a pool of her own blood, and the first thing she saw after waking up was Izuku's crying face, and her friends warm smiles, and an unknown child. "Who's child is that?" She asks concerned. Ikaruga takes the role of explaining things to her, what has happened since her attack. Yagyu is shocked that she was only out for a day, but is happy that everyone was able to proceed, and in the back of her head was an air of jealousy, that this child is a result of an alternate world Izuku and Hibari, but that was split in half, half that wishes she could have had a baby with Hibari, and the other half was wishing that it could have the baby of her and Izuku.

She pushed that other half deep, deep, deep down. "Speaking of what's happened," Katsuragi began, "Yagyu, do you remember anything of who attacked you?" Yagyu thought on it for a minute, trying to remember what happened. "There were about six people, one of them had the power to create animal parts from their arms, there was a flail, a Hibari imposter, a lot of puppets, and, I got stabbed by this burning, bright blade, the one wielding it was this girl with black hair and yellow eyes." Upon the last description, Asuka ran out of the room saying she would be right back. Within a few minutes, Asuka returned out of breath with a picture. "Grandpa got me this, is this the girl that attacked you?"

Before them was a picture of Hyoki, Yagyu's eye went wide, "That's her, she said something about going after the One for All user, I don't know what that means but, for some reason, when I heard about a user of a power, I was reminded of when Izuku and I fought Muscular, he said that he had killed twelve other people with Izuku's power." Izuku took in that last statement and took a deep breath. They all turned to him, "Okay, I suppose, it's time I told you all about what happened the day I became a shinobi."

They all sat down at Izuku's request, and he told them everything, "Shota screamed for Kacchan and I to run but, I just couldn't I ran at that monster and tried to attack it, that's when I first used it, that was the day I discovered that I had One for All, a power meant for killing the Yoma." He decided to tell them about the Yoma too. "After that, I passed out and woke up in the hospital, for two years after that I was kept away from my friends and family to do nothing but train my body to handle this power, when those two years were finally up, I was able to see my mom again, and then a few days later, I met all of you."

They all took in what was said, everyone sat in silence. "So," Ikaruga began, "One for All is a power that has existed for over 900 years, and jumps from person to person?" Izuku nodded. Katsuragi then asked, "And when the current holder dies, it finds a likeminded host to keep it, or it can also be passed on, right?" Again, he nodded. Yagyu spoke, "So, this power is how you have so many different abilities." Izuku once again nodded. Hibari questioned, "So, this is how you've gotten those scars on your arms too? Because the power is stockpiled?" Izuku nodded, "Yeah, it's been getting stockpiled for the past 900 years, with the core of it being its creator, a yoma named Yoichi Shigaraki, who wanted nothing more than to put an end to his brother, a yoma known now as All for One."

With all of this now out in the open, Izuku felt a weight lift off of him but, there was a much bigger one still holding him down, his remaining time, the five years he has left, something that he couldn't bring himself to tell the others. "And I think that's about everything, the yoma, All for One, I know this is a lot to take in but, I don't want to keep you guys in the dark any longer, you all mean the world to me, so I figured, it would be better if you all knew instead of me having to jump through hoops constantly." He told them. They all sat there for a minute and looked between each other, seeing how the others felt. Katsuragi was the first to speak up, "Why was Asuka the first to know?" "I found out by accident, it was during the fight against Orochi, so I got filled in later." Ikaruga suddenly smacked her fist onto her palm, "Oh, that's when you learned of the kiss power-up." She spoke causing everyone's heads to whip towards her. "Kiss what?"

Izuku blushed, "Yeah, Asuka found out at the same time I discovered that I could lend people some of my power by kissing them, that's what are secret training was for, so I could get a better grasp on it, the only other person I've given this boost to was Ikaruga so we could beat Kanzaki back in New York." "So, if you kiss someone they get a boost?" Hibari asked and Izuku nodded, "Yeah, so long as One for All is currently active I can lend the boost for a bit, I don't know if I can do it to multiple people at the same time though." Some of them wanted to try and test that but, they figured a hospital wouldn't be the best place for that. After a bit Yagyu told them, "That reminds me, the doctors said I should be able to leave tonight so long as I don't do anything to extreme." She spoke, Katsuragi smile and stood up. "That's perfect, we had something planned so I guess we can do it now!" Katsuragi spoke turning to Izuku, who looked slightly frightened, "What did you all have planned."

"Well, there's a man-made hot spring here on I-Island," Katsuragi spoke, "Ikaruga and I thought it'd be great for all of us to take a dive in, what do you say Izuku?" She asked him. Everyone looked happy at the idea, Izuku had a different reaction, at first he was startled at the thought, he would end up seeing all of his very well-endowed teammates completely naked, the very thought made his face heat up and he looked away from them. "What, but I'm a guy, I can't go into a hot spring with you all!" He protested but then realized, "Oh wait, it'll probably be separated so I'd be by myself, while the idea is nice I'd rather have someone else there, I could invite Inasa or Kacchan." He turned to them, "Alright, sounds like it could be relaxing!" Izuku spoke with the first big smile he had since Yagyu's attack.

His team all smiled at him, with Yagyu having to remain in the hospital until then, they all left to get ready for tonight, though in truth, Katsuragi had already scoped the place out, and knew how it was there, and so, she used the vast wealth of Ikaruga, who was delighted by the idea, to reserve the Hot Spring for an hour tonight.

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