Hanzo Arc Chapter 9: The Birth of New Power

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A few days have passed since I was released from the hospital. My arms were healed but the scarring from the surgery and them breaking remained. I sat in the ninja room wondering what to do, I was worried about trying to fight with my arms like this, worried that if I put too much pressure on them they would get hurt. "You okay Izuku?" Katsuragi asked me. "Uh, yeah I'm fine, I'm just trying to figure out how I'm supposed to fight now." I answered her as she began to think about it too. "I'm honestly not sure, maybe a bit of sparring could get the brain going." She suggested. "Maybe you're right, lets try it then." I answered and we moved to the roof.

"Ready?" She asked taking a stance. "Yeah." With that we charged at each other I activated One for all at just 10 percent to keep up. Just like before when we fought my fist and her leg connected in a clash. This time was different though, when the clash happened by arm felt more pain than usual. "Ow!" I yelled and dropped to the ground holding my arm. "Izuku!" She shouted checking on me. "I didn't go too hard did I?" I shook my head. "No it wasn't you, it was me, I shouldn't have collided like that but, I don't think I can use my arms just yet." I answered her and clutched my arm from the pain. "If you can't fight how you usually do how are you gonna be a shinobi still?" She asked. I wasn't sure, I was trained for two years to fight like this and now I have no idea what to do.

"Are you giving up?" A voice I had never heard before asked me. "Who's there?" I demanded as someone dropped in kicking up a cloud of dust. "I said, are you giving up?" It was a woman with long dirty blonde hair, she was wearing a uniform that seemed to be the schools but, it was dark blue with the skirt being far longer than Katsuragi's as it went down to her ankles. "If you give up now then what good are you to anyone!" She yelled and charged at us. I grabbed Katsuragi and threw her behind me. I can't use my fist, if anything it won't hold up, her aura feels so dangerous, what do I do? I questioned myself as my body acted on its own. As she closed in to strike me, my leg swung around and kicked her arm allowing me and Katsuragi to get out of the way. She didn't stop and continued her assault. In that moment visions of Master Aizawa flooded my mind and my body began to reflexively copy his movements and fighting style of weaving around your opponent and striking where their defense is weakest.

She threw a punch and I used my arm to slide past it and kick her side flying past her. What's going on, how am I fighting like this so easily? I questioned again as she closed in and landed a punch on me sending me flying to the railing. If I hadn't caught the bar I would've fallen off the roof. "Izuku!" Katsuragi yelled. I couldn't see her but it sounded like she launched off her own attack. Wait that's it, my body is trying to give my mind the answer! I thought and flipped over the rail launching back at the woman. With my leg directly in front of me, "If I can't use my fists anymore then I'll use my legs, and protect everyone!" I yelled as she met my kick with a punch that blew me back again. "Good it seems your starting to get it!" She yelled and charged again. This time she grabbed me and threw us both off the roof. "This won't go the way you want!" I yelled and kicked her side using my leg to balance around freeing myself and kicking her to the ground. I used the wall of the school to break my fall and safely land. I knew she wasn't done for.

"Shinobi Kekkai!" I shouted and formed a barrier around us. She flew from the dust and grabbed my arm tossing me to the barrier wall and slamming me into it. "That's what I want to see!" "Then get ready for more!" I yelled back and kicked her in the head jumping behind her, grabbing her arm and slamming her to the ground. One for All 20%! I jumped up to the top of the barrier with a new idea for an attack. I'll end this with a blow to her stomach! "Manchester Smash!" I screamed and axe kicked her into the ground.

When the dust cleared she was gone. "Nicely done boy." I heard her speak. She was behind me standing up perfectly fine. "Just who are you?" I demanded as she laughed, "My name is Daidoji, the ultimate upperclassmen, and the one who's gonna give you the training you need to master the power of One for All!" She declared. "W...What? How do you know about One for All?" I questioned. "How do I know about it? Who the hell do you think trained All Might?" She asked me. "Y...You trained All Might?" I questioned. "Yep, and now it's time for me to train you too." She answered as she grabbed me and threw me over her shoulder. "Wait a minute, where are we going?" I asked. "A special training ground out in the wilderness that I used to train that idiot, I'll train you non-stop for a month and we'll see how you come out." "I can't leave for a month again, I still need to figure out how to get Hibari back and to find a way to save Kacchan, I can't disappear again!" I protested.

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