Shinovi Versus Arc: Chapter 8: Daydream

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When Izuku's eyes opened, he found himself floating, his surroundings made it seem as though he was floating in space. Where am I? What happened? He questioned himself. As he tried to remember, what seemed to be a screen appeared before him, it showed his battle against Ui from his point of view. "Ui? That's right, I was fighting her, then I knocked her down a floor and I blacked out, so where am I?" He questioned to anyone. More and more screens fly past him, each one displaying things he's seen, Wait, are these my memories? He looked at each one, his first day at Hanzo, his encounter with Katsuki, his battle with muscular, his accidental viewing of Asuka's body, everything was there. "How did I get here?"

Suddenly he felt himself being pulled, "What?" He questioned and looked in the direction he felt himself being pulled, there he saw a girl with white hair and a revealing purple dress drawing him in with a wave of her finger. "Don't be scared Izuku, just come to me, I was ordered to kill you, but I think you'll be of much better use alive, I promise I'll make your time with us heavenly, just like that other boy we found." She offered him as he was being drawn closer and closer.

                        Izuku tried his hardest to fight her, but he could feel himself being pulled no matter what, "No, stop it, let me go!" He demanded but she refused to listen, when he was mere inches from her, someone else appeared, a man, h...

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Izuku tried his hardest to fight her, but he could feel himself being pulled no matter what, "No, stop it, let me go!" He demanded but she refused to listen, when he was mere inches from her, someone else appeared, a man, he grabbed Izuku and pulled him away from her and made her jump back. "I'm afraid that you will not bring this boy harm, he's been through enough because of me." The man spoke, he had white hair that dropped down his face and bright red eyes. With a snap of her fingers, the girl made bright blue eyes appear beside her and fire off beams at the two. The man simply waved his hand and they vanished. "Leave us!" He yelled and the shock of his voice blew her away and out of wherever they were.

"Good, now we can have some peace to talk." He spoke and turned to Izuku. A stone platform appeared below them and he sat down. Izuku, though he had never met this man before, with a single look, he knew his name, "You're,"

 Izuku, though he had never met this man before, with a single look, he knew his name, "You're,"

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"Yoichi Shigaraki." He spoke his name, and Yoichi smiled at him, "It seems you already know my name, its nice to finally meet you, Izuku." "Wait, how do I know you're name? Who are you?" He asked. Yoichi laughed a bit, "Well, I've been with you since your journey began after all, I am part of you right now." He answered. Izuku's mind clicked instantly, "Wait, are you a previous holder of One for All?" He asked. Yoichi thought about it for a moment, "Yes, and no, I am One for All's creator, a power that can only be used by Humans, for the sole purpose of defeating All for One." He answered. "What do you mean yes and no?" Yoichi giggled, and he snapped his fingers. "Have a seat." A chair appeared behind Izuku, and he sat down, it was a very soft chair. "I know you have questions, time flows differently here, so we have plenty of time to talk, so go ahead, I'll answer as best as I can."

Izuku thought for a moment about his first question, "Okay, I know this will sound selfish but, why do I have One for All? Why was I chosen when I didn't even have any Shinobi heritage?" He asked. "That's not selfish at all, I know having One for All has caused you a great amount of grief, your life has been ruined because of me but, please understand, you are the one that will defeat All for One, you see, 900 years ago, I had a vision during my last battle with my brother," "Your brother?" He asked. Yoichi nodded, "Yes, All for One is my older brother, and to answer your next question, yes, I am a Yoma, I'm a rare breed of Yoma that have sentience, and a will to do more than just destroy, you've already encountered others like me, but to continue, During my last battle with my brother, I received a vision of the future, that vision was the image of you standing triumphant with All for One at your feet, defeated, I knew then what I had to do." He finished.

"So then, how did you create One for All?" Izuku asked. "That's quite the story, well, about a year before my fight with my brother, I was within your world, I encountered a Shinobi while I was up there, a beautiful woman named Toki, she was powerful, unlike any other human, she had a deep seeded hatred for the Yoma, and I couldn't blame her, she was going to cut me down but, she stopped when she noticed my refusal to fight back, I told her my story and we formed an alliance that day, the two of us leading a platoon of Human Shinobi we began to fight back against the Yoma my brother created."

"After a month, we reclaimed most of the Earth, and in that time, I fell in love with Toki, and somehow, despite her hatred for the Yoma, she felt the same, our love, bore a child, the very first Human-Yoma hybrid, after the child was born, all but one tiny island remained, the very island that leads to my realm, it was on that Island that we waged a final battle against All for One, however, we failed, and millions of our Shinobi died, that was when I had my vision, using the last of my strength I fled from the Island and took Toki with me."

"It was then that I decided to create One for All, but the only way to ensure that it would persist through the years, was to sacrifice my physical form to make it, in short, I'm not just the creator, I am One for All, Toki was the very first holder of this power, and she spent her time training it and building up its power before she was betrayed and sealed away, One for All was ejected from her body that day and I sought out a new host, until finally, 900 years into the future, I found you, the boy from my vision, the one that would finally end this battle that has lasted 900 years."

Izuku took all of this in, "You said before that, you knew what I had been through, is that true?" Yoichi nodded, "Yes, I've seen everything, happy, sad, and enraged moments, and I know how much you despise being a Shinobi, if there was any other way to finish this, I would do it, I'm sorry for everything I have caused you, but if it's any consolation, All for One's death will mean the elimination of all Yoma, defeating him will make Yoma cease to exist, they'll disappear from the world forever, and One for All will cease to be as well, you'll be free then to live your life however you choose." He assured him.

"Okay, thank you for answering my questions, but can you explain what happened to me earlier, when I blacked out?" He asked. "That's an easy one, Yoma thrive on negative emotions, due to your life, you've amassed a lot of negativity, which has caused some of my power to bubble to the surface when you've let these emotions out, such as when your rage came out against Wolfram and Akumu, and earlier when you grew angry with Ui, basically, you temporarily underwent a Yomafication," Izuku's eyes went wide, "You mean, I was begining to turn into a Yoma?" "Yes, it did make you stronger but, because you can't control it, another version of you came out, one that is more honest with what you suppress, such as how you feel about your teammates, we both know you find them all very attractive." He explained. Izuku got a bit embarrassed from that. "Just be careful from now on okay? I'm gonna let you wake up now, it seems that someone came to protect your body while you were out, so be sure to thank them okay?"

He held out his hand to place it upon Izuku's head, "And, please remember," The apparitions of other people appeared behind him, past holders of One for All,

                        He held out his hand to place it upon Izuku's head, "And, please remember," The apparitions of other people appeared behind him, past holders of One for All,

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"You are never alone in this battle."

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