Shinovi Versus Arc: Chapter 22: Hot & Bothered

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(A/N): 3,144 words total for this chapter, probably the longest so far for this story. Enjoy!

The sun began to set, Yagyu, who had originally been told that she wouldn't be able to leave until nighttime, was allowed to go back early, due to the release forms getting finished quickly and having one of her teammates escort her, this being Asuka, who was more than happy to help her. "Where's Hibari?" She asked. "Her and Izuku are busy with Kagura, so I volunteered to come and get you, are you sure you can walk good though?" She asked back. Yagyu gave a nod, "It'll take me sometime to get back to full speed but, I should be fine to walk at a slower pace." She answered honestly. Asuka smiled, happy that Yagyu was okay. Yagyu looked at the ground, her head was low for a couple reasons. One, to watch where she was stepping so she wouldn't trip and fall, and the other, was Izuku, during the time she was out, she was dreaming.

Her dream was ones of her and her team, being strong Shinobi that were capable of defeating any foe, a world where her sister lived, and one where her and Izuku weren't shinobi, in that world, she was his bride, and they had a child that resembled her late sister. She felt pure happiness in that dream, but it was upon awakening that her heart ached, not for her sister, but for Izuku, who she knew she could never have now that he was with Asuka and yet, "Asuka!" Yagyu half-yelled to get her friends attention. "Y...Yeah? What's wrong?" Asuka asked startled, believing that something was wrong. "There's something I need to tell you, something important." She told her. Asuka stopped and turned to her, giving Yagyu her full attention and ready to hear whatever it could be.

Yagyu took a deep breath, "I know that this will sound selfish of me but, I've fought these feelings away for a while, I never wanted things to progress the way they did but, my heart just can't stop beating like a drum over it. I wanted to tell someone about this but, I didn't think it would be right to tell Hibari, or Katsuragi, or Ikaruga, no, more than anything, you're the only person that should hear this, because you're the only person that I could possibly say this to." Yagyu took another breath before speaking, "I... I..." She was getting choked up, tears were streaming from her left eye, and more were seeping out from under her eyepatch, "Asuka, I'm in love with Izuku." She finally spoke.

Those words made Asuka freeze and stare at Yagyu. She couldn't process the words immediately. Her mind was going haywire from it. What did she just say? Yagyu loves Izuku? She told me this, she told me alone? Why? Why me? Is it because I'm dating Izuku? Or could she only trust me? Does she not remember? Did we even tell her? These thoughts, and more raced through her mind, she looked back at Yagyu and was going to say something before she noticed Yagyu's tears. What she wanted to say, she felt pained at the words that were going to exit her mouth. So she said nothing and rushed to Yagyu and wrapped the white-haired girl in a warm hug. "A...Asuka?" She questioned. "Thank you." Asuka spoke calmly. "Thank you for telling me that, I can tell it took you a lot of courage to say that to me, I'll be honest, it caught me completely off-guard, of all the things I thought you would say, that wasn't one of them."

"You're not mad?" She asked. Asuka shook her head and pulled away, keeping her hands on Yagyu's shoulders. "No, I couldn't be mad, I shouldn't be mad, you're one of my closest friends Yagyu, it means everything to me that you told me that." She assured her. Asuka then got a smile on her face as an idea popped into her head. "Yagyu, if you're okay with it, would you want to share Izuku with me?" She proposed. Yagyu's eye widened. "What?" She questioned. "I'm asking if you want to date him at the same time as me, we'd be sharing him, we'd both be aware of it and could even plan out three person dates, it's not cheating if everyone is in agreeance of it, plus it was my idea so it should be fine." She explained. "I just, I don't understand, you were head over heels for him, why are you suddenly," "Because I don't know if I alone am capable of giving him all the love he deserves." Asuka cut off Yagyu with her answer.

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