Start from the beginning

Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms gently gripping her waist from behind, lifting her up so she could sit on the edge of the countertop. "You looked like you needed some help," he told her with a smirk. She crossed her arms defiantly and glanced at the coffee pot, "Coffee's ready if you want a cup."

"I don't want coffee right now," he admitted, glancing down at her lips.

"What do you want then, Dr. Reid?" She teasingly asked him, raising her eyebrows suggestively. He grinned as he lowered his mouth to hers, slotting his lips over hers. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him closer to her, sliding her hand under his shirt to lightly run her fingernails down his back. Spencer pulled away with a grimace, "Your hand is freezing," he told her. "Warm me up, then," she murmured, leaning up to kiss him again.

Celia loved how natural things felt between the two of them, like Spencer was the piece of the puzzle she'd been missing the whole time. Just as things finally started to become heated between the two of them, a loud record scratch came in the form of Spencer's phone ringing. "Son of a bitch," he cursed, pulling away as he answered his phone. "Hello?" He paused, adjusting the collar of his shirt. "Yeah, I'm coming. No, not like that." he rolled his eyes, looking up to grin at Celia, still perched on the counter. "I was not 'getting any', Morgan. Jesus." He used his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "I'll be there in twenty minutes. I'm leaving now." His eyes widened and his cheeks flushed. "Twenty minutes is not a sufficient amount of time- Actually, you know what? I'm not having this conversation with you. Twenty minutes."

Celia hopped off the counter as he aggressively hung up the phone and shoved it back in his pocket. She grabbed his bag from the stool and held it out for him to take. "You better get going," she told him. He nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist to place a fleeting kiss on her mouth. "I'll call you tonight when I get back to the hotel. It might be late."

"I'll wait up," she assured him.

"If it's too late, I'll call in the morning."

"I don't mind, seriously." He nodded, his hand wrapping around the doorknob as he leaned in to kiss her again, struggling to pull away after a moment. "You're dangerous," he warned, glancing at her mouth again before forcing himself to leave. "Lock your door when I leave."

"Got it," she nodded, ushering him out of her apartment. She shut the door behind him, and glanced through the peephole, noticing him lingering outside of her apartment door. She turned the lock, feeling comfortable once she heard the familiar click. As soon he heard the sound, Spencer turned and walked away.


"Do you like it?" Seb asked, giving her the grand tour of the house. It wasn't quite finished yet, but the general structure was there. There was only a few more finishing touches to make, including the drywall and the flooring, but the house layout was generally the same, with a few more modern touches.

"It's nice," she admitted, letting her brother lead her up the stairs.

"I was thinking we could put the library in here," Sebastian suggested, opening up a door into a room with large windows, and bookshelves already being built into the wall. "I think the bay window makes it perfect. Do you like it?"

"It's perfect," she praised. Nothing would quite match the old one, with years of memories and little secrets that only belonged to her. Now, she had to start completely from scratch, but she hoped that the new library would be as sacred to her own children as it once was to her. She didn't see herself making much use of it anymore. Not when she couldn't find her initials carved into the ladder, or the dings in the wall from where she'd hit the chair too many times. It wasn't the same, no matter how hard Sebastian was trying. "I like what you've done with the place."

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