Chapter Seventy Two

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Draco’s P.O.V
Both Iris and I have been together just over Six years now and the both of us managed to finish Hogwarts and I’ve managed to have a trial about what had happened and for what I had to become and I managed to leave the Ministry with a warning after I told them everything that had happened, I’ve also been thinking about asking her to Marry me and I was planning on telling Harry about it as well and I had previously wrote to him about meeting and once I made it to the meeting place, I waited for him for a bit before I saw him walk into the Coffee Shop before sitting down in front of me, “what is it that you wanted to talk about Malfoy?” He asked me and it took me a moment before I finally spoke up, “I wanted to ask your permission to Marry your sister.” I said to him and he just looked at me for a moment before finally speaking up, “you want to Marry Iris?” he asked me and I nodded, “yes but that also means that we should patch up any misunderstandings that we had in the past.” I said to him, “and I agree but all of that is in the past and there’s nothing we can do to change it but I do know one thing, it’s that Iris changed you over the years. Especially when you both started dating. I can see that you both mean a lot to each other. So you have my permission to Marry her.” he said to me and I smiled a little before th worker walked up to us and took Harry’s order and eventually came back with his drink and the both of us continued to talk for a while as I hoped that we could at least get better then how we were when we went to school and after a while of talking, I paid for the coffee before the both of us walked out of the coffee shop, “thanks for the coffee by the way.” he said to me, “no problem. See you soon I suppose.” I said to him, “yeah, see you soon.” he said before the both of us walked away from each other and I managed to Apparate back to the house and looked around for Iris to see her in the bedroom putting clothes away before she noticed Harry, “how was it with Harry? Did the both of you end up calling each other names?” she asked me, “surprisingly no, we didn’t” I told her and she stopped what she was doing and looked at me, “really? I don’t believe it.” she said to me, “I don’t believe it either. The both of us ended up going through the entire time not saying anything like that to each other.” I told her as I leaned against the door frame before she walked up to me, “good. Because he’s going to continue to deal with the both of us being together for a very long time.” she told me and I smiled, “you got that right.” I said to her before I kissed her and I felt her kiss back before I broke away from the kiss and just looked at her as I gently held her face in my hands as I caressed her cheeks, “I want to take you out tomorrow night.” I said to her, “what for?” she asked me, “because I want to.” I said to her before she went back to what she was doing, “alright, are we going anywhere in particular?” she asked me, “nothing fancy.” I told her, “ok, casual it is.” she said and I smiled, “I love you.” I said to her, “I love you too.” she said back before I helped her with what she was doing before the both of us ended up spending the rest of the day together.

It was the night of our date and I had gotten flowers for her earlier today and after I had finished getting ready before I waited for her before she finally walked out of our room and I smiled before I held the flowers out to her,

It was the night of our date and I had gotten flowers for her earlier today and after I had finished getting ready before I waited for her before she finally walked out of our room and I smiled before I held the flowers out to her,

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