Chapter Twenty Three

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Iris’s P.O.V
It was the day of the Hogsmeade trip and I was upset that I wasn’t able to go as I sat in the Common Room before Draco walked up to me, “are you not going to Hogsmead?” he asked and I shook my head, “no, neither my Aunt or Uncle wanted to sign it.” I said to him, “I’ll stay here with you then.” he said to me, “you don’t have to. You should go and have fun with the others.” I said to him, “It would suck without you there.” he said and I smiled a little, “go to Hogsmeade. I’ll be fine alright.” I said to him and he sighed a little before getting up, “fine, but I’m going to bring you back something and I won’t take no for an answer.” he said to me and I chuckled a little before he walked out of the Common Room and I sighed a little before I decided to go for a walk after putting on a sweater before bumping into Harry, “how are you holding up?” I asked him, “could be better, you?” he said to me and I shrugged a little before Professor Lupin walked up to us, “how are you doing Harry?” he asked him, “I’m alright.” he said to him before we walked with Professor Lupin as we walked outside, “Professor, can I ask you something?” Harry asked him, “you want to know why I stopped you facing that Boggart? I would have thought it would be obvious that it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort.” Professor Lupin said to him, “I did think of Voldemort at first but then I remembered that night on the train and the Dementors.” Harry said to him, “well, I’m very impressed, I’d suggest what you feel the most is fear itself. This is very wise.” Professor Lupin said to him, “before I fainted, I heard something. A woman screaming.” Harry mentioned to him, “I heard it to” I mentioned to them, “a Dementor forces us to relive our worst memory’s. Our pain becomes there power” Professor Lupin said, “I think it was our mother, the night she was murdered.” Harry said, “you know, the very first time I saw the both of you Harry and Iris, I recognized the both of you immediately. Not by your scars, by your eyes, they’re your mother and fathers, James and Lily’s. Yes, oh, yes, I knew them. Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted Witch she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even and perhaps most especially when that person could not see it in themselves. And your father James on the other hand he had a certain, shall we say, talent for trouble. A talent, rumor has it, he passed onto you. The both of you are more like them then you know Harry and Iris, in time you’ll come to see just how much.” he said to us and eventually, we managed to make it back inside for the rest of the day and I bumped into Draco after himself and everyone else came back from Hogsmeade, “how was Hogsmead?” I asked him as we walked into the Great Hall, “great, I got you some stuff when I was there.” he said as he gave me some sweets from Honeydukes, “thanks Draco.” I said to him as I smiled a little as we continued to hang out before we made our way to the Common Room before we noticed Snape standing there, “may I have your attention. Everyone will be required to sleep in the Great Hall tonight as Sirius Black has managed to get inside the Castle.” he said to everyone before we went back to the Great Hall and we were given a pillow and sleeping bag before I went over to Harry, “did you hear what happened?” I asked him, “yeah, Sirius almost managed to get into the Gryffindor Common Room.” he said, “are you alright?” I asked him and he nodded, “yeah, he must have done it while we weren’t there.” he said to me as the both of us laid down next to each other and talked before going to sleep for the night.

It was another day and everyone went on with their days as everything that’s been going on went through my head and once I made it to Defence Against the Dark Arts with Draco and the both of us sat next to each other by the time we had gotten there, “what’s on your mind? It looked like you were thinking about something.” he said to me and I sighed a little, “yeah, I was just thinking about everything.” I told him and before he could say anything else, someone walked into the room and saw that it was Professor Snape as he made his way to the front of the room as he closed the shutters outside of the windows before turning to face the rest of us, “turn to page 394” he said to everyone before we all began to open our books and I eventually made it to the page he told us to go to and saw that it was on Werewolves, “we aren’t supposed to do this yet.” I whispered to Draco before hearing Harry speak up, “excuse me sir, where’s Professor Lupin?” he asked Professor Snape, “that’s not really your concern is it Potter? So as I’m advised to say that your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394.” Professor Snape said to everyone before eventually hearing Ron speak up, “Werewolves?” he questioned, “but sir, we’ve just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We’re not meant to start Nocturnal Beasts for weeks.” Hermione told Professor Snape, “quiet. Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?” Snape said and both Hermione and myself raised our hands and before Snape could speak up, she began to answer the question, “Please sir, an Animagus is a Wizard who elects to turn into an Animal, a Werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is, he’d kill his best friend if he crossed its path. Furthermore, the Werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind.” Hermione said before Draco mocked as she howled and I chuckled a little before Snape spoke up, “thank you Mr. Malfoy. That is the second time you have spoken out of term Miss. Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know it all? 5 points from Gryffindor. As an antidote to your ignorance and on my desk by Monday morning, two rolls of Parchment on the Werewolf with particular emphasis on recognizing it.” Snape said as everyone else groaned about it, “sir it’s Quidditch tomorrow.” Harry mentioned, “then I suggest you take extra care Mr. Potter. Loss of limb will not excuse you.” Professor Snape said to him before he continued with the class until it was over and everyone started leaving the room, “what did you send Harry?” I asked Draco, “just a note. Nothing to worry about.” he said to me as the both of us made it to our next class. Once the day was over, I was in the Common Room doing what Snape had assigned us and just as I was half way done, Draco sat down in front of me, “we should head to dinner.” he said to me, “is it that time already?” I asked him and he nodded, “yeah, now let's go.” he said and the both of us stood up from our seats and made our way to the Great Hall for dinner and went on with our night as I managed to finish the Assignment Snape gave us as well before going to bed later that night.

It was the day of the Quidditch Match and it was Gryffindor playing against Hufflepuff and the weather was cloudy and it was pouring out the both Houses played the game and I was rooting for Harry before I began to feel like something was off before a Dementor appeared in front of me before the same thing from the Train happened a second time causing me to pass out as I heard the woman’s scream. I later woke up in the Hospital Wing before I noticed Draco sitting next to me, “what happened?” I asked him, “one of the Dementor’s attacked you before you passed out. Dumbledore managed to do something about it though.” he told me as I sat up before seeing Crabbe, Goyal and Pansy standing behind him, “that’s the second time this has happened.” I told them, “the same thing happened to your brother causing him to fall off his broom during the match.” he told me before I got up to see where he was before I noticed him sitting up on the bed, “are you alright?” I asked him and he nodded, “I’m guessing it happened again for you as well?” he asked me and I nodded, “yeah, it did.” I said to him, “I’m thinking of talking to Lupin about this. I want to know how to stop them from doing this.” he told me, “then I’m going with you. I want to learn how he was able to fend them off.” I said to him before seeing Draco standing from a distance before I walked up to him, “I’ll see you later alright.” I said to him and he nodded, “don’t be too long alright.” he said to me and I smiled a little, “alright, I’ll try.” I said to him before before I had gotten changed into something else before going with Harry to talk with Lupin as we told him everything that had happened during the Match before he spoke up as the three of us walked outside, “I’m sorry to hear about your broomstick, is there no chance at fixing it?” he said to Harry, “no. Professor, why do the Dementor’s affect Iris and I so? I mean, more than everyone else.” Harry asked him, “Listen, the Dementor’s are amongst the foulest creatures to walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory until a person is left with absolutely nothing but his worst experiences. You two are not weak, the Dementor’s  affect the both of you most of all because there are true horrors in your past, Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. Neither of you have anything to be ashamed of.” he said to us, “I’m scared professor.” Harry told him, “Well that’s a first considering what we went through the first two years of coming here. But to be honest, he’s not the only one.” I said to him, “I would consider both of you fools if you weren’t.” Lupin said to us, “we need to know how to fight them. You could teach us, you made those Demntor’s on the train go away.” Harry told him, “there were only two that night.” h said to us, “but you made them go away.” I said to him as I noticed Hedwig and Raven sitting there, “well, I don’t pretend to be an expert Harry and Iris but as the Dementor’s seem to have developed a particular interest in the both of you perhaps I should teach you but after the Holidays. For now, I need to rest.” Lupin said to us as Raven and Hedwig flew away and we continued to talk for a while. After talking with Lupin for a while, the three of us made it back to the Castle and I went back to the Common Room for the time being and sat with Draco, “how was your talk with Lupin?” he asked me, “fine, he agreed to help Harry and I with our Patronus’s after the Holidays.” I told him as I smiled a little, “I’m glad you’re doing something about it. By the way, are you staying here for the Holidays again?” he said to me and I nodded, “I think so, why?” I said to him, “just wondering, I don’t want you to be alone I guess.” he said to me, “I don’t think I’ll be alone. I’ll be here with Harry.” I told him, “I guess you have a point.” he said and the both of us continued talking before going to bed later that night after coming back from dinner.

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