Chapter Twenty: Prisoner of Azkaban

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Iris’s P.O.V
Summer was nearly over and Harry continued to stay up practicing his spells, “bloody hell mate if you keep that up, he’s going to catch you.” I said to him before we heard the toilet flush and both Harry and I pretended to be asleep while one of them checked on us before they finally closed the door before we sat up, “I’m not vouching for you, you know.” I said to him, “who cares, they can’t do much to us anyways.” he said to me as he continued before we heard them again and we quickly laid back down before the door opened before they left and both Harry and I just chuckled a little before we finally went to sleep that night. When the next day came around, both Harry and I were helping Aunt Petunia with a few things around the house as Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge was coming by for dinner tonight and when the doorbell began to ring, Aunt Petunia spoke up, “Harry. Harry, open the door.” she said to him before he opened the door before Marge and Uncle Vernon walked in along with Marge’s dog before I walked over to Harry before he spoke up, “Uncle Vernon, we need you to sign these forms.” Harry told him, “what is it?” He asked us, “nothing, school stuff.” I told him, “later perhaps if the two of you behave.” he said to us and I rolled my eyes a little, “we will if she does” Harry said to him before Marge noticed us, “you two are still here are you?” she asked us, “yes ma’am.” I said to her, “yes.” Harry said, “don’t say yes in that ungrateful way. The girl has better manners. It was good of my brother to keep the both of you.” she said before whispering to Uncle Vernon before coddling over Dudley, “take Marge’s suitcase upstairs.” Uncle Vernon said to us, “I’ll do it.” Harry said to me and I sighed a little before I continued to help Aunt Petunia until the cooking was done and they all sat down to eat and both Harry and I managed to eat something as well as the both of us just stood off to the side as we talked, “the bloody woman is a menace.” I said to him, “agreed.” he said before we finished eating and they had as well before we walked over to them and took their plates away from them, “could I tempt you Marge?” Uncle Vernon asked her, “just a small one. Excellent nosh Petunia.” Marge said before she snapped at Harry and I before I went over and took the plate from the dog before walking over to the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink, “it’s usually just a fry up for me with what, twelve dogs. A bit more, atta boy.” Marge said before she started giving the dog some before speaking to Harry and I, “what are you smirking at?” she asked us, “nothing.” I said to her, “where is it that you send the both of them off to Vernon?” she asked Uncle Vernon, “St. Bruticis, it’s a fine institution for hopeless cases.” he told her, “and do they use a cane at St. Bruticus?” she asked us, “definitely” I said to her, “oh yeah, we’ve been beaten loads of times.” Harry said to her “excellent. I won’t have this pampy pampy, wishy washy nonsense of not beating people who deserve it. But you mustn’t blame yourself for how these two turned out Vernone, it’s all to do with blood, bad blood will out. What is it the Twins father did, Petunia?” Marge said, “nothing, he didn’t work, he was unemployed.” Aunt Petunia said to her, “And a drunk, no doubt?” Marge questioned, causing me to look up and for Harry to speak up about it, “that’s a lie.” he said to her, “what did you say?” she asked him, “you heard him.” I said to her, “our dad wasn’t a drunk” he said to her before her glass broke, “don’t worry, don’t fuss Petunia, I have a very firm grip.” Marge said to her, “I think it’s time you two went to bed.” Uncle Vernone said to us, “gladly, I’d rather not hear the rubbish you lot are about to say next about them.” I said to him before I left and went to mine and Harry’s room.

After a while, Harry soon rushed into the room and kicked the end table, “what happened?” I asked him, “I got angry and lost control causing Marge to float out of the house.” he said and I chuckled a little, “bloody brilliant. She deserved it.” I said to him, “we should probably pack our things.” he said to me and the both of us had gotten changed and packed our trunks with what we needed before we made our way downstairs before Uncle Vernon came up to us, “you both brought her back. You bring her back now. You put her right.” he said to us, “like hell we will.” I said to him, “no, she deserved what she got.” Harry said to him before Uncle Vernon tried doing something before the both of us had our wands out, “keep away from me and Iris.” Harry said to him, “Neither of you are allowed to do Magic outside of school” Uncle Vernon said to us as he got out of our way as Harry and I managed to make it down the stairs, “yeah, try us.” Harry said to him, “they won’t let you back now. Neither of you have nowhere to go.” Uncle Vernone said to us, “who cares. At least we’d be out of this place.” I said to him, “I don’t care, anywhere’s better than here.” Harry said to him before the both of us walked out of the house and walked down the street until we sat on the curb in front of the park, “where do we go from here?” I asked Harry, “I don’t know. Maybe the Leaky Cauldron.” he said and I sighed a little before the both of us felt that something felt off as we looked around before noticing a dog across the street, “do you think it’s a stray?” I asked, “maybe, it does look like it though.” he said as the both of us stood up before it started barking at us as we quickly took out our wands before Harry tripped on something before a light appeared in front of us before we noticed that it was a triple decker bus as it stopped in front of us before a man spoke up, “welcome to the Night Bus, emergency transport for the stranded Witch or Wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening.” he said before he looked at Harry and myself, “what are you doing down there?” he asked Harry, “I fell over.” Harry told him before I helped him up, “what did you fall over for?” he asked Harry, “I didn’t do it on purpose.” Harry told him, “well come on then. Let’s not wait for the grass to grow.” he said to us before Harry and I looked around to the bus to see that the dog wasn’t there, “that was weird.” I said to Harry, “what are you two looking at?” Stan asked us, “nothing,” Harry told him, “we thought we saw something.” I said to him, “well come on then, in.” he said to us and before we could grab our trunks, he took them for us, “no, no, no, I’ll get this, you two get in.” Stan said to us before we got on the bus and sat down as Stan managed to bring our trunks on, “come on. Move on, move on, move on.” Stan said to us, “bloody hell alright.” I said to him before Harry and I sat down before Stan gave us a ticket, “thanks.” I said to him before he knocked on the window behind him, “take her away Ern.” Stan said before the head that hung in front of the windshield spoke up, “yeah, take it away Ern. it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” it said before he woke up before the bus started moving causing Harry and I to lose our balance, “what did you say your names were again?” Stan asked us, “we didn’t” Harry told him, “where about are you two headed?” he asked us, “the Leaky Cauldron.” Harry said to him, “that’s in London'' I mentioned, “did you hear that Ern? The Leaky Cauldron that’s in London.” Stan said to the man driving the bus, “what about the Muggles? Can’t they see us?” Harry asked them, “Muggles? They don’t see anything, do they?” Stan said to us, “Ernie, old lady at 12 o’clock.” the head said before we came to a sudden stop causing Harry to hit the window in front of us, “are you alright?” I asked Harry, “yeah, I’m alright.” he said and I sighed a little before the head counted down before we suddenly took off again, “who is that? That man.” Harry asked as I noticed him looking at the Daily Prophet, “yeah, who is he?” I asked wondering, “who is that? That is Sirius Black. Don’t tell me neither of you never heard of Sirius Black?” he asked us, “no, we haven’t” I said to him, “he’s a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.” Stan told us, “how did he escape?” Harry asked him, “well that’s the question isn’t it? He’s the first one that did it. He was a big supporter of You-Know-Who. I reckon you both have heard of him?” he said to us and Harry and I just looked at each other, “yeah, him we’ve heard of.” Harry said to him before we noticed two Double deckers in front of us, “Mind your heads.” The head said to us before the bus had gotten thinner to fit between the Double decker busses, “hey guys, why the long faces?” the head said as he made a joke, “I think I’m going to be sick” I said to Harry as I felt nauseous.

Not long after, we finally made it to the Leaky Cauldron as the bus came to another sudden stop causing Harry to hit the window again, “the Leaky Cauldron.” Stan said to us, “let’s never run out of the house again.” I said to Harry before someone walked onto the bus, “Mr. and Miss. Potter at last.” The man said before we got off the bus and walked into the Leaky Cauldron before the man let us walk up the stairs first before leading us to a room as he let us inside to see Hedwig and Raven already there, “Hedwig.” Harry said, “Raven” I said as we walked up to them, “smart birds you got there Mr. and Miss. Potter. They arrived here just five minutes before yourselves.” the man said before someone cleared their throat and we saw that it was the Minister, “as the Minister for Magic it is my duty to inform you Mr. and Miss. Potter that earlier this evening your Uncle’s sister was located a little south of Sheffield stuck on a chimney stack. The accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched immediately and she has been properly punctured  and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever, so that’s that and no harm done. Peasou?” the Minister said to us, “uh, no thank you. Um, Minister.” Harry said to him, “yes” The Minister said, “I don’t understand.” Harry told him, “Understand?” The Minister questioned, “I broke the law. Underage Wizards aren’t allowed to use Magic at home.” Harry told him, “Come now Harry, the Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their Aunts.” The Minister said before the man started laughing before he stopped as the Minister looked at him, “on the other hand, running away like that, given the state of things, was very, very irresponsible.” he said to us, “the state of things sir?” I questioned him, “we have a killer on the loose.” the Minister said, “Sirius Black you mean? But what’s he got to do with us?” Harry asked him, “nothing of curse. You’re both safe and that’s what matters and tomorrow the both of you will be on your way back to Hogwarts. Oh and these are your new school books, I took the liberty of having them brought here for the both of you.” the Minister said as he pointed out two sets of school books on the side table, “now Tom will show you to your room.” he finished as Harry and I stood up, “Hedwig.” Harry said, “Raven” I said after as both Owls flew to our arms before the Minister spoke up again, “oh and by the way Harry and Iris, whilst you’re both here, it would be best if neither of you didn’t wander.” he said to us before we left the room and Tom showed us to our room before we walked in and he set the books down before leaving, “at least we don’t have to go back until next summer.” I said to Harry, “at least we pretty much get a break from them once a year.” he said to me and I chuckled a little as the both of us continued talking before we had gotten changed for bed and eventually went to sleep for the night after talking some more.

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