Chapter Sixteen

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Iris’s P.O.V
It was another day of Quidditch and as everyone was in the stand waiting for the Match to begin, we were soon told that we had to leave and the match had been canceled and just before I could head back to the Castle with the other’s, Professor McGonahall walked up to me and stopped me, “I think you should come with me Miss. Potter. There is something that you and your brother have to see.” she said to me before I followed her before we found Harry leaving with the Gryffindor team, “Professor McGonagall” Oliver said to her, “this Match has been canceled.” she told them, “you can’t cancel Quidditch.” Oliver said to her, “she can and she did so suck it up Wood.” I said to him with a smirk on my face, “that’s enough Miss. Potter and Silence Wood.  you and your teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower now.” Professor McGonagall said before Oliver left with the others, “Potter. You, Iris and I will find Mr. Weasley, there’s something the three of you have to see.” she said to Harry before we left and we eventually found Ron as she told him to come with us before we eventually ended up at the Hospital Wing, “I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock” she told us before we eventually saw that Hermione had been petrified, “Hermione.” Ron managed to say, “she was found near the Library along with this. Does it mean anything to either of you?” She said to us as she held up a mirror and we all shook our heads before we stayed with her for a few moments before Professor McGonagall spoke up again, “now the three of you should head back to your Common Rooms. Professor Snape will be there to speak with the Slytherins about something alright Miss. Potter.” she said to us and we nodded, “I’ll see you later alright.” I said to them and before I could walk away, Harry grabbed my arm, “meet us outside your Common Room. I’ll explain later alright.” he said to me before I nodded before we went to our Common Rooms and just after I made it to the Slytherin Common Room and sat down with Draco, Professor Snape soon walked in before he spoke up, “can I get everyone’s attention please.” he said and everyone stopped what they were doing before he spoke up again, “because of the recent events, there will be new rules being put into effect. All students will return to their House Common Rooms by 6 o’clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. I should tell you all unless the person responsible for these actions is caught, it is most likely the school will be closed until it is over.” was all he said before walking out of the room and everyone just whispered to each other and I just sat there thinking about Hermione hoping that she will be alright before I heard Draco speak up, “what are you thinking about?” he asked me, “if I told you, you’d laugh about it.” I told him, “What makes you think that?” he asked me, “you and I both know that you hate Hermione. So if I told you what happened to her, you’d say she deserved it.” I said to him, “I see your point. I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself if that makes you feel better.” he said to me and I looked at him as I thought about it before speaking up, “Hermione’s been attacked by whatever’s been roaming around the school.” I told him and he didn’t say anything for a few moments before I spoke up again, “wow, I’m surprised you kept your word.” I said to him and he smiled a little, “I would for you.” he said to me and I blushed a little before the both of us continued to hang out and talk about what’s been going on for a while.

Later that night, I managed to sneak out of the Common Room without making a sound and I kept low for the time being and waited for Harry to come by before I heard someone speak up, “Iris.” I heard someone call my name before Harry revealed himself along with Ron before I went over to them before getting under the cloak, “took you guys long enough. I thought you guys ditched on me.” I said to them, “sorry about that.” Harry said to me before we eventually made it outside and made our way to Hagrids and we managed to get there without getting caught. Once we walked up to the door and knocked, Hagrid opened the door with a crossbow in his hands, “hello. Hello.” Hagrid said before we revealed ourselves, “what’s that for?” Harry asked him, “don’t blame him for getting defensive.” I said to Harry, “oh nothing, I was expecting. It doesn’t matter, come on in, I just made a pot of tea.” Hagrid said to us before we walked inside, “Hagrid, are you ok?” Harry asked him, “yeah, other than the whole defensive crossbow thing, you seem rather off.” I said to him, “I’m fine. I’m alright.” Hagrid said to us, “did you hear about Hermione?” Harry asked him, “oh yeah, I heard about that alright.” he said, “look, we have to ask you something. Do you know who’s opened the Chamber of Secrets?” Harry asked him, “what you have to understand about that is-” Hagrid began to say before we heard someone knocking on the door, “quick, under the cloak. Don’t say a word.” Hagrid said to us and we quickly got under the cloak before Hagrid opened the door, “Professor Dumbledore sir.” Hagrid said to him, “Good evening Hagrid, I wonder. Could we?” Dumbledore said before Hagrid let him inside along with another man, “that’s dad’s boss. Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.” Ron told us, “bad business Hagrid, very bad business. Had to come, three attacks on Muggleborns. Things have gone far enough, the Ministry's got to act.” the Minister said to him, “But I never. You know I’d never, Professor.” Hagrid said to them, “I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence.” Dumbledore said to him, “Albus look, Hagrid’s record is against him, I’ve got to take him.” the Minister said to Dumbeldore, “take me? Take me where? Not Azkaban Prison.” Hagrid said to them, “I’m afraid we have no choice Hagrid” the Minister said before Draco’s father revealed himself, “already here Fudge? Good.” he said as he walked inside, “what are you doing here? Get out of my house.” Hagrud said to Lucius, “believe me, I take absolutely no pleasure being inside your- you call this a house?” Lucius said as we had to move out of the way, “no, I simply called up the school and was told the Headmaster was here.” h continued, “and what exactly is it that you want with me?” Dumbledore asked him, “the other Governors and I have decided it’s time for you to step aside. This is an Order of Suspension.” Lucius said as he held out something, “you’ll find all 12 signatures on it.” Lucius mentioned before Dumbledore took it from him, “I’m afraid we feel you’ve rather lost your touch. With all these attacks, there will be no Muggleborns left at Hogwarts. I can only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school.” Lucius said before Hagrid spoke up, “you can’t take Professor Dumbledore away. Tak him away and the Muggleborns won’t stand a chance. You mark my words, there will be killings next.” he said to them, “you think so?” Lucius questioned, “calm yourself Hagrid. If the Governor's desire my removal I will, of course, step aside. However,  you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts To those who ask for it.” Dumbledore said before he looked in our direction, “admirable sentiment. Shall we.” Lucius said before he walked away and opened the door as he waited for Dumbldore before he left with Lucius, “come Hagrid. Well.” the Minister said to him, “if um, if anybody was looking for some stuff, then all they have to do is follow the spiders. Yup, that will lead them right. That’s all I have to say. Oh and someone will need to feed Fang” Hagrid said before walking out of the house and the Minister soon did the same.

After they left and the coast was clear, we managed to take the cloak off of us, “Hagrid’s right, with Dumbldore gone there will be an attack in days.” Ron said to us before Harry noticed something, “look” he said as we soon noticed the spiders, “do you think these are what Hagrid was talking about?” I asked, wondering, “it has to be. Come on.” Harry said before he grabbed a light, “come on Fang.” Harry said before we walked outside to see the spiders coming from the window, “come on.” Harry said to us, “what?” Ron questoned nervously, “you heard what Hagrid said. follow the spiders.” Harry said to us, “they’re heading to the Dark Forest.” Ron said, “there’s a possibility that we might die if you think about it.” I said to Harry, “why Spiders? Why couldn’t it follow the Butterflies.” Ron said and I sighed a little, “there’s nothing we can do about it now. So be glad you’re not going in there alone.” I said to him as we followed the spiders. After a while of walking through the forest, “Harry, Iris I don’t like this. Harry, Iris I don’t like this at all.” Ron said to us before Harry shushed him, “can we go back now?” Ron asked, “I’m starting to agree with Ron, Harry.” I said to him, “come on.” was all Harry said before he continued and Ron and I just looked at each other, “whatever we say isn’t going to work now.” I said to him before I followed Harry as we continued to follow the spiders as we made our way through a tunnel before walking out the other end to see that it was covered in cobwebs before we heard someone speak up, “who is it?” it asked us, “don’t panic.” Harry whispered to us, “say that to Ron not me.” I whispered back to him, “Hagrid, is that you?” the voice asked us, “we’re friends of Hagrid’s.” Harry told it before a large spider came out of the whole the smaller spiders were crawling into, “and you, you’re Aragog aren’t you?” Harry asked, “Yes, Hagrid has never sent men into our Hallow before.” He said to us, “I can't imagine why.” I said to him, “he’s in trouble. Up at the school there have been attacks. They think it’s Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets, like before.” Harry told the Spider, “that’s a lie, Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets” Aragog told us, “then you’re not the Monster?” Harry asked him, “no, the Monster was born in the Castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the Pocket of a traveler.” Aragog said to us, “but if you’re not the Monster then what did kill that girl 50 years ago?” Harry asked, “we do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others.” Aragog said, “but have you seen it?” Harry asked, “I never saw any part of the Castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom when I was accused, Hagrid brought me here.” Aragog told us before Ron had gotten our attention before having us look up only to see spiders hanging from above us, “well, thank you. We’ll just go.” Harry said to them, “agreed. It was nice meeting you Aragog.” I said to him, “go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not Harm Hagrid on my command but I cannot deny fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our mists. Goodbye friend of Hagrid’s” Aragog said to us, “can we panic now?” Ron asked us, “I think we can Panic now.” I said to him as we got our wands out, “know any spells?” Ron asked us, “I’m thinking.” I said to him, “one, but it’s not powerful enough for all of them.” Harry said to us, “where’s Hermione when you need her.” Ron said to us before we noticed a light and saw the enchanted Car Ron’s father had come through before it opened its doors, “shall we.” I said to them before we managed to get into the car along with Fang and soon enough, the car started moving and we managed to make it out of the Hallow the spiders were living in, “glad we’re out of there” Ron said to us just before one of the spider’s attacked Ron, “Eronia Eximay.” Harry said before a flash of light cm from his wand caused the spider to fly off of him, “thanks for that.” Ron said to him, “don’t mention it.” Harry said, “um guys, I think we have a problem.” I said to them as I noticed the spiders, “get us out of her. Now.” Harry said to Ron before Ron began driving the car in reverse and after he managed to drive forward, I noticed the Spiders were getting closer, “can this car go any faster? They’re getting closer.” I said to them, “get us in the air.” Harry said to Ron, “the flying gear’s Jamed” Ron said before the both of them tried getting it to work before we managed to get into the air.

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