Chapter Forty Nine

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Draco’s P.O.V
By the time mother and I made it home, I continued to think about what Iris had told me before I decided to speak up to mother about it, “Mother, I want to talk to you about something.” I said to her, “what is it dear?” she asked me, “It's about father.” I told her and she sighed, “your father will be having a trial for something that had happened at the Ministry.” she said to me, “so Iris was right. He was there the night the Minister found out that her and her brother were telling the truth about the Dark Lord.” I said to her, “what did she tell you exactly?” she asked me, “that’s none of your concern.” I said to her, “it is my concern because your father might be sent to Azkaban for what happened.” she told me, “then so be it. Whatever he did was his own fault for sending him there.” I said to her before I walked away and went straight to my room. By the time I got there, the first thing I did was throw a glass at the wall and not long after, Mother rushed into the room, “what happened? Are you alright?” she asked me, “what does it look like? Of course I’m not alright.” I said to her in anger, “it’s about the girl isn’t it? Your father told you to stay away from her and you should have listened.” she said to me, “why do you care? She might die sooner or later anyways and that’s more than I can bear.” I said to her as my voice raised a little, “don’t you dare raise your voice at me.” she said to me, “get out.” I said to her, “I beg your pardon.” she said to me, “I SAID GET OUT.” I shouted at her and she just stood there before she eventually walked out of the room and as soon as she did, I slowly began to cry as I sat in the middle of th room as I was scared of what might happen next, I was scared for Iris knowing she may or may not live through this if there ends up being a fight at the end of all of this. As time went on, Father's trial had been dealt with and he had been sent to Azkaban for what had happened and people were finding out and I’ve noticed that me and Mother were on the Front Page of the Daily Prophet and my worry began to grow and I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Mother walk into my room, “darling, I need you to come with me.” was all she said before she left and I soon followed her and as soon as we made it into the main room of the house, my fear rose when I saw Voldemort standing there before he turned to look at me, “ah, there you are Draco. It’s so good to finally meet you.” he said to me, “what’s this about?” I asked, wondering, “you’re dear mother and I think that you are ready to get your mark.” he said to me and I looked at Mother before he suddenly grabbed my arm and I decided not to try and do anything as I knew he would do something and the Dark Mark appeared on my arm.

After what had happened, I had gone straight to my room after what Voldemort told me what he wanted me to do and I just sat there thinking about it all knowing I couldn’t tell Iris about this and I knew she would hate me for this and I spent some time alone in my room as I began to Cry to myself before I heard someone walked in befor hearing that it was mother as she hugged me, “it’s going to be alright dear. None of us had a choice.” she said to me, “why did he have to do this? I don’t want to do this, Mother.” I said to her. After a while, I finally calmed down and I took a moment to myself before Mother spoke up, “are you going to be alright?” She asked me and I ignored her, “I’ll come by to see that you’re alright later than.” she said to be before she walked out of the room, leaving me there alone before I got up and walked over to the window before I decided to write to Iris and once I finished writing it, I started giving it a second thought before I crumpled it and threw it away before I sat on the bed and just thought to myself about what is going to happen now I forced to become a Death Eater before my mind went to Iris as the mere thought of her calmed me down before I started thinking about what it would be like if we had a future together and the both of us were married and had kids together before I eventually ended up falling asleep later that night with the thought still in my head and it remained that way for a while and it was the only thing that made me feel any sort of happiness for what I was going through here.

Iris's P.O.V
By the time Harry and I made it home for the summer, I had gone straight to mine and Harry’s room to unpack my things and put things away and Harry had done the same before he decided to speak up, “so, I’ve noticed you and Malfoy have gotten rather close. Is there anything I should know about?” He said to me and I sighed a little knowing he would get upset if I told him that I was in a relationship with Draco, “if I told you the reasoning behind that, you would get mad about it.” I told him, “alright, fine then. Have it your way.” he said to me and I chuckled a little before we heard Uncle Vernon call our names, “let the fun begin.” I said to him before the both of us went downstairs to see what he wanted before he had us help Aunt Petunia with dinner that night. After dinner was over and we managed to get everything cleaned up and out away, both Harry and I made it back to our room for the rest of the night and I spent most of it worrying about him as it kept me up most of the night and I was brought out my thoughts when I heard Harry say my name, “Iris, what’s wrong? You seem off.” he said to me and I sighed a little, “everything actually. It’s just still hard to process to be honest.” I told him, “I don’t blame you, especially with Sirius. It all happened so fast.” he said to me and I sighed, “I just want to forget everything and wish none of it ever happened.” I said to him, “me too but I doubt that’s going to happen anytime soon.” he said to me, “I figured as much.” I said to him before we continued talking for a while before the both of us had gotten tired and the both of us had gone to bed for the night but I couldn’t fall asleep that night as my mind kept going to Draco as I began to have a worried feeling towards him before I managed to relax a little before finally falling asleep that night.

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