Chapter Ten: Chamber of Secrets

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Iris’s P.O.V
Summer was nearly over and both Harry and I spent it like always and the both of us were in our room as both Raven and Hedwig were bugging to get out of their cages, “we can’t let you guys out. We’re not allowed to use Magic outside of school, besides if Uncle Vernon-” Harry said before we heard him yelling our names, “now you’ve done it.” Harry said to Hedwig before the both of us left the room and made it downstairs, “he’s in there. Vernon.” Aunt Petunia said before we walked into the Living room, “I’m warning you, if neither of you can control those bloody birds, they’ll have to go.” Uncle Vernon said to us, “but they’re bored, if we can only let them out for an hour or two.” Harry said to him, “so you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends, no sir.” Uncle Vernon said to us and I rolled my eyes a little, “but we haven’t had any messages from any of our friends, not one.” Harry told him, “who’d want to be friends with you two?” Dudley questioned, “piss off.” I said to him before he nudged past us, “I should think the both of you would be a little more grateful, we’ve raised you since the both of you were babies, we’ve given you the food off our table and even let you share Dudley’s second bedroom purely out of the goodness of our hearts.” Uncle Vernon said to us, “didn’t know you guys had any.” I said to him before hearing Aunt Petunia speak up, “not now bobkins, for when the Mason’s arrive.” she said to Dudley, “which should be any minute. Now, let’s go over our schedule once again shall we. Petunia, when the Mason’s arrive you will be-” he began to say, “in the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously into our home.” she said to him, “good, Dudley.” Uncle Vernon said, “I’ll be waiting to open the door.” he said before they all looked at Harry and I, “and you?” He said to us, “we’ll be in our Bedroom making no noise and pretending that we don’t exist.” Harry told them, “to write you will. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career and the two of you will not mess it up.” Uncle Vernon said to us before we went back upstairs and as soon as we walked into the room, we noticed something jumping on our bed before it noticed us, “Harry and Iris Potter, such an honor it is.” it said to us before we closed the door, “who are you?” Harry asked, “More like what are you.” I said to him, “Dobby sir, Dobby the House Elf.” He said to us, “Not to be rude or anything, but this isn’t a great time for us to have a House Elf in our bedroom.” Harry said to Dobby, “I’d say he’s rather adorable.” I said to Harry, “oh, yes sir Dobby understands, it’s just that Dobby has come to tell you, it is difficult sir, Dobby wonders where to begin.” he tried saying to us, “why don’t you sit down.” Harry said to Dobby, “s-sit down?” Dobby questioned before he started crying as Harry and I tried getting him to be quiet, “I’m sorry,  didn’t mean to offend you or anything.” Harry said to him, “Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your and your sisters greatness Sir but never has he been asked to sit down by a Wizard. Like an equal.” Dobby told us, “You don’t get treated very well do you?” I asked him and he shook his head, “she’s right, you couldn’t have met many decent Wizards then.” Harry said to Dobby, “no, I haven’t. It was an awful thing to say” Dobby said as he started banging his head against the dresser and I managed to put my hand in the middle as he continued to hit his head, “Dobby stop it, or we’re going to get in trouble.” I said to him as I began to wince a little. 

After a few moments longer, Dobby finally stopped and I sighed in relief, “are you alright?” Harry asked, “Dobby had to punish himself sir.” Dobby said, “I think you punished my hand more than anything.”  I said to him, “I’m sorry Ma’am but Dobby almost spoke ill of his family.” Dobby said as we sat down, “your family?” Harry questioned “the Wizard Family Dobby serves sir. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they ever knew Dobby was here, but Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry and Iris Potter to warn them. Harry and Iris Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.” Dobby told us, “not bloody likely. I’m not staying here.” I said to Dobby, “there is a plot, a plot to make the most terrible things happen.” Dobby said, “what terrible things? Who’s plotting them?” Harry asked him before Dobby started freaking out again, “ok, I understand, you can’t say.” Harry said before Dobby got on the desk and started hitting himself with the lamp and we tried getting the lamp from Dobby before we heard something and we managed to put him in the closet just before Uncle Vernon walked into the room as I leaned against the closet door, “what in the Devil are you two doing up here?” he asked us and Harry was about to say something before Uncle Vernon spoke up, “you just ruined the punchline of my Japanese golfer joke.” Uncle Vernon said to us, “sorry.” Both Harry and I said to him, “one more sound and you both will wish you’d never been born and fix that bloody door.” He said to us, “yes sir.” Harry said to him before he left the room before we left Dobby out of the closet, “see why we’ve got to go back? We don’t belong here, we belong in your world at Hogwarts, it’s the only place we’ve got friends.” Harry told him, “friends who don’t even write to Harry and Iris Potter.” Dobby mentioned, “well, we expect they’ve been-” Harry started saying, “hang on, how do you know our friends haven’t been writing to us?” I asked Dobby as he began to realize what he said, “Dobby, what aren’t you telling us.” I said to him, “Harry and Iris Potter mustn’t be angry with Dobby. Dobby hoped if Harry and Iris Potter thought his friends would have forgotten them, Harry and Iris Potter might not want to go back to school.” Dobby said to us, “Give us those now.” Harry said to him, “no.” Dobby said as Dobby tried getting away from Harry until we ended up downstairs before we noticed Dobby looking at the Dessert Aunt Petunia made earlier, “don’t even think about it.” I whispered to Dobby, “Dobby, get back here” Harry said to him, “please.” I said to him but he didn’t listen and went along with it and made the cake levitate, “Dobby, please, no.” Harry said to him, “Harry and Iris Potter must say they’re not going back to school” Dobby said to us, “we can’t, Hogwarts is our home.” Harry said to him, “then Dobby must do it sir for Harry and Iris Potter’s own good.” Dobby said before he had it move towards the others in the living room and I went over to it and tried to grab it but it was too later when it fell on Mrs. Mason’s head before I stopped myself, “I’m so sorry. It’s my Niece she’s very disterbed, meeting strangers upsets him, that’s why I kept her upstairs with her brother” Uncle Vernone said as I looked back at Dobby before seeing him disappear before I rushed back upstairs and once I got into my room, I slammed the door and sat on my bed before Harry walked into the room, “are you alright?” He asked me, “I wish mum and dad didn’t have to die.” I said to him, “you’re not the only one.” he said to me before Uncle Vernone rushed into the room, “you two have done it now. Both of you are staying here.” he said to us, “I’d rather be dead than to be stuck here with you miserable lot.” I said to him, “speak back to me like that again girl and I’ll show you what being Miserable is like.” He said to me, “why are you always like this to us? All three of you? Aunt Petunia only does it because she’s getting her anger towards mum out on us.” I said to him before I saw Aunt Petunia standing there, “you really think that about me?” she asked me, “what else would it be? You hate us just as much as you hated mum and dad, maybe even more.” I said to her before she walked away along with Uncle Vernon as they closed the door and Harry and I spent the rest of the night in our room.

When another day came around, Uncle Vernon had decided to put bars on our windows before he looked at the both of us, “the both of you are never going back to that school for sure now. You’re never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. NEVER.” We heard Uncle Vernon say to us before he climbed down the ladder and later that night, when Harry and I were sleeping, the both of us were woken up by something from outside, “do you hear that?” I asked him as he put his glasses on, “yeah, I hear it.” he said to me before the both of us looked outside before noticing two lights in the sky as it came in our direction, “are those car lights?” I asked him, “I think so.” he said to me before seeing that it was a flying car coming towards us before it stopped at our window before seeing that it was Ron, Fred and George, “hi Harry. Iris.” Ron said to us, “Ron. Fred, George, what are you all doing here?” Harry asked them, “rescuing the both of you of course. Now come on, get your trunks.” Ron said to us before Harry and I got our trunks ready and got changed and once we were done and ready to go, Ron managed to hook a rope to the bars, “you both better stand back.” Ron said to us and we had done so and got out of the way before they managed to pull the bars off along with most of the window before Harry and I managed to put our trunks in the back before we took our owls and just as we were about to climb through the window, Uncle Vernon managed to open the door before Harry and I tried getting into the car before Uncle Vernon grabbed us by the ankles while Ron and his brothers helped us, “let go of us.” Harry said to him, “you and those bloody pigeons aren’t going anywhere” Uncle Vernon said to us, “get off.” I said to him before one of them managed to drive away causing Uncle Vernon to fall out of the window, “by the way Harry and Iris, Happy birthday.” Ron said to us, “thanks Ron. by the way, who’s car is this?” I said to him, “it’s dads.” Fred said to me and as we made it out of town, I just looked outside and smiled a little to see that we managed to get out of the house, “what’s on your mind Iris?” Harry asked me, “just glad we got out of there.” I said to him, “glad we managed to help you guys do so.” Ron said to me and I smiled at him, “I really appreciate it Ron, thanks.” I said to him, “no problem.” he said, “where are we going anyways?” Harry asked them, “back to our place. If that’s alright.” Ron told him, “that’s fine.” Harry said to him as Ron’s brother continued driving.

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