Chapter Twenty One

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Iris’s P.O.V
When the next day came around, both Harry and I had gotten up and got ready for the day before Harry walked over to the window before we heard noises coming from our books and noticed the biggest ones moving around before Harry picked up his book before it started going crazy before Harry dropped it on the floor before Harry and I had gotten on the bed before the book went under the bed, “bloody hell, what kind of book is that?” I questioned as I freaked out a little before Harry checked under the bed before he quickly got back up before the book appeared again from under the bed before watching it look around for Harry before Harry started taking off his shoe, “what are you doing?” I asked him, “you’ll see.” he said before dangling his shoe over the edge of the bed before dropping it causing the book to come out before Harry jumped on it, “that thing is a bloody menace.” I said before Harry managed to put the strap back on it before we eventually walked out of the room before seeing Scabbers run by as Crookshanks chased after it before we made out way to the dining room where everyone else was before hearing Ron and Hermione arguing about their pets as Harry and I ended up standing there as we watched before Ron was the first to noticed us, “Harry. Iris.” he said, causing Hermione to turn around, “Harry. Iris” she said before we walked up to them before Ron told us about Egypt as he showed us a clipping, “Egypt. What’s it like?” Harry asked him, “Brilliant, loads of old stuff like Mummy’s, Tombs, even Scabbers enjoyed himself.” Ron told us, “you know the Egyptians used to worship cats.” Hermione mentioned to Ron, “yeah, along with the Dung Beatles.” Ron mentioned to her, “not flashing that clip again are you Ron?” one of the twins asked him, “I haven’t shown anyone.” Ron told them as one of them took the clipping from him, “no not a soul not unless you count Tom” the other said to him before they started listing people who Ron has shown it to before Harry and I noticed Mrs. Weasley as the both of us stood up, “Mrs. Weasley.” Harry said as she hugged the both of us, “good to see the both of you, dears. Now you both have everything you need?” she said to us and we both nodded, “yup.” We both said to him, “all of your books?” she asked, “yeah, it’s all upstairs.” he told her, “all of your clothes?” she asked us, “everything is there” I told her before Mr. Weasley spoke up, “Harry and Iris Potter” he said to us, “Mr. Weasley.” the both of us said as we shook his hand, “would you both mind if I had word?” he asked us, “yeah sure” Harry said to him before we walked away from the others before he spoke up again, “looking forward to a new term?” he asked us, “yeah, it should be great.” Harry told him, “although there may be a 50/50 chance it will be like the last two years before.” I said to them, “Harry, Iris, there are some within the Ministry who will strongly discourage me in divulging what I’m about to reveal to the both of you, but I think the both of you need to know the facts.  The both of you are in danger, grave danger.” Mr. Weasley told us, “Does this have anything to do with Sirius Black sir?” Harry asked him, “I have no doubt that it might.” I said to Harry, “what do the both of you know about Sirius Black?” he asked us, “only that he’s escaped from Azkaban.” Harry told him, “Some guy named Stan who works on the Night Bus told us what happened but he didn’t say much, just that he escaped and is a big supporter of You-Know-Who.” I said to him, “do you know why?” he asked us and Harry and I shook our heads, “1 years ago, when the both of you stopped-” Mr. Weasley began, before he stopped himself, “Voldemort.” Harry said, “don’t say his name. When the both of you stopped, You-Know-Who, Black lost everything. But to this day, like Iris said, he still remains a faithful servant and in his mind you two are the only things that stand in his way of You-Know-Who returning to power. And that is why he has escaped from Azkaban, to find the both of you.” Mr. Weasley said to us, “and kill us.” Harry said to him, “Harry, Iris I want the both of you to swear to me that whatever the both of you might hear, you won’t go looking for Black.” he said to us, “Mr. Weasley, why would either of us go looking for someone who wants to kill us?” Harry questioned, “from what everyone is saying about him, I’d rather stay away from him,” I said to them and eventually, we went back to the others.

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