Chapter Sixty Three

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Iris’s P.O.V
After making it through the Floo Network, I soon found myself in a wooded Area before I began to hear something before I got up and looked to see Hermione sitting next to Ron as he had been hurt, “Harry, Harry quickly in my bag there’s a bottle labeled Essence of Dittany.” she said to him before Harry noticed Ron’s Arm, “Hermione his arm.” we heard him say, “I know just do it” she said to him, before he opened the bottle and gave it to Hermione, “it’s going to sting a little bit.” Hermione said to Ron, “what happened. I thought we were going back to Grimmauld Place.” Harry said to us, “we were but something happened.” I said to him, “we were there but he accidentally had hold of me and I knew once he’d seen where we were we couldn’t stay so I brought us here and Ron got Splinched.” Hermione said as she managed to heal Ron’s arm as he calmed down, “Iris, can you help me.” Hermione said to me before the both of us stood us, “with what?” I asked her, “I want to put Charms up.” she said to me, “alright.” I said before I helped her put Protective Charms up, “what are you two doing?” Harry asked us, “Protective Enchantments. I don’t fancy another visit like the one we had at Shaftesbury Avenue. You can get going on the tent.” Hermione told him, “tent? Where am I supposed to find a tent?” Harry asked us, “Look in my bag, there should be one in there.” I told him before he had done so and once Hermione and I were done with the Enchantments, Harry managed to get the tent up before we brought Ron inside before we managed to wrap his arm for the time being before we let him get some rest and I sat there listening to the radio he had with him as someone started reading out names of the people who have gone missing since Voldemort had taken over  and when I felt someone touch my shoulder, I jumped a little before seeing that it was Harry, “sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” he said to me, “it’s fine, is everything alright?” I said to him, “yeah, Hermione managed to make something to eat.” he said to me before I got up and went to sit at the table before I started eating as my concentration stayed on the radio and I was glad that I didn’t hear Draco’s name. Later that night, Fawkes had flown into the tent before he parched himself on the bedpost before I spent most of my night thinking to myself about everything hoping that he was going to be alright and after a while, I finally managed to fall asleep for the night.

It was the next morning and the four of us agreed to try and destroy the Locket and we had gone outside to do so as I set the Locket on a fallen tree before standing with the other’s, “you first.” Hermione said to Harry before he shot a spell at it before we walked up to it to see that it wasn’t on the tree anymore as it ended up on the ground, “Insendio.” Hermione said as the spell surrounded the Locket in flames but it didn’t do anything to the Locket before Harry continued to send spells at the Locket but in the end, it didn’t do anything before he picked it up and put it around his neck, “what are you doing?” Hermione asked him, “we have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it.” Harry said, “It seems strange mate. Dumbledore sends you and Iris off to find all of these Horcruxes but doesn’t tell you how to destroy them. Doesn’t that bother you?” Ron said to him but he didn’t say anything before he walked away, “is he alright?” Ron asked me, “I don’t know. But I do think it is bothering him.” I said to him before we followed him before Ron and I went back into the tent and continued to listen to the radio while Harry and Hermione were still outside before I began to see something before seeing Voldemort kill the Wand Maker after he was asking about a wand before it went away as I found myself breathing heavily, “Iris, are you alright?” Ron asked me before I looked at him and nodded, “yeah, I think so.” I told him, “what was it?” he asked me, “I saw something. You-Know-Who was talking to a man named Gregoravich, the Wand Maker. You-Know-Who was asking him about a wand as if he was looking for it.” I told him, “do you know what wand it was?” he asked me, “it looked familiar but it came in glimpses so I didn’t really get a good look at it.” I told him before the radio kept going in and out as we continued to listen to it. Later that night, I wanted to get some air and I sat with Hermione in front of the fire before we heard something in the distance, causing the both of us to stand up and I had my wand out just in case and we eventually saw Snatchers walk past us before one of them stopped and spoke up, “what’s that?” he asked them before he walked and stood in front of Hermione and myself, “what’s that smell?” he asked, wondering as he smelt something before one of the Snatchers dropped the body he was carrying, “what are you doing?” the main Snatcher asked, “it was heavy” the other said to him, “oh sorry, do you want me to carry it?” The main Snatcher said as he was being sarcastic as they continued to talk as they walked away before Harry spoke up, “Snatchers. Good to know your Enchantments work” Harry said to us, “he could smell it, my perfume.” Hermione told him before we made our way back to the tent as Harry started asking about wanting to travel, “I told you, Ron isn’t strong enough to Apparate.” Hermione said, “Then we could walk until he is.” I mentioned to her, “and next time Hermione, as much as I like your perfume, just don’t wear any.” Harry said to her before the three of us made it back to the tent and agreed to start walking in the morning and before going to bed, I continued to listen to Ron’s radio before eventually getting some sleep.

It was another day and we began to travel on foot and I walked with Ron before I began to notice something was wrong, “is everything alright?” I asked him, “something is bothering me about Harry and Hermione” he said to me, “what’s that?” I asked him, “I don’t know but I don’t like it.” He said to me, “Well, whatever it is, I don't think it’s anything serious.” I told him before th four of us managed to take shelter in a barn before seeing Death Eaters fly past and after a while, we continued to travel before we eventually took camp under a bridge for a while and once we had gotten the tent set up and the Enchantments up, Harry had walked a off before we saw him throwing rocks, “he doesn't know what he’s doing does he?” Ron asked us, “to be honest, I don’t think so.” I said to him, “none of us do.” Hermione said to us and I sighed a little before I walked over to Harry to see how he was doing, “are you doing alright?” I asked him, “at this point, I don’t know. I just want to find the Horcruxes.” he said to me, “you’re not the only one. But it is going to take a lot more time.” I said to him, “I figured as much.” he said to me before he walked away and I soon followed suit before we ended back up at the tent as more time went on, we traveled again before we camped out somewhere else for the time being and after listening to the Radio for a bit, Ron and I overheard what Harry and Hermione were talking about when they mentioned the Sword before I noticed Ron grab something before I realized that it was the Deluminator before he managed to use it to turn the lights out before walking up to Harry and Hermione before putting the light back before I soon stood up noticing that he was upset about something, “the Sword was stolen. Yeah, we’re still here but you two carry on, don’t let us spoil the fun.” Ron said to them, “what’s wrong?” Harry asked him, “wrong? Nothing’s wrong. Not according to you anyway.” Ron said to him, “look if you got something to say, don’t be shy. Spit it out.” Harry said to him, “alright, I’ll spit it out but don’t expect me to be grateful just because now there’s another damn thing we’ve got you find” Ron said to them, “I thought you knew what you signed up for.” Harry said to him, “yeah, I thought I did too.” Ron said, “well, I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand. What part of this isn’t living up to your expectations? Did you think we were going to be staying in a five star hotel and finding a Horcrux every other day? You thought you’d be back with your mum by Christmas?” Harry questioned, “I just thought, after all this time we would have actually achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing. I thought Dumbedore would have told you something worthwhile. I thought you had a plan.” Ron said to him as he got angry, “I told you everything Dumbledore told me and Iris, and in case you haven’t noticed, we have found a Horcrux already.” Harry said, “and we’re about as close to getting rid of it then finding the rest of them aren’t we.” Ron said as Hermione tried getting him to take the Locket off, “please stop this. I don’t want you to end up doing something you’ll regret.” I said to Harry before hearing Ron speak up again, “do you know why Iris and I listen to that Radio every night? To make sure we don’t hear Ginny’s name or Fred, or George, or Mum, or Malfoy.” Ron said to him, “you don’t think I’m not listening?  You don’t think I don’t know how this feels?” Harry said as he raised his voice, “no you don’t know how it feels. Your parents are dead, you have no family.” Ron said to him before I froze in place after hearing what he just said before the both of them started fighting as it didn’t last long, “fine then go. Go then.” Harry said to him and I went to grab what I needed incase Ron went off as I didn’t want him going off alone before I came back to see him standing at the flaps of the tent, “and you? Are you coming or are you staying?” Ron asked Hermione as he made her choice, “fine, I get it. I saw you two the other night, Iris said it might be nothing but I think it’s something.” Ron said to them before Hermione spoke up about it, “that’s nothing” she said before she walked out and I was about to do the same before Harry grabbed my arm, “where are you going?” He asked me, “he’s not going anywhere on his own.” I said to him before he let go of my arm and I soon walked out of the tent and walked up to Ron and grabbed his arm just before he Apparated. 

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