Chapter Four

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Iris’s P.O.V

It was the next day and the first day of classes and after Breakfast was over, both Draco and I along with Crabbe and Goyal had managed to make it to our first class and as soon as we made it to Transfiguration and I sat with Draco before Professor McGonagall had eventually started the class before having us do some work and after some time had passed, we noticed Harry and Ron rush into the room before Ron spoke up, “could you imagine the look on McGonagall’s face if we were late.” I heard Ron say to Harry before the cat that was on the cat turned back into Professor McGonagall, “that was Bloody brilliant.” Ron said to her, “well, thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time.” Professor McGonagall told them, “we got lost.” Harry mentioned, “then perhaps a map. I trust you don’t need one to find your seats.” Professor McGonagall said to them before walking away and the both of them sat down in front of Draco and me before we went on with the class before it was over and we had gone to Potions and once Draco and I sat down with Crabbe and Goyal, the four of us talked before Professor Snape walked into the room before he started speaking, “there will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is Potion making, however, for those select few who possess  the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle thame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention. Mr. Potter, our new celebrity along with your sister. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?” Professor Snape said and gave Harry a minute to answer before speaking up again, “don’t know? Well let's try again, where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find a Bezoar?” Snap asked him, “I don’t know sir.” Harry told him, “and what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?” Snape asked him, “I don’t know sir” Harry told him again, “pitty. Clearly fame isn’t everything, is it Mr. Potter? Maybe I should see if your sister knows the answers to these questions.” Snape said to him before walking over to me, “the same questions apply to you Miss. Potter.” he said to me and I thought about it before speaking up, “a sleeping potion so powerful it’s considered as the Draught of Living Death. The Potions Classroom Store Cupboard or the Hospital Wing. Monkshood is associated with Chivalry while Wolfsbane can mean misanthropy or a dislike of others.” I said to him, “Correct Miss. Potter.” Snape said before he continued with the class.

Once the first few classes were over for the day and most of us were in the Great Hall and both Draco and I were doing our work together before something happened before seeing that a boy from the Gryffndor table managed to blow something up before we noticed the mail fly in with the Owls and I knew Harry and I wouldn’t be getting anything from anyone as I let out a sigh as I continued with my work, “what’s wrong?” I heard Draco ask me, “nothing, I was just expecting to get nothing actually. Harry and I aren’t really living with the best of people to be honest.” I told him as he opened a letter, “I’m sorry to hear that.” he said to me before he started reading it before folding the letter back up, “who’s the letter from?” I asked him, “from my parents. They wanted to say they’re proud that I was put in Slytherin.” he said to me, “is it like a tradition or something with your family?” I asked him and he nodded, “yeah, it is I suppose. Everyone in my family have been sorted into Slytherin when they came here.” he told me before we continued doing some of our work before we left the Great Hall and went to our nxt class of the day and made it outside for Flying Class and next to Draco before Madam Hooch spoke up, “good afternoon everyone.” She said to us, “Good afternoon Madam Hooch everyone said to her, ''Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of your broomsticks.” she said to us and we did what she asked us to do before she continued, “stick your right hand over the broom and say up” she told us and myself along with everyone else did what she said and we all started saying up and as soon as I said up, the broom soon made it to my hand as I grabbed it and smiled a little to see the same thing happened with Draco before everyone else had managed to do the same thing before Madam Hooch continued, “now, once you’ve got ahold of your broom, I want your to mount it and grip it tight. You don’t want to be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle, Three, Two, One” she said and before anyone else could do anything, Neville had gone a little higher than he was supposed to and managed to los control of his broom and ended up hanging from one of the statues before falling to the ground and ended up getting hurt before Madam Hooch went to make sure he was alright, “everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the Hospital Wing, Understand. If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they could say Quidditch.” she said as she walked away with Neville and I felt bad for Neville before hearing Draco speak up, “did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump would have given this a squeeze, he’d remember to fall on his fat arse” Draco said to his other friends, “give it here Malfoy.” Harry said to him, “no. I think I’ll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find.” Draco said before he got on his broom and flew into the air, “what’s the matter Potter, but beyond your reach?” Draco said to Harry, “Harry, no way. You heard what Madam Hooch said besides, you don’t even know how to fly.” Hermione said to Harry before he flew away, “what an idiot.” she said, “couldn’t agree with you more.” I said to her as I let out a sigh before Draco threw it causing Harry to go after the Remembrall before he managed to catch it before making it back to the ground and everyone else cheered for him as I stayed with Draco and the others before I began to think to myself that he might make friends easier than I would before hearing Professor McGonagall speak up, “Harry Potter, follow me.” she said before Harry went along with her, “what’s wrong?” I heard Draco ask me, “I don’t know. I mean, the both of us have something in common but I feel like he would be easily liked more than me, I mean, Harry and I haven’t talked since we got here. it’s probably because I’m in Slytherin or something.” I told him, “don’t worry about it alright, you have me, Crabbe and Goyal.” Draco said and I smiled a little, “thanks.” I said to him before Madam Hooch came back and we continued with the class.

Later that day when classes were over for the day and I was in the Common Room doing my school work and just as I was finishing with it, Draco sat down with me, “how are you doing?” he asked me, “I’m fine, I just finished up with my school work. How about you?” I said to him as I put my things to the side, “fine.” he said and before he could say anything else, Marcus walked up to me, “I want to talk to you. How would you feel about joining the Quidditch Team?” he said to me, “I would be thrilled but what’s the catch?” I said to him, “well, we heard that your brother managed to get on the Gryffindor team and we were hoping you would do the same with us.” he said to me and I thought about it before giving him an answer, “alright. What positions are open?” I said to him, “There's a Chaser spot open if you want it.” he said to me and I nodded, “sounds good to me.” I said to him before he smirked before he walked away, “are you excited?” Draco asked me and I nodded, “yeah, very much so.” I said to him and the both of us talked for a while and had a few laughs together as well during dinner as well and when everyone had gone to bed for the night, I sat in the Common Room as I sat in front of the fireplace and just thought to myself before I heard footsteps before seeing Draco sit next to me, “couldn’t sleep?” I asked him, “not exactly, I noticed you hadn’t gone to your dorm earlier so I decided to come down to see if you were doing alright.” he said to me, “I’m fine, I was just thinking.” I told him, “about what?” he asked me and I shrugged a little, “about Quidditch. Just wondering what it’s going to be like when we play.” I said to him, “I’m sure you will be great.” he said to me and I smiled, “I hope so.” I told him before the both of us continued to talk for a while longer before the both of us had decided to finally get some sleep, “Goodnight Draco.” I said to him, “Goodnight Iris.” He said to me before I went to my Dorm and as soon as I got into bed, I fell asleep with a small smile on my face.

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