Chapter Fifty: Half Blood Prince

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Iris’s P.O.V
It was another day and both Harry and I were hanging out at a coffee shop at the Subway and Harry was ready the daily prophet before we heard someone speak up, “Harry and Iris Potter. Who’s Harry and Iris Potter?” she said to us, “no one. They're a bit of a tosser really.” Harry said to her, “oh yeah, very much so.” I said to them as I took a sip of the coffee that I had, “Funny that paper of yours, I could have sworn I saw that Picture move.” she said to us, “really?” Harry questioned before she walked away, “I think she likes you.” I told him before he turned around, “hey, I was wondering-” he said and before he could finish, she spoke up, “11:00. That’s when I get off. You can tell all about those tossers Harry and Iris Potter.” she told him before she continued with her shift before I noticed Harry check his breath, “bloody hell mate, you need to relax. I doubt it will be that bad.” I told him but just after he took a mint the both of us noticed something before we eventually saw Dumbledore standing on the other side of the tracks after the train went by, “what is he doing here?” I questioned, “who knows.” he said before the both of us went to see what he wanted until we made it to him, “the both of you have been reckless this summer, Harry and Iris.” he said to us, “I like running around trains. Takes my mind off of things.” Harry said to him, “how’s that working out for you?” I questioned before we noticed Dumbledore’s hand, “what’s wrong with your hand?” I asked him, “unpleasant to behold isn’t it? The tail is thrilling if I say so myself. But now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm.” he said to us before Harry looked behind us to see the girl was leaving, “do as I say” Dumbledore said before we grabbed onto his arm before something happened before we appeared somewhere else, “what just happened?” I asked as I felt like throwing up, “we just Apparated didn’t we?” Harry asked him, “indeed. Quite successfully too might I add. Most people vomit the first time.” Dumbledore said to us, “can’t imagine why.” Harry told him before Dumbledore started walking away before we followed him before he finally spoke up again, “welcome to the charming village of Budly Babiton. Harry, Iris, I assume right about now the both of you must be wondering why I brought the both of you here, am I right.” he said to us, “spot on I’d say.” I said to him, “actually sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.” Harry said to him, “no wonder we always get in trouble a lot.” I said to him, “wands out you two.” Dumbledore said to us before we did what he said and took out our wands before we walked inside to see that the entire house was destroyed and out of place, “Horace. Horace.” Dumbledore said as we walked through the house before Harry noticed something before we looked up to see blood on the ceiling before Dumbldore topped us from touching it before he had done so before we heard something before Dumbledore walked over to an armchair and just as his wand touched it, someone appeared, “Merlin's beard.” they said before standing up, “there’s no need to disfigure me Albus.” the man said to Dumbledore before the man started going back to normal, “well, you make a very convincing armchair Horace.” Dumbledore said to him, “it’s all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?” Horace said, “Dragon’s blood.” Dumbledore mentioned, “oh.” Horace said, “oh yes, Introductions, Harry and Iris, I'd like the both of you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn. Horace, well you know these two are.” Dumbledore said to him, “Harry and Iris Potter.” Horace said before closing the door on the side, “so what’s with all the theatrics Horace, you weren’t by any chance waiting for someone else were you?” Dumbledore said to him, “someone else? I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.” Horace said to Dumbledore, “oh, alright, the Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year, do you know what that’s like? You can only say no to these people so many times. I never stay anywhere more than a week. The Muggles who own this place are in the Canary Islands.” Horace said, “Well I think we should put it back in order for them, don’t you?” Dumbledore said before he managed to get everything in the house back in order.

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