Chapter Fifty Two

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Iris’s P.O.V
Once we had finished, we all went back to where we were standing before we started making the Draught of Living Death and Harry was the only one that managed to make the Draught perfectly as he stood next to Professor Slughorn, “so here we are then as promised, on vial of Felix Felicis. Congratulations, using it well.” Professor Slughorn said as he gave Harry to Vial before everyone else started clapping before Professor Slughorn dismissed the class, “how are you feeling?” I asked Draco, “I’ll be fine. Although last night made everything feel better.” he said to me and I smiled and laughed a little, “I agree.” I said before kissing his cheek before I remembered the Dark Mark that he had on his arm, “I want you to promise me something.” I said to him, “what’s that?” he asked me, “promise me that you’ll talk to me if there’s something wrong. I don’t want you to be alone, especially with that on your arm.” I said to him before pulling me into an empty room, “I don’t want you getting involved. It’s bad enough that your brother might expect something and that he already wants you dead.” he said to me, “I don’t care what Harry thinks or says or what You-Know-Who wants. I only care about you and ever since I saw that on your arm I won’t stop worrying about you. I’m scared for you, So please promise me that you will come to me.” I said to him and he sighed before kissing my forehead, “fine, only to you I will talk to. You’re the only person I trust since I’ve gotten it. I don’t even trust my own family anymore.” he said to me, “do you want me to spend the night in your room again?” I asked him, “please. Last night was probably the best sleep I’ve gotten since everything happened at home.” he said to me, “I don’t blame you. I’m just curious, did they give you a choice or was it forced upon you?” I asked him, “It was forced. He threatened me to get the mark.” he said to me and I hugged him, “I’m sorry.” I said to him as I felt him hug me tighter, “we should get to class before we’re late.” I said to him before he let go of me, “let’s go.” he said as we held hands on our way to our next class of the day. Later that day, after classes were over, both Harry and I made our way to Dumbledore’s office after he had requested to see the both of us, “what do you think he wants us for?” Harry asked me, “I don’t know, it has to be important otherwise he wouldn’t have asked for us.” I told him before we eventually made it there before he knocked on the door before the both of us walked in, “ah Harry, Iris the both of you have gotten my message. Come in.” Dumbledore said before we walked up to him, “how are the both of you?” He asked us, “Fine sir.” the both of us told him, “are you both enjoying your classes?” he asked, “yeah, they’re good.” I told him, “I know professor Slughorn is most impressed with you Harry.” he said to Harry, “I think he overestimates my abilities sir.” Harry said, “maybe just a tad.” I said to them, “do you?” Dumbledore asked him, “definitely.” Harry said to him, “what about your activities outside the classroom?” Dumbledore asked us, “Sir?” the both of us questioned, “well I noticed you both spend a great deal of time with Miss. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, I can’t help but wonder if-'' he said to us, “oh, no she’s brilliant and we’re friends but no.” Harry said to him, “how about you Iris?” he asked me, “well, the both of us have been getting closer.” I told him not wanting to say anything else about my relationship with Draco knowing how Harry would react, “forgive me, I was only being curious. But enough chit chat, you both must be wondering why I’ve summoned the both of you here tonight. The answer lies here. What you are looking at are memories, in this case containing to one individual, Voldemort or as it was known then, Tom Riddle. This vial contains the most particular memory of the day I first met him, I’d like the both of you to see it, if you would.” he said to us before the both of us eventually did what Dumbledore wanted.

After looking at the memory of the day Dumbledore had met Voldemort when he was a child in an Orphanage before Harry had spoken up about it, “did you know sir, then?” Harry asked him, “did I know that I’d just met the most dangerous Dark Wizard of all time? No. if I had, I- over time, here at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle grew close to one particular teacher. Can either of you guess who that teacher might be?” he said to us, “you didn’t bring Professor Slughorn back for him to teach Potions did you sir?” Harry asked him, “no, I did not. You see, Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly. But he will not give it up easily.” Dumbledore told us, “you said Professor Slughorn would try to collect us.” Harry mentioned, “I did.” Dumbledore said, “Do you want us to let him?” I asked him, “yes.” he said before there was a moment of silence before Dumbledore let us leave the room and as soon as the both of us walked out and made our way through the halls, I had spoke up, “I presume you know this will take time if Dumbledore really wants this memory.” I told him, “I figured as much.” He said to me, “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I said to him, “alright, see you tomorrow.” he said before the both of us had went our separate ways before I eventually made it to the Common Room for the night and I noticed Draco wasn’t there before I checked his room before I saw him sitting on his bed, “how are you feeling?” I asked him as I closed the door behind me but he didn’t say anything before he stood up before he stood in front of me, “talk to me.” I said to him before he held my face in his hands, “I was going to head to the Room of Requirement.” He said to me, “do you want me to come with you or should I stay here?” I asked him, “stay here. I’ll be back later.” he said to me and I just nodded before he left the room and I sighed a little hoping that everything was alright before I decided to get changed and I stayed in his room for the time being and as I waited up for him, I eventually fell asleep. After some time had passed, I eventually felt someone get into bed next to me before I turned around to see that it was Draco, “sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” he said to me, “it’s alright, is everything alright though?” I said to him as he laid down and brought me closer to him, “yeah, everything is fine.” he said to me and I caressed his cheek a little, “are you sure?” I asked him as I wanted to be sure, “yeah, I’m sure.” he said to me before I kissed him, “I love you.” I said to him, “I love you too.” he said to me and I slowly ran my hand through his hair a little until I noticed that he had fallen asleep before I had done the same.

It was another day and after the Gryffindor had finished in the Quidditch Pitch for Quidditch Tryouts, any of the Slytherin’s who wanted to join the team made it out onto the field and once everyone was there, the team Captain had explained everything to us before he divided us and I had taken position as a Chaser and as soon as it started, we all played for the positions we really wanted until it was over and once we gathered around again, I was glad that I was able to make the team again this year and once the team was made up, we all went back to the Castle and I went straight to the Common Room as soon as we got there and I had gotten changed out of my Quidditch Uniform and before I could head to the shower, I bumped into Draco, “how was it?” he asked me, “it was good. I made the team again.” I told him and he smiled a little, “that's good.” he said to me, “how are you doing?” I asked him, “I’m fine, I’ll be alright.” he said to me, “you know I’m not going to stop asking you that. I’ve been worried about you a lot since I noticed that on your arm.” I told him, “I know and I’m sorry that I’m making you worry. But I don’t want you to know what I’ve been doing alright. It’s bad enough that you know about the mark.” he said to me and I sighed a little, “I know, I just want to make sure that you’re alright.” I told him, “I know. Now where are you headed off to anyways?” He said to me, “I was going to go and take a shower.” I told him, “I’ll be waiting here for you then.” he said to me and I kissed his cheek before I left the room and went to take a shower. By the time I was finished, I got dressed and made my way back to Draco’s dorm and as soon as I walked into the room, I saw him lying on the bed as he read before I laid down next to him after putting my clothes away, “what are you reading?” I asked him, “nothing special.” he said as he closed the book and kissed the top of my head and the both of us just talked before making our way to the Great Hall for dinner and once it was over and everyone had gone to sleep, both Draco and I had spent the rest of the evening together before we had gone to bed and once we did, the both of us just talked the entire time. After a while, the both of us had eventually fallen asleep that night before I suddenly woke up from a nightmare as I was breathing heavily before I jumped a little when I felt someone touch me, “are you alright love?” I heard Draco ask me and I sighed a little, “yeah, I’m fine. It was just a dream” I told him, “do you want to talk about it?” he asked me, “not really.” I said to him, “alright” he said before I laid back down and felt Draco wrap his arms around me and held me closer to him causing me to feel better before I fell back asleep.

My Slytherin PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora