Chapter Five

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Iris’s P.O.V
It was another day and Marcus had just helped me with figuring out what was what and how the game was played before we made our way back inside just as Breakfast had started and bumped into Draco before the both of us sat down and started eating, “so how was it with Marcus?” He asked me, “It was good, he told me what I needed to know about the game.” I said to him and smiled a little before we continued to talk before we made it to Charms class and the both of us sat down next to each other and once everyone had gotten to class, Professor Flitwick began teaching, “one of the Wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation or the ability to make objects fly. Do you all have your feathers? Now, don’t forget the nice wrist movement we’ve been practicing, the swish and flick. Everyone” Professor Flitwick said to us before we picked up our wands and copied what he did, “oh and enunciate, Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then.” he said to us and I tried and managed to get my feather to float along with Hermione and I smiled a little, “well done. See here everyone, Miss. Granger and Miss. Potter has done it. Splendid.” Professor Flitwick said before the Feather came back down before something exploded and looked to see that Seamus had managed to get his feather to explode, “I think we’re going to need another Feather over here Professor.” Harry mentioned to him, “to be honest, I wonder how he does it.” I said to Draco before Professor Flitwick continued on with the class until it was over and dismissed the class causing everyone to leave the room and once classes were done for the day, both Draco and I made it back to the Common Room for the time being and spent time together as the both of us did our homework together before we had gone to the Great Hall for dinner along with everyone else and by the time we had gotten there and sat down with our Houses as Dinner started and we were all eating and both Draco and I were talking the entire time before we heard Professor Quirell as he ran into the Great Hall, “TROLL IN THE DUNGEON. TROLL IN THE DUNGEON. Thought you ought to know.” he said before he passed out and fell to the ground before everyone started to panic before Dumbledore shouted to everyone, “SILENCE. Everyone will please do not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their Houses back to the Dormitories. Teacher’s will follow me to the Dungeons'' Dumbldore said to everyone before everyone made their way back to their Common Rooms and by the time I made it to the Slytherin Common Room with the other Slyhterin’s and I sat down in front of the fireplace and thought about what happened with Professor Quirell before I felt someone sit down next to me and looked to see that it was Draco, “how are you doing?” he asked me and I shrugged a little, “I’m alright, I was just thinking about what happened earlier.” I told him, “it was rather odd though” he told me and I nodded, “yeah, it’s curious how a Troll managed to make it into the Castle to begin with.” I said to him, “who knows but let’s just hope it doesn’t get too bad when they find it.” he said and the both of us continued to talk before we had gone to bed along with everyone else.

It was the next day and the first Quidditch Match of the year and I was in the Great Hall along with everyone else and I was sitting with Draco as the both of us ate breakfast as we talked, “are you excited for your first Quidditch Match?” he asked me and I nodded, “yeah and also nervous.” I told him, “why are you nervous?” he asked me, “I just didn’t think I would get picks without trying out first and because I might mess up.” I told him, “don’t be, you’ll do great, I know you will. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll be cheering for you in the stands.” he said to me and I smiled and blushed a little, “thanks Draco.” I said to him before we continued eating before we left the Great Hall and I got ready with the rest of the Quidditch Team before we made our way to the Quidditch Pitch before we flew out onto the field along with the Gryffindor team before Madam Hooch walked out onto the field, “now I want a nice clean game from all of you.” she said to us before she threw the Quaffle into the air and before I could get the ball, one of the chaser’s from the Gryffindor team got to it first before she managed to get a goal into one of the hoops and eventually, Adrian passed it to me and I tried getting a goal but Oliver had caught it before passing it to one of his team members before Marcus managed to knock him off his broom before Marcus managed to get a goal in one of the hoops and after a while, I managed to do the same causing us to be tied with the Gryffindor’s and after a while, something began to happen to my broom as I began to shake around before it caused me to fall off my broom and land on the ground before a felt a sharp pain in my arm before hearing that Gryffindor had won the Match before I was brought to the Hospital Wing after we made it back to the Castle and Madam Pomfrey managed to give me something that would help with my arm after finding out that it was broken and wrapped it in something before the pain slowly began to go away, “now if anything changes, you come straight to me alright.” she said to me and I nodded before she walked away before I noticed Draco walk over to me, “are you alright?” he asked me and I nodded, “yeah, I’m fine just a broken up but I’m sure it will heal in no time.” I told him, “good, I’m just glad that you’re alright.” he said to me before I noticed Harry, “do you mind giving us a minute Draco?” I asked him and he nodded before he walked away, “did your broom go crazy as well or was it just me?” I asked him and he nodded, “yeah, I presume that’s how you broke your arm.” he said and I nodded, “well I can tell you it wasn’t anyone I know.” I told him, “Hermione thinks it was Snape. She noticed him mouthing something during the Match.” he said to me, “you’re bloody joking?” I asked him and he shook his head, “congratulations on winning though.” I told him, “thanks.” he said and I smiled a little, “are you mad at me for being put in Slytherin?” I asked him, “I was at first but not anymore.” he said and I smiled at him before the both of us hugged before the both of us left the Hospital Wing, “I’ll see you later alright. I’m going to get changed.” I told him, “alright, see you later.” he said before I went to the Common Room after bumping into Draco as the both of us walked into the Common Room together and after getting changed, the both of us hung out for the rest of the night.

It has been a while and Christmas had come around and both Harry and I have decided to stay at Hogwarts for the Holidays and I was sitting in the Common Room as I Read a book before Draco came up to me and sat down, “what are you doing for the Holidays” he asked me, “I’m staying here along with Harry. What about you, are you going home or staying here?” I said to him, “I’m going home for the Holidays.” he said to me, “well, I hope that you have a good time over the Holidays then” I told him and he smiled a little, “I can stay if you want.” he suggested, “no, you go home and be with your family, I’ll be fine here.” I told him as I smiled a little and he did as well, “alright then, I’ll see you after the Holidays and I hope you enjoy yours.” he said to me and I smiled a little, “you too.” I said to him before he left along with a few others and I continued to read a book before I decided to see how Harry was doing before I found him in the Great Hall with Ron as the both of them were playing chess and I sat down next to Harry and watched them play before seeing one of Ron’s pieces break Harry’s, “never seen that before.” I said to him, “it’s Wizard Chess, I guess you can say it’s a little different the Muggle Chess.” he said to me as the both of them continued to play as the three of us talked before we left the Great Hall for the night and I made went back to the Common Room for the rest of the night and when I made it back to my Dorm, I noticed something on my Pillow and noticed that it was wrapped and noticed that it came with a note before I began to read it.

Dear Iris,

I hope you like this Necklace that I found although I did have help from my mother in picking it out. Although she hasn't met you yet, she seems to already like you after I told her about you. I hope that’s alright and I hope it stays like that. Anyways, I hope you like your Christmas Present and Happy Holidays.


After reading the note, I smiled and opened the present from Draco to see that it was a green crystal with a snake wrapped around it and I smiled to myself before I put it on and held it in my hand before I got changed for bed and once I was done ...

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After reading the note, I smiled and opened the present from Draco to see that it was a green crystal with a snake wrapped around it and I smiled to myself before I put it on and held it in my hand before I got changed for bed and once I was done getting ready for bed, I just looked at the necklace from Draco until I eventually fell asleep as I held the necklace in my hands.

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