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i finished packing my bag and rolled it downstairs.

all of the boys were already packed, they were waiting for me.

i didn't get to say bye to colton. luke wouldn't allow it.

i ran opened my phone and saw a text from colton.

colton: coming to your house.

i held my breath before liking his message.

please don't let there be any trouble right now.

i looked around and saw no one downstairs yet and walked outside.

a couple moments later i saw colton appear.

"hey baby." i smiled softly as i approached him.

"hi babe." he replied blandly as he sent me a tiny glare.

"you know if i could turn back time and not have to do this i would." i pointed out.

"i know." colton replied slowly.

he gently pulled me in for a hug, but nothing could prepare me for the words he said next.

"if you even think about fucking around with another guy while you're out there, i will kill you then myself. so please don't break my trust baby." colton whispered before letting me go.

i staggered back and stared at him.

"i love you savannah." he smiled before walking away.

i walked back inside and sat on the couch until the boys came downstairs.

"woah, someone's early." michael laughed as he sat down beside me.

little did he know what i just got told to me.

it shook me to my core.

mom and dad finally arrived downstairs before piling us all into the van and driving to the airport.

it was uncomfortable to say the least.

mom and dad sat in front, luke, ashton, and calum fought for the second row of seats and michael and i got in the furthest row.

i plugged in my headphones to try and distract myself from the haunting feeling i had in the pit of my stomach.

"don't do that." michael whispered as he swatted my hands away.

i looked down and saw i had a huge red mark on my finger.

"sorry, nervous habit." i shrugged slowly.

"i understand, but try not to do it. you don't want to break skin." michael explained as he plugged in his own headphones.

we eventually arrived at the airport and we all flung ourselves out of the car.

"bye mom." i whispered as i pulled her in for a hug.

"bye sweetie. i love you so much. keep your head up." mom spoke with tears in her eyes.

i quietly walked over and fell into dad's arms.

"i love you kiddo. take care of yourself and come back healthy and strong." dad spoke as he hugged me.

i nodded and slowly stood back as the boys said their goodbyes.

"let's get this party started." michael smiled as we walked inside the airport.

we quickly went through customs and security before sitting at our gate.

"unfortunately, you have a separate seat from us. we added you onto the flight a bit too late." luke spoke slowly.

great, i had to sit next to a total stranger.

i nodded and turned away from them.

they may be trying to help me, but all their help was doing was making me mad.

soon our flight was called and we all stood in line to get on the plane.

surprisingly my ticket was closer to the front then theirs and i got a window seat.

"see you on the other side princess." luke smiled as he continued walking back.

"bye." i spoke with a wave as i settled down in my seat.

i quickly pulled my hood up and sat there with my headphones in.

i felt my phone buzz and looked down to see a text from colton.

colton: remember what i told you. have a safe flight baby!

me: thank you:).. i will.

colton: you better.

me: i was saying i will to having a good flight.

colton: don't start baby. we are going to be electronic for a while, but i promise we will be together soon.

i sighed and put my phone face down in my lap.

a part of me was glad that i was leaving, but the other part of me hated myself for running away.

"good morning ladies and gentlemen, the time is 11:21 and we are about to start our flight to los angelous california. sit back and relax, but don't relax too much." the captain chuckled before hanging up.

here's to a new chapter of my chaotic life.

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