S3 Chapter 3: H2 Whoa

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Knuckles: Tough luck, Sonic.

The Blue Typhoon entered Seco's atmosphere and landed in the water.

Tails: Splash down!

Everyone got into submarines.

Sonic: You musta made a wrong turn, Tails. The guidebook says this planet's dry.

Tails: Don't blame me, Sonic. Sounds like you're Galactic guidebook is seriously out of date.

Sonic: There's way too much water here! I hate water.

Helen: I see you still have your aquaphobia, Sonic.

Chris: Don't sweat it, Sonic. I have a way for you to stay dry even when you're underwater. You're not afraid of submarines, are you?

They all climbed into their subs.

Tails: Launch the subs.

Everyone got their submarines launched into the water and they later resurfaced on land without, Sonic, Chris or Helen. Leaving only Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Y/n, Chaos, Spark, Star and Cosmo.

Amy: Are you sure the Chaos Emerald's somewhere nearby?

Knuckles: I couldn't be surer.

Cosmo: What makes you so certain we'll find it here, Knuckles?

Knuckles: Because I've got a natural knack for finding things.

Cosmo: Oh.

Knuckles got out the Shovel Claws.

Knuckles: I'll show you.

Knuckles started digging into the dirt while Cream got out a bucket and two spades, which she gave one to Cosmo.

Cream: Why don't we date for the Chaos Emerald, too?

Cream and Cosmo started digging.

Amy: This is gonna be a long day.

She walked off.

Star: Excuse me. Where do you think you're going?

Amy: I'm going to ask the locals if they've seen it.

Star: That's a nice thought, but it would be nicer if you stayed here and helped us.

Amy: Sorry. I don't want my dress getting dirty.

Star: Why you...

Y/n: Calm it down.

Chaos: I hope Sonic, Chris and Helen didn't get into trouble.

Y/n: I trust Sonic and Helen to deal with it.

With Sonic, Chris, and Helen.

They surfaced somewhere else.

Chris: Sorry, guys.

He started looking around.

Chris: Where are we?

Helen: Not with the others, that's where.

They looked ahead and saw an island where a gaint metal tower was.

Chris: Hey, look.

They made there way to shore where Chris had to carry Sonic.

Chris: Sonic, come on. You're safe now.

Helen: You need to straighten up.

When Chris and Helen looked ahead, they gasp when they saw robotic fish heads with legs.

Sonic: They're Metarex.

Chris: Yeah, and whoever sent them here designed them especially for the water.

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