"I got this." I regained my balance again. Amelia wasn't as convinced anymore as she was at the beginning. She gave me the benefit of the doubt before but she quickly learned that I was good at blocking out the pain.

"No you don't." She grabbed my arm and placed it around her neck for support.

"I do." I stubbornly told the physio when we slowly but surely walked off the pitch towards the medical rooms for a proper check up.

"Was that really necessary?" She asked me once we were out of earshot and rolled her eyes at me for toughening up.

"You know as well as I do that she wouldn't have left if you would have carried me off that field." I gave her a look that showed her that I knew I was right.

The physio only sighed out admitting that I was right. Alexia would have never left my side till she knew I was okay.


When I had finally got to the medical room, Amelia wasted no time in doing some tests to see if I needed further examination or not. After trying to convince her that I was fine and getting death glares in return I decided that it was better for me to shut up then to take my chances.

"It's a minor sprain. Nothing too serious just yet but we'll tape it up just out of precaution and ice it." She placed her stuff down and grabbed the tape.

"Alright great. Can I go now?" I clapped my hands together and jumped off the bench I was sitting at, slightly hurting myself in the process which horrified Amelia.

"Where are you going?" She looked at me bewildered when I hobbled to the door. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her.

"Back to practice." I shrugged but that was not the answer she wanted to hear.

"Ellie, it's best that you don't train. At least not today."the brunette sighed out. She knew it was gonna be a tough job to convince me not to train but she had to do it.

"Oh come on. I've got this." I whined, desperately trying to convince the physio but by the looks of it it wasn't helping. 

"I'm sure you do." She chuckled but she wasn't budging, to the counterary, she walked up to me and guided me back to the bench.

"Please." I looked at her with the cutest puppy dog eyes I could muster and that seemed to do the trick. Kind of.  She sighed out once again and even groaned a bit but to me it was a sign that I had won a small fight.

"I'll tape it but at least ice it for the remainder of practice. You can join them in the gym again but focus on your upper body and stay away from that ankle." She gave me a stern look. One that you knew you shouldn't mess with so I took what I could get.


I sat back down on the bench and she started preparing everything to tape my ankle.

"She's gonna kill me." She mumbled to herself and honestly I couldn't blame her. I'm pretty sure there is a brunette running around on the pitch outside who's not gonna be so happy with this.

When Amelia had taped my foot, she had ordered me to ice it and more importantly to stay off it till practice was finished. So far I had listened to the physio but it was getting really boring, really fast.

I was scrolling aimlessly through social media till I stumbled upon an advertisement for an apartment. That's when I remembered Aitana's current situation so I decided to do as I had promised.

"Hey Ana Maria, it's Eleanore." I greeted my real estate agent when she had picked up the phone.

"Hey Eleanore. I'm sorry I haven't found any new apartments so far but I'll keep looking."

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now