Ch.25 Family Ties

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The Beifong household was quiet as the moon rose into the sky. Poppy Beifong and her husband, Lao, were sound asleep in bed when the sound of a voice awoke Poppy.

She groggily sat up in bed, looking around the dark room.

"Blood of my blood..." A feminine voice whispered out, as if from all directions. Poppy leant over and shook her husband.

"Lao.. Lao get up!" Poppy whisper shouted, but her husband remained asleep. She groaned and got out of bed, putting on her night dress. She crept towards the bedroom door and slowly slid it open. She peered out into the hall of her home, no one was there.

"Blood of Sei'naka.. hear me..." The voice whispered once more, this time sounding from far down the hall. Poppy gathered her courage, grabbed a small candle holder, with lit candle, and made her way down the hall.

She walked slowly, holding the candle out in front of her to see her way down the hall. Her home seemed darker than usual. She clutched at her robe, growing ever more fearfull. A sudden strike of lightning startled Poppy, almost making her drop her candle. A storm had started to roll in.

"I sense the power of Kyoshi within..." Poppy followed the whispers to the main entrance hall of her home. The rain began to pour outside, battering the windows as she stepped into the room. She looked around and froze in place. Before her was the ghostly visage of a woman, clad in firebender attire. She glowed with an unnatural blue hue. The ghostly woman was standing in the center of the room, staring directly at Poppy.

 The ghostly woman was standing in the center of the room, staring directly at Poppy

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"Who.. who are you? What.. are you?" Poppy asked, her voice quivering is fear.

"How sad thay my own family has forgotten me." The spirit responded. "I am Rangi Sei'naka, firebending teacher and wife to Avater Kyoshi."

Poppy's eyes widened at the statement, shock and confusion filled her as she stared at the spirit.

"You were my ancestor Kyoshi's wife? Then you're-"

"Also your ancestor, Poppy. I have come with a message for you, and you would best heed it." Poppy nodded and stepped closer to her ancestor. "In the coming weeks, the Avatar and his group will come to your home. Your children's fates are tied to the Avatar."

"My children? You mean Toph and-"

"Your son, Y/n. He travels with the Avatar as his Vanguard and has taken the spirit of Kyoshi into himself. He is now one with the Avatar."

"But what about Toph? What does she have to do with this?"

"Your daughter will be instrumental in helping the Avatar fulfill his destiny. You must see that she accompanies the Avatar when he arrives, the fate of the world depends on it."

Poppy was stunned. Her legs began to fail her, she leant against the wall and slid down it until she was sitting on the floor.

"My children will help the Avatar save the world?" She asked no one in particular.

"One already does. And your daughter will follow. The blood of Kyoshi and myself flows strongly within your children. They will achieve incredible things."

Poppy sat there, slumped against the wall. She began to heave and convulse, crying uncontrollably with a large smile on her face.

"Oh, my sweet babies.. I.. I never thought they would achieve such glory..."

"You seem happy, but you cry for them?"

"I'm their mother, of course I cry for them.. but I'm also so proud of them.. I might not be such a failure of a mother after all.."

"What do you mean, Poppy?"

"I was so afraid of what Lao would do.. when Y/n was taken as child, I wanted to fire an army to get him back.. but Lao stopped me... he never lived Y/n.. he only cared about Toph.. I left Kyoshi island and married into the Beifong family.. I have no real power, all the money belongs to Lao.. I failed my son that day by not fighting Lao and going after him... I am the descendant of the mighty Avatar Kyoshi, one of the most powerful warriors to ever live.. and I couldn't protect my son from my own husband..." Poppy's tears of joy quickly turned to sorrow as she told of that day. She buried her head against her knees and cried. Rangi looked on with pity and sadness. She walked over to Poppy and knelt down. She cupped Poppy's face in her hands and gave a small smile.

"I've been watching over our family for centuries. I know it's been hard for you, but you needn't worry about your son. He still loves you very much, Poppy. It took him many years to accept it, but he knows you are not to blame for what happened to him. And when you see him again, you will see the strong, powerful young man he has become." Rangi kissed Poppy on the forehead and stood up, pulling Poppy to her feet by the hand. "My time grows short, my dear. But know I will continue to watch over you and your children. Farewell, blood of my blood." With her final words, Rangi vanished, fading away into the darkness. Poppy brushed her tears away and smiled, walking back towards her bedroom. However, as she neared her bedroom, she turned down another hallway towards Toph's room. She opened the door and saw Toph sleeping soundly in bed. Poppy entered the room, closed the door behind her, and climbed into bed next to her daughter. Poppy blew out her candle and cradled Toph in her arms.

"You'll meet your brother soon, Toph. After so many years, we will be reunited with him. And you'll get to go on an incredible adventure.. my little Blind Bandit..." Poppy kissed Toph on the head and closed her eyes, falling asleep next to her child.

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