"Oh. yes of course! Thank you for letting me have the opportunity."

"No problem y/n. Now go get ready for your big night."

I smiled and headed into the locker room. I went to my locker and took out my uniform. It was a two pieced uniform. it was black and dark blue with some rhinestones across the sleeves. It easily showed off my 6 pack. I put my hair into 2 french braids.

"Damn girl, you look good!" Sasha said while applying lip gloss.

"Thank you!" I exclaim. I then started to hear music playing, so the show was starting. Of course, it had to start with Dominic and Rey and whatever the hell was going on between them in the show. Me and Sasha headed to the gorilla. At the time, Alexa Bliss was out in the ring babbling about how she will claim the WWE Womens Championship. Me and Sasha started getting ready for our appearance. Then I felt someone poke my back. It was Drew.

"Hey, its okay to be nervous, but show the crowd how you handle little shits like Alexa."

I chuckled at his comment. I thanked him. Sasha's music started to play, and I stayed back while she was talking in the microphone.

S: sasha A: Alexa Y: y/n

S: oh, i am very sorry to interrupt you Sasha, I really didn't mean it!" Sasha said sarcastically.

A: Who do you think you are interrupting me while I was talking!" Alexa screamed.

S: Well Alexa, you shouldn't be squeaking about how you are getting that championship when you haven't beaten all the girls in that locker room back there.

A: What are you talking about Sasha? I beat every one of those girls back there in my time here!

Sasha smirked

S: Not everyone

My music started blasting out. The crowd had no idea what was happening. I slowly walked out, and the crowd looked at me in confusion, and some with awe. Probably because of my abs. I move my braid behind my head and stood next to Sasha. I looked at the crowd. I couldn't believe this is were I am right now.

Y: You haven't beat me yet...

The crowd roars just a little.

A: who the hell are you?"

Y: oh I'm sorry, i should introduce myself properly. I'm y/n l/n. And before you continue talking about all this shit about the title, your gonna have to go through me first."

The crowd cheers even more. Alexa has a look of nervousness on her face. She was probably looking at how much more muscular I was than her. My music starting to play again as I made my way down to the ring. I high-fived some fans and made my way up the stairs. Alexa gave her microphone to a worker on the sideline and turned her attention to me. A ref made their way down to the ring and the women announcer came over the loud speaker.

"Indroducing first, from y/h/t (your hometown), y/n!" The crowd cheered a little, still unknowing about my appearance.

"And her opponent, from Columbus, Ohio, Alexa Bliss!" The crowd cheered a bit. Then the bell rang 3 times. We started circling each other, attempting some hits every now and then. Then I made the first move and attacked her lower section. She fell to the ground and I started repeatedly punching her. She was able to somehow kick me, and I rolled off her, getting up. She then slowly got up. I went to her legs to lift her for a power bomb, but she then attacked me with a drop kick. I stumble back and lean up against the turnbuckle. I groan in pain while holding my stomach. She ran from across the ring and gave me a knee to the chin. I yelp and lay down to my side. She rolls me in the middle of the ring and pins me. 1! 2! Then i kicked out. Alexa sat up with a furious look on her face. She stood up and went over to the ref. She started begging him to give her the win, even though I clearly kicked out on time. I slowly got up while Alexa kept on pleading the ref. I approach her and violently turned her to face me. I then picked her up and the crowd starting hyping up.

"Let me show you who the champ is gonna be!" I yelled in her face.

To be honest, she was a feather. Then I aggressively power bombed her to the ground. But I wasn't done yet. I grabbed her hair and pulled her up to her feet. I then delivered a huge stunner to her. I learned that from someone very special. I then laid over her body for the pin. 1! 2! 3! The bell rung. I stood up in shock.

The crowd started roaring as my music continued playing.

"And your winner, y/n l/n!"

I chuckled while grabbing my stomach. The ref takes my hand and I raise it high. I looked at Alexa, still laying on the ground. I walked to her and looked down at her, giving an evil smirk. I then crawled out of the ring and made my way back up the walkway. I was hyped, I'll tell you that. I gave the fans some high fives. As I approached the end, I turned around and look at Alexa, frowning at me from the ring.

"How does it feel being worse than the rookie!" I shouted. The cameramen were standing right to my left. She obviously couldn't hear me but I felt the need to shout it out. I chuckled and went backstage. Immediately, Becky and Sasha came running up to me.

"Girl you killed it out there!" Becky exclaimed. I smiled, still breathing heavy. I hugged her, then gave Sasha a hug next. Seth came up from behind Becky.

"Great work y/n!" Seth complimented. "Thanks Seth!" I replied back.

I walked over to the water fountain and filled up my water bottle. I placed it under the dispenser, and the water starting filling up my water bottle. I heard someone walking behind me, so of course, I looked behind me. I saw Roman walking by. He had his ring gear on. He looked at me, and I felt a spark again. He gave me a little head nod, silently telling me good job. I smile and watched him exit from my sight. I turned back around and realized that my water bottle was overflowing.

"Oh shit!" I whispered. I grabbed it and put the cap back on. Some water dripped onto me. I was too lost looking at Roman that I didn't remember about my water bottle.

I walk back into the women's locker room, still covered in water.

"Oh, what happened to you?" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw Bailey and Sasha.

"I- well I wasn't paying attention to the water fountain, and it kind of overflowed." I said in an ashamed tone.

"Why were you so distracted?" Sasha said giggling.

"I-I was looking at someone." I stuttered.

"ooooh~ who?" Bailey slurred.

"I'm not saying!"

"Come on y/n!" Sasha begged.

"Maybe i'll tell you later." I said. They looked at me with a little frown as I collected my things and packed up. I stayed backstage for another hour, watching from the monitor. I decided to then go back to my hotel, I was getting really tired. I said my goodbyes and exited the building. I called for a uber to come pick me up.


I arrived at my hotel 10 minutes later. I dug through my purse, searching for my room key. While doing so, my phone fell out from my duffel bag. "shit" I mumbled quietly. I found my room key and zippered my bag back up. Just as I was about to reach down to grab my phone, a hand grasped it. I looked up to see a big man standing there. His long, curly black hair was laying behind his head, and his muscles showing through the sleeves of his t shirt. And the tattoos down right arm were so attractive.

"I think you dropped this?"

I was now standing face to face with Roman Reigns. I was so lost in his looks. My phone was in his hand, which was extended out to me. I take it from him.

"Oh, t-thank you." I stutter. I hated when I stuttered. I felt like a total loser doing it. I look into his eyes.

"Nice job on your win tonight." Roman said with a smile peaking out from his mouth.

"Thank you!" I said. My cheeks flushed with pink. He smiled wider and gave me a little pat on the back. He then walked to the elevators and went up to his room. A huge smile formed on me. I waited for the elevators to work there way up before hitting the button myself. The elevator dinged and opened. I went inside and the elevator brought me up to my floor.

After showering, I plopped on my bed with exhaustion. I plug my phone into my charger and set it on the nightstand next to my bed. I get under the bed sheets and fell asleep around a minute later. And the last thing in my head before I fell asleep was the look of Roman sharing contact with me...

"The Best Mixed Tag Team Partners" (Roman Reigns x reader) *OLD* Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt