Chapter 12: It's a Date

Start from the beginning

"Do you like cookies?"  Isaac asked.

"Of course I do.  Who doesn't?"  Anita asked.  That was a weird question.

Isaac opened up his backpack and soon enough put a bag of cookies in the middle of the table.  Looking at her with a proud smile.

Anita looked at the cookies then to Isaac.  She then took one, taking a bite out of it before sighing. 

"Ok.  I forgive you". 

"Yes!"  Isaac exclaimed happily.  "So, tell me". 

"Fine.  But don't tell anyone".  Anita said seriously.

"Don't worry.  I won't tell Stiles".  Isaac took a cookie from the bag.

"How did you-"

"It's Stiles". Isaac shrugged.

"I got asked on a date".  Anita smiled widely.

"Really?"  Isaac said with surprise. 

This earned a look from Anita.

"Not that you're not pretty.  You are.  It's just you know.  Eichen.  Ghosts, you're new-I'm going to stop talking". Isaac slowly said at the end when he noticed her look was getting annoyed.

"He's the first person that didn't look at me like a freak when I came here".  Anita told him honestly.

"What's his name?"  Isaac asked.


"Charlie?"  Isaac's eyebrows scrunched together. "Last name".

"Lancaster". Anita answered.

Isaac let out a loud laugh. "Lancaster? That's a weird ass name. Charlie Lancaster. Never heard of him". Isaac shrugged. "To be fair I have kept to myself for most of the years". Isaac munched on another cookie as he was getting ready to continue.

"I also thought there was someone else".  Isaac looked at her.

"Someone else?"  Anita was taken aback by that.  Who else could there be?  No way was it Stiles and every other guy at this school was either boring or gross.

"Forget I said that".  Isaac closed his eyes for a moment, immediately wishing he didn't say anything.

"O-kay".  Anita said slowly.  The bell soon ringing after.

"This was an interesting chat.  Bye".  Anita grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder as she stood up to leave.

Isaac scrambled out of his seat, grabbing the bag of cookies as he stood close to Anita.  Taking a step back when he noticed the look she gave him.

With a soft smile he held the bag of cookies out to her.


Anita slowly took the bag with a smile.



Charlie picked her up right at six. What a gentleman. They walked due to both of them not having their license or a car but it was peaceful. Charlie would point a few things along the way and gave her information on what it was.

Whether it be a plant, a tree, a flower, even certain constellations in the sky. He was smart. Charlie set up a picnic area in a nearby park.  It was quite lovely

"So, you excited for this school year to end and you'll be a senior?"  Charlie asked.

"To be honest I want it to end.  I don't get the point since I missed out on school for years".  She answered honestly as she munched on a piece of bread.

Ah, yes.  Carbs.

"No college then?"  Charlie questioned.

"Not a chance". She let out a small, nervous laugh.

Charlie gave her a wide smile, nodding. "I don't think college would be my thing either. I don't even know what I would want to study".

"You look like a business man".

"What's that supposed to mean?" Charlie chuckled as he laid down on his side, his elbow propping himself up.

Anita couldn't help but smile back at him. "You just look like it. I could see you presenting something or whatever. I bet your presentations for classes are great". Anita commented.

Charlie's head tilted side to side as he took in what she said. Maybe.

"So. Not business. No college. What would you want to do?"  Anita asked.

A small grin made its way on his face as he looked back to her.  "I want to travel.  I know that's what everyone says at our age but I want to do everything.  Meet new people, see things I've never pictured could happen".  Charlie told her, aw clear in his voice.

"What about you?  You said no college".  Charlie questioned.

Anita didn't speak for a moment.  She was gathering her thoughts as she didn't know really how to put it in words to have it make sense.  But it was simply.  But instead of telling him she lied.

"I don't know.  Not going back to Eichen, that's for sure".  She joked making Charlie laugh.

"You could always travel with me".  He suggested, but all Anita did was smile.

By the end of the date, Charlie walked her home and he kissed her.

Her first kiss.

To say she felt giddy but at the same time, it wasn't what she thought it would be.

Anita let out a deep breath as she laid on her bed.  Her parents were asleep and her room was quiet.  She looked around, letting out a sigh.

"Simon?"  Anita called out.

"Simon?"  She asked again, waiting.

"I could really use a talk with my best friend".  Anita commented and soon, Simon was there.

"How was the date?"  Simon asked, annoyance was in his tone even though he tried to hide it.

"He asked a question and I lied". 


Anita grabbed the stuff bear, Derek gave her and threw it at him, of course it went right through and hit the wall, following on the ground.

"Be nice".  Anita softly said.

"I don't think the lie could've been that bad".  Simon made his way over to her.  Anita sat up on her bed, scooting over as Simon came and sat next to her.

"He also kissed me".  Anita looked at Simon, seeing him clench his jaw slightly.

"I thought sparks would fly but it didn't.  I don't know".  Anita sighed, her hands rubbing her face in frustration.

"He asked what I wanted to do after high school and I didn't give my honest answer.  I was embarrassed by it, because it's not like everyone else's".  Anita started as she played with a blanket between her fingers.

"I don't want to go to college or travel, or do anything exciting.  I want to have a home, a forever home where I don't move.  I have a family of my own where we take vacations once and awhile but they aren't extraordinary trips.  They're small".  Anita looked up, looking at Simon who was looking at her.

"I want to have family dinners, and friends to come over, A Giant Christmas tree with white lights and the colored lights are hung up on the house". Anita explained in great detail, a smile on her face as she could just picture it.

"And most of all. I want someone to not think that I'm crazy. They believe what I see and they know that you are real". Anita looked over to Simon.

"Why would that be embarrassing to want?" Simon asked her.

"Because it's so simple".

"There's nothing wrong with that".

"My life is far from simple, Simon".

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