7: Sweet Home Alabama

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"Still think we should stay?" He asks JB.

"Is that paint?" JB asks as paint falls on our heads from all the banging. They keep saying stuff about the compass. This can't be good. I look up again to try and see their faces and I see one. I quickly go back down and stare directly in front of me.

Holly shit. Why? What? How? So much questions are flooding through my brain. They can't see who those men are. They would catch onto me. How and Why is my mom involved. I know both of them. They obviously don't know eachother. It's the guy my mom tried introducing me to the other day. What the fuck is going on. Pretty faces hide deep secrets but my mom is an asshole, she isn't a pretty face but ig she hides lots of secrets. I snap out of my zone and see JJ and JB running up to the door. I then look out to the water and see that the guys left

"Dude, those were the guys that shot at us." JJ says.

"Ms. Lana?" we all yell trying to find her.

"Hey, are you okay?" JB says running up to her. The house is a mess. Furniture is everywhere, things hanging are now on the floor, glass is everywhere. I've seen the house before, it looked really nice. Now it looks like JBs place. Or mine.

"Dude, she's tweaking." JJ says.

"Do you need a doctor?" JB asks then looks to us for help. "Let's call the sheriff's department."

"No." I say as Lana says something similar.

"No cops, please." She sobs.

"Mm. That's not good. Come on, dude. Let's just go." JJ says trying to get us out.

"You shouldn't be here." She cry's. "Especially you Eve. Run and don't tell him." She cry's looking at me.

"That's enough for me. Come on."

"Wait, wait."

"What do you know about these guys?" JB asks. JB no, these guys are dangerous.

"They were looking for something."

"Any names?" JJ asks. Miss Lana then looks to me.

"J." She states. My father. Wait so the guy my mom is fucking and the guy she is married to. Wow. JB and JJ look at me confused.

"Does it have anything to do with this?" JB asks showing her the compass and her eyes widen. She looks up to me then back to the compass.

"Do you know anything about this?" JB asks again.

"This is my father's, and Scooter had it. Why?" He goes on. I know why Scooter has it. Miss Lana looks at me and I give her a begging look.

"Scooter didn't have it, okay?" She says, she would have told them but she was like a second mother to me and knew she couldn't betray me.

"Come on." JJ says as Miss Lana starts yelling at us to not tell anyone.

"JB let's just go!" I yell at him as he rolls his eyes at me obviously pissed at what Miss Lana was saying to me and makes his way out of the house.

"Eve!" Miss Lana yells before I leave as JJ and JB stop in their tracks to listen. "Get out of the house! I don't care what you have to do just leave! They aren't following plan A anymore." Miss Lana says while sobbing. "Get out of there!" She yells as JJ grabs my arm and pulls me away.

The car ride was silent as JB was pissed because he knows I'm not telling him something. JJ knows it will come out of me eventually so he just holds me on his lap and draws patterns on my thighs to calm himself down and me.

"And we were right outside like this." JJ tells the story of what happened dramatically with actions. The roosters were crowing and I decided to tune everybody and everything out.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora