Chapter 16 Crossing

Start from the beginning

He only wishes he had told Mark more about his deep feelings for his best friend.

Mark always suspected, but never got a straight answer.

And the third person to accompany them to their meetings prevented a sincere, face-to-face conversation.

Fourth didn't want to be alone with Mark anymore because of Gem.

And now he wished he had let Mark know.

He should have known that Fourth would do anything for Gem.

That he was just trying to suppress his secret love.

And Mark was only ever left with the unspoken.



And plenty of nourishment for the hopeful soul of Poseidon.

Mark was clear that Fourth had fallen in love with his best friend.

He didn't know the details.

But Fourth's absent looks made his melancholy clear.

And Mark's knowledge of human nature immediately condemned Bad Boy.

His behavior at his parents' restaurant was enough for him.

Arrogant, possessive and egotistical.

The two women at the table were not enough for him.

True, he did not want to love and honor his best friend as he deserved.

But he should dutifully hang on his lips all his life and love him unrequitedly.

Mark knew enough of such men.

Straight men who simply repressed their bisexual impulses and hurt other people with their blind denial.

Fourth didn't deserve that.

And Mark is going to show him what he deserves.

He will try to convince him to spend the weekend with him at the Jumpols' estate.

He's known the odd couple for his entire college career.

And he was taken right to heart by them as a foster son.

It will absolutely be a homecoming for Poseidon.

He'll have his foster parents standing behind him as he melts Fourth's heart this weekend.

And Mark senses exactly that he needs to be more offensive now.

This Bad Boy seems so fixated on Fourth lately.

And their friendship is taking on colors that activate Mark's alarm bells.

He's given Fourth enough time to feel disconnected.

It's time he showed him how free he can feel in his arms, too.

And the magnolia he plucked Fourth from the garden of his parents' house is quickly hidden behind Mark's back as Poseidon's eyes catch sight of this other.

Gem and Fourth run toward his car.

Three pairs of troubled eyes reflect the veil of excitement of their souls.

And Mark's hands want to show the strength of his will.

The magnolia is promptly pulled out the moment Fourth and Gem stand before him.

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