"It was one time." I tried to defend the raven haired girl but who was I kidding, just minutes ago I had said the same thing. 

"Everytime." Mapi was fast to correct my sentence. 

"Yeah, I know but I told her, don't worry." I assured the blonde who eventually agreed to the idea. 

"Fine, I'll be there in an hour." She gave in. There was no doubt that she was rolling her eyes at me. 

"Alright see you then! Love you!" I yelled at her excitedly and got up from me seat, looking for Nala who was running around somewhere. 

"Love you too." 

I hung up the phone and grabbed my belongings. Once Nala and I were ready we left the park and went back on our way home. It was a short walk back to the apartment so I had still time to spare to get ready. 

I was preparing my bag for training when my phone lit up. I walked over to the bed to pick it up and see who had texted me, thinking it was Leila or maybe Mapi. 

Do you have eggs I can borrow?

Queenie 💃❤️

Do you also have toast?

Queenie 💃❤️
Yes I have that too.

And juice?

Queenie 💃❤️
Do you have anything yourself?

Picture of an empty fridge.

Queenie 💃❤️
Just come over.

I smiled at my phone and tossed it back on the bed so I could continue to get ready. Jana would probably get here withing ten minutes. The young girl didn't live very far from us and came over many times before to the point it almost became a routine.

When I moved back to the living room with my bag in hand, I heard the doorbell ring. Only minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"How do you even survive on your own?" I asked the Spaniard when I opened the door for her.

"I don't need to, I have you and Ale." She gave me a cheeky smile and walked right past me inside the apartment.

"Yes you do. Come in." I laughed, shaking my head. I closed the door and followed behind the girl to the kitchen.

"So what are we having?" She took a seat at one of the barstools at the counter and looked at me expectedly.

"What do you want?" I shrugged.

"Pancakes?" She asked me with the cutest and most innocent face she could muster.

"Coming right up." I smiled at her and started to get everything I needed to make her the pancakes she wanted. Jana remained in her seat. She was a decent cook but much rather had someone else do it.

"So is there a chance I can catch a ride with you and Ale? Speaking of Ale, where is she?" She asked looking around, trying to get a glimpse of her other teammate.

"She left already. She had some meetings but Mapi will pick us up." I turned around to face her while mixing all the ingredients in a bowl.

"Great." She smiled and clapped her hands together, making me laugh at her excitement.

A while later, I had finished the pancakes and Jana was happily munching away on them. Only when the pancakes were placed in front of her did the young girl shut up for a second until she was finished.

"So how did the meeting with Eli go?" She curiously asked. She got up and placed her plate in the sink where I was doing the dishes.

"It went well I guess." I shrugged but kept my focus on the dishes in front of me.

Jana wasn't satisfied with that answer. She was convinced it went better than just well and she wanted me to admit that. I could feel her eyes burn holes in the side of my head.

"Okay it went great. It was great. She was incredibly nice." I caved, letting my hands fall down in the sink causing some of the water to splash and looked at her.

"See, we told you so." She had the biggest smirk on her face and she looked proud of herself.

"Whatever. It could have gone in the total opposite way." I rolled my eyes at her again and focused back on the last plate.

"With you? No it wouldn't." She bumped her hip against mine causing me to crack a smile. She grabbed the plate and dried it before placing it back with the others but the peaceful vibe was soon disturbed by loud banging on the door.

"Queen, open up!" I heard the faint voice of Maria Leon through the door when I approached it.

"Chill woman!" I yelled back, opening the door. There stood Mapi and Leila like two crazy people, hands raised to knock again.

"We really need a key." Leila walked right past me and into the kitchen.

Without any hesitation she grabbed a plate and placed one of the leftover pancakes on it. Mapi soon followed Leila's example and sat down next to her. I just shook my head at the two.

"Ooh I want one too!" Jana piped up. She had obviously heard the small comment earlier and the thought of having a key and coming over whenever seemed like a good idea.

"Hey Jana!" Mapi greeted her younger teammate but as soon as she lifted her head to greet her, she went back to eating her pancake.

"Hola chicas!" Jana waved and just as Mapi went back to reading the magazine she had found on the kitchen counter.

"Why are you two so loud so early? I have neighbors." I scolded the other two, who were eating all of our food. 

"We love you too." Leila got up and kissed my cheek before placing her plate in the sink.

"Yeah yeah." I playfully scoffed and went to the living room to get my stuff.

"I'm guessing you need a ride too?" Mapi turned to Jana once she too had put her plate away.

"Yes please." Jana looked at the blonde with a cute smile.

"Alright Vamos!" Mapi clapped her hands together and walked to the door.

Jana and I hurried around, grabbing all of our stuff and followed the two defenders to Mapi's car. We slipped into the back after we had thrown our bags in the trunk and fell into easy conversation with the occasional banter in between.

"Can we go for coffee?" Jana spoke up after a while.

"Oh, I love that idea!" I clapped my hands excitedly but Mapi didn't agree with it.

"There's not enough time." She shook her head while keeping her eyes on the road. This made a pout appear on mine and Jana's face. Leila noticed and instantly spoke up.

"Of course there is. We have like 30 minutes left." Leila looked at her watch but yet again Mapi didn't agree.

"We won't make it in 30." She told Leila. Jana and I leaned forward and poked our heads between the front seats.

"Of course we can." The raven haired woman said, completely missing the warning look Mapi was giving her.

"If there are not a lot of customers and everything works out." She stood her ground but was slowly losing the fight and she knew it.

"Come on Mapi." I leaned back in my seat and met her eyes through the rear view mirror. I gave her the cutest puppy dog eyes I could muster.

"Fine." She groaned, Mapi threw her head back against the headrest in frustration much to Leila's amusement.

"Yay!" Jana and I cheered in union. She bumped her shoulder into mine in excitement and we high fived each other. 

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now