Another woman pushes her way through the mass of people now gathering. "Gongzi, where have you been? Are your parents alright?"

Wei Ying takes her hand in his and gently pats it. "They're fine and they should be back soon."

"We've heard so many stories!" a man that Wei Ying cannot see shouts over the buzz of welcomes.

A child of maybe seven years old tugs on Wei Ying's sleeve. He looks down into her burgundy eyes filled with wonder. Reaching down, he lifts her up so that she's eye level with him.

"Yes, my lady. What can this humble one do for you?" he asks with sincerity.

"Did the Lan Clan catch you?"

Wei Ying giggles and ruffles her messy hair. "No. But I did go to their home."

On Wei Ying's left, a young teen boy steps forward. "I heard you killed a giant beast and stabbed the mighty Hanguang-Jun." he says arrogantly.

With a tilt of his head and a small huff, Wei Ying places the girl back on the ground and turns towards the boy.

"What else have you heard?" he says as he puts his hands on his hips.

The boy lifts his chin proudly. "People say you died. But that's obviously a lie. You're the best cultivator in the world!"

Wei Ying lets out a raucous laughter, patting the boy on the shoulder. "You have been hearing stories, haven't you?"

The people around him join in, the sound of their laughter floating on wings of happiness to have the pride of their clan back home. As he clears the tears from his eyes, Wei Ying notices several pairs of eyes locked onto the unusual carriage driver. And still others stare at the open window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man inside.

Wei Ying also looks at the window. His heart is already missing his jade. He knows how brave Lan Zhan is right now. Surrounded by a town full of people ready to protect their homes and families isn't something that either of them should take lightly. Suddenly, the need to hold Lan Zhan's hand and comfort him becomes a physical ache in heart.

"Would you like to hear a story?" Wei Ying says, turning back to his people. "One filled with mystery, adventure, and danger?"

The children all cry out with an exuberant 'YES', their hands clapping in front of them like fluttering butterfly wings. The adults collect barrels, benches, and stools to sit on while the kids simply sit on the ground. Everyone waits for Wei Ying to begin. It's been too long since the clan heir has blessed them with a story. And they sense that this one is going to be the best one yet.

Wei Ying clears his throat and wiggles his body in preparation. He shakes his hands out and rolls his head in circles to work out the kinks of the long journey. The youngsters are wide-eyed and ready. The adults are shifting in their seats, settling in for a tale to end all tales.

Cracking his knuckles, Wei Ying asks his audience, "What would you say if I told you that you could end our war with the Lan Clan today?"

Everyone gasps. Including the children.

"Impossible!" a gruff voice shouts.

"Ridiculous!" another yells.

"We can't do that! We're not fighters! We're not a cultivator like you!" a woman points out loudly.

A gentle smile spreads across Wei Ying's lips. "What if I said that you have the power to end this war without lifting a weapon?"

Expressions of disbelief sweep across the faces looking back at him.

Solstice Souls Book 2: Black Fire, White FlameHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin