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She ran towards the exit of the cafe. Vihaan ran behind her, following her outside the cafe. She sat there outside, in the outing, on one of the benches.  She put her hands on her cheek.  Tears started falling like raindrops while heavy rain.  He was seeing her from a distance.  He couldn't control himself anymore.  He finally went to her and hugged her.  She hugged him back.  While weeping, she started speaking in her choked voice.  "I'm sorry ! I'm really sorry..  I will not do it again bhaiya" All of a sudden, Vihaan exclaimed, "BHAIYA??" He said it and she too left his hold shocked to see the man she hugged.  "Sorry, I'm really sorry sir.  I thought you are my Bhaiya." she apologized, even though not her fault.  "Well, I should  be sorry, I hugged you without your permission.  I'm really sorry." he said rubbing his back.  She had found out by looking at Vihaan's dressing that he was for sure a rich man. So she didn't want to get into any trouble, she just accepted his apology, Gave a smile and was leaving. "Wait..!  Where are you going..?" Vihaan said and stopped her.  "Sir sorry, but did I do something wrong?" she asked of her innocent self being really scared of him.  "Riana.. What's wrong with you sweetheart..?  What happened? And why are you calling me sir..?  Who was the boy threatening you..?" he started asking a lot of questions to her.  "Sir.. I'm not riana.. I'm kavya. Kavya Rai." she said which left him shocked for sometime. "You still are really funny love." he said and tried to go near her.  She started moving back.  "Sir.. I don't know you. And I think I'll have to go." she said and moved away.  Before he could stop her once more she went away. He tried following her but the crowd outside the cafe, didn't let him to do so. 

        "Bro.. Bro... Bro...!!" Vihaan came running into Annirudh's office. "I think you're supposed to knock before you enter somewhere." Annirudh said with an annoyed face.  "Bro.. She's alive." he exclaimed.  Annirudh went silent for sometime.  "Vihaan.  Come sit here and have some water. You're probably hallucinating." he said in a calm voice.  "No bro.. I'm sure I've seen her.  But she denied to agree that she is Riana.  She was saying that she is some Kavya"  he said to him still standing.  "Vihaan it's enough! She's dead.  She's no more!" he shouted. "Dude I just saw her." Annirudh slapped his head. "You know what!  I'm leaving actually." he said getting up from his chair. "But bro-" "Just shut the Fuck up dude. And stop drinking during the work time." He said this and got up from his chair and moved out of the room, leaving Vihaan standing in the office. 


      "Hello sweetheart! What you doing?" Annirudh said while releasing a relaxing moan. "You coming home..? " Manisha said with an excited voice.  "Ya.. For some work.. But why does my princess sound so excited huh..?" he said with a smirk. "Oh shut up OK" she said blushing.  He chuckled.  "Actually some of the important files and documents were left at home, also,  our great Vihaan forgot to take some sample papers which are only with him, or me,  and we need them, and I also wanted to see you (Rubbing back of the neck) So ya,  I'll come. You had some problems, if I did..?" he said teasing her a bit.  "You crazy or something, why would I have any problem..?" she said getting annoyed.  He chuckled again making her more annoyed.  "OK love.. I'm on my way.. Bye" he said and she replied him the same.  He cut the call smiling like an idiot.  And looked back at the steering.  Yes, currently he was sitting in his car.   He started driving and after moving forward for sometime, he saw a girl moving aimlessly, and he kind of knew that girl.  He frowned, and was trying to recognize her  when suddenly it came to his mind "Riana!"

             His eyes widened.  He was shocked to see her there.  He immediately got out of the car.  He immediately ran towards her.  He saw her going and sitting at a random bench at the side of the road.  He went towards her ,her back facing him.  "Riana..!" He said, but she didn't turn back.  He ran towards her and stood behind her. As she felt someone's presence behind her, she immediately looked back. She was frightened again, frightened to see another man she didn't know, looking at her, maybe for a cause.  "Sorry sir, may I help you?" she asked still shivering.  "You're alive?" he asked.  Her eyes widened and tears started rolling down her cheeks.  "Why are you crying?  Was the reality too hard to accept?" he said in his arrogant tone.  "Sir I don't know what you're talking about.  I'm very sorry. I don't know what's happening." she said and started crying again.  He didn't care, but still for his crazy best friend's sake, he offered her his handkerchief, being a gentleman.  "You want some water?" he asked.  "No thank you!" she said wiping her tears.  "Calm down, and tell me what's being happening" he said to her in a rough tone.  "I don't know-" " Tell this in the car, come." He said and having no other option, she too came in.  

                 He sat on the driving seat, and she too sat in the front, he didn't expect her to sit in the front. He did not even say anything, when she slightly held his arm and put her head on his shoulder .  She started weeping. But he, gently moved her head.  "I think you should go to the back seat. You'll be more comfortable there." he said to her. She nodded moving to the back seat.  "And plus, I'm a married man with a beautiful wife." he said showing her his ring.  He said this, and she understood why he has said that.  So she apologized and sat quietly in the back seat.  And then, he continued to drive.

OK... I don't know how to thank you.. But I love you all soooo sooo soooo much.  Thank you so much to all of you for 100k.  Really thankful to you all,  never had I ever imagined of writing a story, and it becoming thus popular. Thank you for the confidence, the wonderful comments, the support and love you all usher shown me. Thank you so much... Thank you all of you <<3

So  ..here goes the end of this chapter.  Hope you all enjoyed it.  Vote if you like, comment your opinions.  Thank you so much ❤❤✨✨

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