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All of them stood frozen looking at the door.  The door was knocked again.  Finally,  Surbhi decided to open it.  "You hide your face with your Vail."  saying this she opened the door.  Fortunately, it was Sunaina.  All three relaxed seeing her.  "Oh.. It's you.." Shreya said.  But Sunaina didn't know that they both knew about Manisha. So she went inside straight to Manisha. She went there close to her. "They know you..?" she asked.  "Ya.. They do.."  Manisha replied.  "We know her, about don't worry, we won't say it to anyone."  Shreya said with a smile on her face.  But Sunaina looked tensed.  "What happened maa..?"  Manisha asked.  "See, don't panic, but we had to say it to our family, and Annirudh especially.  So I have said him, and they are calling you to the hall.." They all got very scared and went to the hall. 

                               They enter the hall just to see Vijay sitting on the front couch, and Annirudh standing with anger on his face.  "Wow dad! Great of you...!" Annirudh says in a sarcastic tone.  "People respect you a lot.  And will respect you even more, after knowing how this gold digger, cheap, money minded , middle class family just betrayed us..!" Annirudh said this shouting. Manisha listened to this and tears rolled down her cheeks.  "Don't you dare raise your voice lad." Vijay said.  But he got cut off by Annirudh.  "Ya.. Again the same thing, but the truth is the truth.  We have been betrayed. And also by this cheap family.  They promised us something else, and sent something else." he said looking at Manisha  with the corner of his eyes, who's face was still covered in her Vail.  "People will laugh at us, newspapers will print.  'Billionaires got trapped in silly traps of  a gold digger family'  Ha ha ha very funny right." Annirudh said again raising his voice.  "You better control your mouth when you are in front of me.  And yes, nobody in our relatives know that the bride has been changed.  And the public doesn't even know you are married..!" He said in a loud tone which made Annirudh silent for seconds. 

                Manisha's parents also arrived till then.  As they came, they started begging to Vijay.  "Sir please sir,  we had no choice, we never even imagined that our daughter would do this, please don't send us to jail sir.. Please sir..!" Ranjeet was crying to him.  "It was Manisha's fault, she left her alone, this is why she was able to run away.  Archana said.  "Don't blame  this girl for your daughter's faults." Vijay knew that Manisha was her step daughter.  "If you don't wanna go to the jail, take your filthy daughter with you, and go away.  I don't even want to look at your disgusting faces you cheaters." Annirudh shouted at them.  "No.. Annirudh no.. She is our daughter-in-law now..  Mr. Ranjeet, you can do a deal." Vijay said.  "What sir..?" Ranjeet said.  "As you all people left her here, all alone with us, you will not get to see your daughter again, or contact her." Vijay said. "Sir please don't do this..!" Ranjeet said crying.  Archana was smirking but still with crocodile tears she began to act.  "Yes sir please, don't do that.." Archana said in her fake way of crying.  "Once what comes out of my tongue, doesn't go back.  An order, is an order! And it's better you get it."  Vijay said.  "So, you people are leaving, or should I change my mind and call the cops..?" Annirudh said.   Agreeing  to all the conditions, both of them left. 

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