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As they went out. Annirudh sighed in relief and went to lock the door again.  "So, he isn't cheating on me. Thank God!" Manisha thought. "Why am I thinking this, he is just a rude and arrogant person, who doesn't know how to respect women." She thought.  When she saw him again locking the door,  she got a bit scared.  "Why is he doing that again..?" she said in her mind.  He started coming closer to her and removing his shirt.  "What.. Happened..?  The doubt is cleared right..  I didn't do anything to your shirt, so why are you removing it again..?" she asked in hesitation.  "I just wanna complete what we were doing.."  Annirudh said.  Of course he would not do anything, but he just wanted to see her reaction.  "Uhmm, I guess I need to go!" saying this, she ran to unlock the door and run out.  After she left, he chuckled and wore his shirt again. 

                   ~The next day~

"Mom,  I have a news!" Annirudh said this, coming downstairs to the hall. Sunaina and Vijay were sitting in the hall.  And Surbhi, Shreya and Manisha were in the kitchen.  It was Sunday, so everyone was there.  "Yes son, what happened..?" Sunaina asked.  Everything could be heard from the kitchen.  So, the three ladies were also listening to it.  "Bhabhi,  is the news good because of you..?" Shreya asked to Manisha in a playful manner.  "Oh please!" Manisha said and they three laughed, but not loudly.   "I have to go out because of my official work." Annirudh replied.  "For how many days..?" Sunaina asked.  Maybe half an  year." he replied and everyone was shocked.  "Why are you all shocked..?  It's usual for me right..?" he said. "Fine, but take Manisha with you." Vijay said.  Annirudh and Manisha both were shocked.  "No, that's not possible.  I will be busy there and.. I have many other things to do, instead of taking care of anyone." Annirudh said raising his voice.  "It's an order!" Vijay said looking angry.  "Listen,  she is your wife right..? She must be with you to Handel everything." Sunaina said calming him.  "I can take care of myself!" he said.  "She should be with you take care of you." Sunaina again said in a calm voice.  "But mom-" "Enough! When I said that it's an order, you must listen to it without arguing!" Vijay shouted.  After some more argument, he finally agreed.  "OK!  I'll take her with me." He said in an angry voice. 

                 ~Later that night~
            ~Annirudh's study room~

  "Who's there...?"  He asked.  "Son,  open the door."  It was Sunaina.  He opened the door and let her come in.  He made her sit on the big couch, and put his head in her lap.  Sunaina started patting his head. "Listen, I needed to talk something." Sunaina said.  "Hmmm" Annirudh replied.  "You are taking her with you right..?" Sunaina said, and Annirudh got up.  "Mom please!  I am already exhausted from working, and now you are telling me to carry that burden with me!" Annirudh said in anger.  "Hey no!  Son don't use that word for anyone.  She is so good, you just need to understand her well.  And,  everything was going good between you both right..?" she asked.  "Mom please, I haven't even talked to her properly from when she has come. Actually, I don't even care if she talks to me or not.  I was already happy with you guys right..?  Then why are you bringing someone new in my life.  I never even wanted to marry anyone." Annirudh said if d everything he had in his mind.  Sunaina again brought his head to her lap and started patting it.  Her patting was like a magic to him.  He suddenly becomes a good boy for his mother and listens everything she says.  "Everyone in our lives, come for a reason.  If you meet someone, it's because there is some important role of them in your life.  Things just don't happen for no reason OK..  So there must be something good behind this all.  What if  you married to Shrishti,  and she would run away after marriage? Or leave about running, what if she would hurt you..?  I just couldn't take it. So it's good that someone else is there for you. You must take care if her."  She explained everything to him.  She finally made him promise that he would always be with Manisha in any situation and would never hurt her at any cost. "Good night son"  "Good night mom"  And then, she kissed Annirudh's forehead and left.

So.. Yeah,  end of the chapter.  Hope you guys enjoyed reading it. He agreed to take her with him. Let's see what happens next.  Vote if you like.  Comment your opinions.  Hope you all liked it. Thank you ❤❤✨✨

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