New addiction..

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After fixing all the mess, he went to his office in a hurry, in his luxurious car. He was already late. He went in his room just to see Vihaan sitting there.  He saw him and then turned back to close the door. He removed his coat, placed it on the one of the chair, and then went straight upto him.  "What the hell are you doing here..?" Annirudh just burst out at him.  "Well, can I ask a question..?"  Vihaan asked with a smirk.  "First answer me..!" Annirudh shouted. "OK fine.. I was here to give you some important files, but you were not here, you were late, so I decided to sit and wait here for you..."  Vihaan explained in a cool way.  "Oh.. Fine then.."  Annirudh said getting calmer.  "Now answer me.. Can I ask a question..?" Vihaan asked and Annirudh replied with a hmm, sipping the coffee kept on the table.  "Is she a good kisser..?" Vihaan asked and Annirudh almost spilled out the coffee from his mouth.  "What the fuck are you talking asshole..?" he said raising his voice.  "Ya, I mean.. Her kisses maybe atleast this addictive that you forgot the wipe it off." Vihaan said with an innocent face.  "What do you mean..?" Annirudh asked with confusion.  Vihaan looked at him pointing at a corner side of his chest, on the plane white shirt.  "Fuck!" he saw a dark lipstick mark there. "How did this come here..?" Annirudh said in shock.  "How would I know this..?" Vihaan said this with a smirk on his face.  "I swear we didn't have it...!"  Annirudh said this, explaining.  "Oh sir.. Here I am talking just about a kiss, and you reached of having it..!  Very desperate I see." Vihaan said chuckling.  "I really don't know how this came.."   Annirudh said.  "Well, you must stay on control.. She isn't even the one you were supposed to marry..!"  Vihaan said.  He knew how the brides were replaced.  Vihaan was the only person Annirudh said this to.  "Wait, is she beautiful..?" Vihaan asked.  "She is better than Shrishti..!" Annirudh said.  "Oh.. Your new addiction..!" Vihaan said with a smirk.  "Shut up!"  Annirudh shouted.  "Did you guys even talk ones..?"  Vihaan asked. And Annirudh started saying it in one go. "Uhmm, ya this morning when she came out of the shower.  We talked a bit.  But she was running away from me, but I didn't know why, but then I just realised that she was standing there without clot-"  "Wait, Just the first day, and you saw here without clothes..?"  Vihaan asked him with surprise.  "No I mean.. I didn't see her without clothes..!" Annirudh tried to explain.  "So, you saw her with clothes..?"  Vihaan asked.  "No.. I mean.. She was in a towel." he finally said it.   "Oh I see..!" Vihaan said this and someone knocked on the door. 

  So.. Finally, update after so long.. I  am so sorry guys, I wasn't able to update because of some issues.. I am so sorry for that, but I promise, I will try to update  regularly from now.. I know that this update isn't big enough.. But regular updates are coming very soon.. So,  vote if you enjoyed.. Comment your opinions.  Hope you all liked it.. Thanks you ❤✨

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