"You can't die." Harry spoke through gritted teeth.

Gemini gave a sarcastic chuckle. "You think I'm fucking invincible in my normal state?"

I sat down next to Gemini, causing the both of them to stop talking and turn their heads towards me.

"What's going on?" I questioned, sending daggers towards Harry.

Gemini clicked her tongue and set her fork down, her knuckles turning back to her fare skin color. "We're fine Draco."

Harry scoffed and pushed up his glasses, sending a glare back at me. "Leave us alone Malfoy."

I gave him a slight smirk and laughed. "You're with my girlfriend, I don't have to leave."

Gemini sighed and slowly started rubbing her temples. It annoys her to see Potter and I bicker.

"Draco..." she grunted in annoyance.

I tapped my fingers against the wooden table. "I know what night you are talking about. Tonks told her to leave for her protection and everyone else's protection. You have to remember that she's on your side potter. She would even turn against me if that means you won against him."

Gemini gulped slightly, hating that I spilt the truth. She knows she would turn against me and I'm not upset. She chose her side before she started dating me, if anything I wish I had the courage she had.

But that's why I was put in Slytherin not Gryffindor, I have courage but not Gryffindor courage.

Harry looked over at Gemini, his face softening. "He's right, I'm sorry."

She sent him an icy glare. "Always have something smart to say." She barked at him.

"Gemini...Draco. Come with me." Snape spoke behind us. Scaring both Gemini and I a bit.

We both looked over at Harry one more time, both with glares before getting up and following Snape.

"Where are we going?" Gemini questioned as we entered a corridor with no students to eavesdrop.

"Training." Snape said dryly.

Gemini sighed and a sour face appeared. "Seriously? I thought we were done."

"No, we have to go through your mind again and again and again." Snape said sharply as we made our way up the stairs to Dumbledores office.

Gemini groaned and stomped her foot. As soon as her Father is around she acts more like a child, feeling more free around him.

"Why?" She muttered angrily as we entered Dumbledores office.

Snape turned around sharply to look at his daughter. "Just sit down and let Draco in."

"Damn okay grumpy pants." She said slyly, sitting down in the chair.

Gemini Myths POV

"Draco...look for her first memory of Death eaters." Dumbledore spoke softly as he sat in his chair.

"You know I could just tell you guys?" I said smartly with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Gemini..." my father lectured quietly.

I rolled my eyes and relaxed my body. "Fine, go ahead Draco."

Draco neared me with his wand ready. "Legilimency." He said quietly.


"It won't work." I laughed as the twins cooked up the aging potion.

"Yes it will little one." Fred smirked as he poured an ingredient into the cauldron.

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