Chapter 11 New in the old life

Start from the beginning


Making things clear.

Gem had never acted so maturely and responsibly in their old life.

And the words he spoke before he went to his room last night echoed in Fourth's calm mind.

A new life starting today.

Fourth nods.

He's ready to start a new life with Gem.

Finally transforming the immoral motives of his actions into the values of true friendship.

Fourth is ready.

The storm has passed.

And he is strengthened to start a new life.

With Gem.

And all the thoughts that frighten him are gone.

He's not going to lose Gem.

He'll wake him up for now.

They have to get to their lectures.

And with light feet and relieved soul, Fourth gets out of his bed.

The routines of his old life show him his doing.

He puts on coffee and already knows what he's preparing Gem and himself for breakfast.

A glance in the refrigerator tells him his variation for today.

And elated feet lead him to his newfound brother's room.

He knocks just out of habit.

Gem never awoke to the sound.

But Fourth never lost respect for his privacy.

And his hand performs the typical activity while his eyes look forward to the typical image.

Gem in his bed.

Uncovered and with his comforter cover trashed.

Fourth will hold this against him.

He would have slept much more peacefully if he had stayed with him.

He would have tucked him in properly.

All night long.

Periodically, Fourth's eyes sought reassurance in the night.

In his old life, he worried about his love even in his sleep.

Gem always covered himself.

And Fourth's body heat was not enough to keep him safe after all.

With an old sense of security, Fourth opens the door to Gem's bedroom and sees a completely new image.

An image that throws him off course.

An image so shocking that after a brief stare, he immediately explodes.

Gem's empty, neatly arranged bed.


"Gem?" he runs towards the neatly folded blanket, "Gem!" he sounds shrill and upset as he pulls the blanket away with a jerk, "Gem, where are you?" he can feel himself choking.

How can it be that Gem is missing from this new life.

Fourth's sense of security, wafting a moment ago, fills with the sheer fear of loss.

And his mind can no longer give him clear clues.

He ransacks his Gem's room.

Looking for him.

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