Chapter 9 Change of Perspective

Start from the beginning

That he has to let go of Gem and get to know himself.

A change of perspective that is simply necessary.

And Fourth held on to Poseidon in a relaxed way.

Mark is like a savior on a black motorcycle.

He stood in front of his house complex and gave him a wide, warm smile when he caught sight of him.

Fourth tears were still fighting with his eyes as he got closer and closer to him.

He just wanted to leave, and Mark wordlessly granted him that wish.

And Fourth was to be distracted by the sight of the magnificent carvings and decorations of the Maori meeting houses.

A complex of ancient masonry that mimicked the human body.

Buildings depicting arms, legs and heads in architectural tradition.

Mark and Fourth strolled the railings.

And Mark used his communication skills to conjure Fourth into the ancient world of the Maoris.

He told him about the special building methods of the different tribes.

He always came up with amusing comments to catch Fourth's smile.

And Mark managed to catch the initially absent young man again.

Fourth seemed genuinely interested in everything Mark had to tell him.

What he was showing him.

What detail he was pointing out to him.

And Mark was the one who was completely taken in when Fourth started using his new drawing book.

Those hands.

Those strong yet gentle fingers that drew all the magic with loving abandon.

Every stroke.

Every shading.

Fourth drawing and capturing life.

And he had to chuckle when he saw Mark's childlike wondering eyes.

"All good?" he asked Poseidon, who was staring at his hands in fascination, "Mark!" he addressed him.

"Mhm?", Mark mumbled, not taking his eyes off Fourth's adorable hands.

Fourth chuckled and put his pencil aside.

And he felt so free.

A deep sigh finally caught Mark's attention.

And when Fourth was given the dreamy, fascinated look of Poseidon, he blushed.

Mark felt so clearly what this young man could do to him.


He is older and should know better.

He should be more composed and cool.

But Fourth's beautiful face takes his breath away when it blushes.

Mark's hasty looking away amused Fourth.

This sea god seems to have his shame-filled moments, too.

Fourth grinned broadly as he saw Mark's helpless gaze flee around.

He can't look at him anymore.

And Fourth's soul felt so free when he did.

Mark isn't being pushy.

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