S3 Chapter 1: A Cosmic Call

Start from the beginning

Y/n: And that is what I'm trying to do.

Amy: You've been working on it for six months and you still haven't made any progress.

Y/n: Just like you couldn't make any progress with Sonic in that time.

Amy: Want to say that a little louder!?

Y/n: Gladly!

Tails: All right, brake it up. Look.

They saw thousands of shooting stars.

Tails: It's starting!

Cream: They look like fireworks.

Tails: I'm sure glad I brought a camera.

Y/n: They look so beautiful. Wait.

He saw one that looked like it was coming right at them.

Y/n: Why does one of them seem like it's coming right at us?! Hit the deck!

They ducked down and the weird meteor shot over them and landed in the near distance, causing an explosion. The gang went to the crash site.

Amy: That's no shooting star.

Y/n: It looks like some kind of space craft. Huh?

They look lower to see two creatures that seem female. One had green hair with two buns that look like rose buds, wore a green, long-sleeved dress with yellow wrist, a long white skirt that looked like a flower, a red gem in the middle of her chest, and green shoes. While the others one looked older, had yellow hair that reached to the top of her back, three buns that were like white rose buds, two on the side of her head, and one on top of it, a yellow long-sleeved dress with green wrist, a white flower like skirt that was a little shorter than the other ones, a red gem in the middle of her chest that was pretty developed, and yellow shoes. Both of them were on the ground unconscious. The others went to them and checked on them.

Y/n: They're alive, just unconscious.

Tails: But they still need help.

Amy: Your house is the closest one around here, Cream. I think we should take them there.

Y/n: Me, Chaos, Cream and Cheese will go on with... (picks up the yellow one) this one and we'll let mother know of your arrival.

Chaos came from Y/n's bracelet.

Chaos: Lord Y/n, are you sure that's a good idea? We don't know anything about them.

Y/n: I'll be on full guard in case they try anything. No need to worry, Chaos.

Chaos: Right. I'm sorry I doubted you.

Y/n: It's fine. I know you're just being cautious. Cream, Cheese let's go.

Y/n ran of with the yellow one while Cream and Cheese flew after them.


Tails and Amy got to Cream and Y/n's house and put the green one in the guest bedroom while the yellow one was on Y/n's bed with Y/n, Chaos, Cream and Cheese watching after her.

Cream: I wonder when she'll wake up.

Chaos: Why exactly did you give her your bed, Y/n?

Y/n: There was only one guest bedroom.

Chaos: Are you completely sure about this, My Lord?

Y/n: Yeah. They don't seem particularly strong and they're both sure to be hurt after the crash. So, I should easily be able to take care of them.

The yellow girl started to stir and she opened her violet eyes, then she sat up and looked around.

Yellow girl: Where am I?

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