swallowed Eating honey has indeed stimulated the second development of the spiritual domain."

Under normal circumstances, the "test subject" who has taken the promotion potion should be carried into the ecological cabin and lie down.


"He's too heavy to lift." The dean complained, "This size must weigh 2000kg."

Hua Xian: "... let the robot carry it."

There are many people who water flowers in the flower field Robots are mostly dual-purpose, they can do farm work and fight.

She gave instructions to the robot, Oda No. 7 and Oda No. 81, one after the other, lifted the big bear and sent it to the pharmacological research and testing room of Xingfu Pharmaceutical Factory.

Hua Xian: "Ah, by the way, Mia, you said earlier that a drone was fainted by Arnold, would you like the director to show him?" The queen bee smiled and said: "No, it's

nothing serious, I'll wake up in a while gone."

Having said that, Hua Xian still treated the captive employees equally. The dean tested the timid bumblebee, took out a bottle of spray, and sprayed it.

The timid drone shook its transparent wings, kicked and kicked its paws, and then woke up: "I dreamed of a big bear, it was super big!" Miya: "

Bub, it's not a dream. You are carrying a small honey bucket, didn't you?" Stop the brake and hit the bear's nose."

The other male concubines poked their heads out of the hive and echoed the queen bee, calling him stupid.

Hua Xian: "..."

There are too many male concubines, and there will be yin and yang vicious competitions.

She suddenly felt that it would be nice to have only one little Butterfly Bao'er, so it would be more worry-free. The sixty-nine male concubines in the Sixth Court of the Three Palaces don't know how Miya usually handles the water, and how it is wet with rain and dew.

Hua Xian didn't listen to the Queen Bee's male concubines, Balabala, she went to the pharmaceutical factory, and then sent a message to Asen who worked in the Xingfu Flower Shop branch in the west district of Qinshan City.

In the flower shop, there is now more than one employee, there are two or three.

Asen left early, and the business was not affected.

An hour later——


Arnold had already woken up, and a huge bear came out of the extra-large eco-remedial cabin, "I... I seem to have expanded my spiritual realm by a level, and I have been promoted to a city! "

The width of his original spiritual domain is the second gear, a tall building.

Those who can enter Qi Ming's personal guards are not easy. They are born with strong levels, acquired strengths, performed well in missions, and made outstanding contributions in the army.

"Brother, that's great, you're scaring me to death."

Brother Asen rushed over.

Xiong Daxiong and Er hugged each other, especially the kind of hug that two brothers are good at.

Hua Xian took out a bottle of amber honey: "Let's try it for Asen too, Dean, if there are any patients in the nursing home in the seventh district, call them here too." The dean checked the hospital

✓ Letting you take charge of the flower shop, Xingji Lingzhi has recovered?Where stories live. Discover now