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Chapter 46

The scene was eerily silent for a while.

The huge black whale shook its tail, and its big black eyes looked at Chu Shishi with aggrieved eyes, and then at Yunsha who was standing in the transparent corridor.

In Xiaohai's perception, he just wanted to take his parents to meet his wife, but was banned by his parents, and he hadn't seen his wife for ten days.

Can there be anything more wronged than this? If he doesn't go back to see his wife again, Black Whale is afraid that he will be treated as a scumbag by his wife who abandons his wife and children.

Just don't be too wronged!

At this time, Feng Buyan had already switched the mode of the communicator, allowing Yunsha's voice to spread into the sea water.

"I... have learned about the habits of the unicorn black whale before." Yunsha's voice sounded a little erratic, like a person walking in the void who can't find a point of strength. For the sake of respect, if a male beast wants to get the right to mate with a female beast, he must first defeat the female beast and other suitors of the female beast." "

And some female beasts with stronger personalities may attack the male beast at any time during the mating process." The female beast will only give birth to offspring for the male beast that has passed all the tests." When

Yunsha recalled the wounds on Xiaohai's body when she came back this time, she really felt that those wounds were a bit like the unicorn on the head of the black whale beast. what's left.

She just didn't expect that Xiao Hai had managed to find herself a partner with a very strong personality in just one month of adulthood.

Fortunately, this strong female beast didn't really want to take her partner's life. The wounds on Xiao Hai's body were actually skin traumas, but it was a bit serious due to the pregnancy reaction.

Yunsha sighed, and finally understood why Xingxing went around telling her to ask the mermaid for help instead of giving her a more direct reminder.

This matter is too complicated and unbelievable. If there is no mermaid to help translate, I am afraid that Yunsha will not be able to find the truth from the hints of the stars.

"The pregnancy period of the narwhal is very short, only three months." Yunsha counted the time, "Xiaohai just passed his birthday when he went out to play once, and he came back after playing for half a month. My God, based on this calculation, the female beast may have been pregnant for almost a month."

She unconsciously fell into silence again.

Based on this calculation, didn't Xiao Hai ran out to find himself a wife within two days of becoming an adult? And quickly made his wife's belly bigger? !

Hearing Yunsha's words, Xiaohai became a little anxious, his thick tail slapped the transparent wall, his huge head looked into the distance, and murmured anxiously.

Chu Shishi stroked Xiaohai's head reassuringly, and asked in a low voice, "What is Team Yun going to do next?" The

root cause of Xiaohai's current physical discomfort lies in the female beast. Beast can end pregnancy discomfort.

"In the final analysis, this matter is my fault." Yunsha couldn't help but sighed again, "I will go to visit the female beast with Xiaohai, and if the female beast is willing, I will take it back and share it with Xiaohai. Live together. If it is used to living freely, and Xiaohai also wants to accompany his partner..." Yunsha

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