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Chapter 31

The hair caught in the zipper made my scalp hurt.

Chu Shishi had to stand on tiptoe to keep her hair closer to the zipper, lest her scalp suffer more.

The material of Feng Buyan's clothes is relatively flexible, so it is difficult to stand firm in the pocket, and it is even more difficult to stand firm on the toes.

The blond man tried his best to stand on tiptoe for a while, but his body staggered from time to time and pulled his hair from time to time. He gasped in pain, and finally had to give up trying to find a support point to stabilize his figure.

He urged in a low voice: "Are you ready?"

"Soon, soon." Feng Buyan frowned slightly, his expression rare and serious.

Let him fight and fight mechs to do tasks, he is good at it, but such things as zippers getting stuck in hair... To be honest, this is the first time he has encountered it in his life.

What's more, the blond man is small in size, and his long hair is actually not long even if it is considered to be of normal length, so it is even more troublesome to toss.

It was the first time to encounter the difficulty of hell, and for Feng Buyan's fingers, it was like embarrassing them.

Fortunately, he succeeded in the end.

Feng Buyi raised his eyebrows: "Look, it's not simple, I didn't even lose a single hair."

But he was slightly relieved in his heart, and said helplessly, after raising such a villain, this kind of thing might not happen. It will only happen once.

The blond man thanked me gratefully: "I'm sorry to trouble you." "I've already said it, don't be polite to me." Feng Buyi rubbed the blond man's head with his fingertips

, "Don't let me hear it again."

The belly of the fingers holding the weapon is a little rough, but the opponent has controlled the strength, and when it lands on the top of the head and dawdles, it only makes people feel warm and dry, which is very comfortable.

Chu Shishi bent his eyes in a good mood, and after the other party moved his finger away, he carefully raised his hand to pull the zipper.

This time, the zipper didn't get caught in his hair again, and Chu Shishi only pulled half of the zipper, leaving a small half open, so that he could poke his head out occasionally to take a breath, and take a look at the outside scene by the way.

Everyone in the starship was ready and waited beside the special skydiving hatch of the starship. Feng Buyan was the last one to arrive.

Seeing that he came empty-handed, Long Yan glanced up and down his body for a long time, and finally couldn't bear to ask curiously: "Boss, where's your egg?"

Feng Buyi glanced at him, and the corner of his lips curled slightly: "Guess. "

Long Yan choked slightly.

If he could guess it, he wouldn't have asked!

Just as he was slandering in his heart, Ansair who was beside him suddenly pulled him.

Long Yan wondered: "What's the matter?"

"Look at the pocket on the captain's left chest." Ansair said in a super invincible whisper, "Is that pocket bulging?" The

four looked in the direction he said , Jiu Cong touched his chin, and a thoughtful look crossed his face, as if he had already guessed what was going on. Qingyin stared at it for a while, and said in a daze, "It seems to have moved

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