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Chapter 12

Logging in to the Holographic Star Network for the second time, Chu Shishi appeared at the place where he went offline last time.

Still familiar with the watermelon rind panda head, Chu Shishi has no plans to change his outfit, because only the first random avatar is free, and the second one will cost money.

The panda head came to the door of the 'Shanshi' mechanical repair shop. As soon as the door was opened, the little black man sitting at the front desk jumped up excitedly: "Master Panda Head! You are here!" Chu Shishi: "...


He likes this title.


"Come on, come on, our boss... the boss is already waiting for you!"

Xiaosi grasped Chu Shishi's arm familiarly, perhaps because he was about to become a colleague, his attitude was worse than when we met last time Be more eager.

Chu Shishi glanced at the hand holding his arm, and said silently in his heart: I am now a panda head, a panda head, a panda head... Xiaosi

took Chu Shishi to the door of the meeting room where he had the last interview, and there was a faint feeling in the room. There were voices of people talking.

Before Xiao Si could knock on the door, the person inside opened the door.

It's a familiar man in a suit, but this time he didn't wear a panda head, but a sweaty soy bean that looked a little funny.

——There is a feeling of being ridiculed all the time.


The opponent's magic attack is so powerful!

The panda's head was revealed at the right time: What a coincidence, everyone is here. jpg

Huang Doutou in a suit nodded at Xiao Hei Si, indicating that he could go about his own business, and then turned sideways to let Chu Shishi enter the meeting room.

There was another person sitting in the conference room, who was dressed as a little black man just like Little Black Four, but this little black man was several times bigger than Little Black Four, and looked extraordinarily tall and strong.

Chu Shishi secretly made a gesture of his height, and thought that this man should be almost two meters tall.

"Lin Jian, first of all, congratulations on passing our interview." Xiao Hei waved his hand, and an electronic contract floating in the air appeared in front of him, "This is a formal contract for senior technicians, take a look. "

Chu Shishi was slightly stunned, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, I may not have made it clear last time. I want to apply for a special technician."

Xiao Heida and Huang Doutou were stunned at the same time.

Soybean in the suit looked at him, obviously unable to see any expression, but Chu Shishi felt that he should be frowning.

Xiao Hei asked in disbelief: "Are you sure? Specially hired technicians don't have a fixed base salary, and the task commission they get is lower than that of senior technicians." They set up

special posts only because there are no fixed technicians in the store, or When there is not enough staff in the store, it is just to find someone to replace it temporarily.

How could someone give up a senior post to become a specially hired temporary worker?

Chu Shishi nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

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