part 31

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Ethan sat half asleep in the dining hall. It was the last day before classes, starting tomorrow the uniforms would come back, and that meant he couldn't wear Julian's hoodie everywhere he went.

His friends started asking questions when he kept the hood on, for the entirety of the day before. He blew them off, and told them he was just feeling sort of sick. None of them really bothered him much after, well besides Oliver.

Oliver being his best friend, and the most responsible of the group, pulled him aside and asked him all sorts of questions about his health. Did he have a fever? Had he been eating? Has he been wearing enough layers, and staying out of the cold?

Ethan reassured him that it was nothing too bad, and promised to take better care for himself.

He sort of found it ironic since Oliver was also the one who forced him to go out with them. He had asked not to go, since Ethan didn't want to go out wearing a black hoodie all day, but Oliver insisted it'd be good for him, mentally at least, and Ethan listens to what Oliver says, mostly.

Lucky for him Julian left him a scarf this morning, well Ethan assumed it was him because it was left in a bag, by his door, with a note saying "Sorry" in scratchy writing.

Ethan looked up away from his food, and was met with those familiar, dark eyes. Julian looked tired himself, his under eyes were noticeable against his pale skin.

"Good morning," He told Ethan with a smile that revealed his teeth.

"Good morning," He knew it was dumb but Ethan instantly felt more awake, "Are you coming with us?"

"Yeah," he nodded, a smile still tugging on the corners of his mouth, "I'm surprised you are though,"  He said, as his elegant fingers picked at the single green apple on his plate.

Ethan just shrugged, and changed the subject, "Is that your breakfast?"

"I guess, I wasn't very hungry this morning," He said picking it up and giving the apple a frown.

"Maybe you could wait, and we can sneak away from the group and grab a bite in town,"

"I'd like that," he said the smile finding his way back onto his lips.

"Alright, lovebirds, are you ready to go?" John called out from farther down the table, "We're waiting on you,"

"Shut up, we're ready," Ethan called back, feeling a blush creep onto his face, he's been doing that a lot lately.

He looked across the table to see Julian holding back his amusement.

"I'm really starting to miss when you were indifferent and quiet," Ethan grumbled as they stood up, but the other boy just let out a knowing laugh.

—  —  —

"It's so cold," Ethan mumbled, sinking his face into the scarf Julian had lent him. The pair had left the others behind without much hassle. They told them they were grabbing food together, and no one questioned them, Oliver, however, gave them an interested stare.

Julian and Ethan walked in silence, giving time for Ethan to wonder about a handful of things, the main one being Elijah.

He was debating if Elijah was pretending it was someone from home out of respect, or if he was just dense. Ethan thought it was the former for awhile, but the more he thought about it, the less sure he became.

"What are you thinking about?" Julian turned and asked when they stood waiting for a red light to turn green. He pulled Ethan in by the ends of the scarf, and seemed to be studying his face.

"If Elijah knows about us," Ethan said truthfully.

Julian gave him a frown, and he instantly felt bad for saying what he had. Ethan realized he had to get over his own selfish wishes, if he didn't want to hurt Julian. He didn't.

"Uhm, I was also thinking about how we should go out together more often," Ethan felt desperate to have Julian's sulking expression to disappear.

"Yeah it's nice," he pulled him even closer, and running the tip of his nose against Ethan's jaw, sending chills down the older boy, "I feel bad I didn't get you anything for Christmas," Julian murmured into his skin before they continued to walk.

The comment felt random, but judging off of Julian's sheepish face, Ethan could tell he'd been holding it in for a while.

"Well, I didn't get anything for you either," Ethan pointed out.

"You got me a birthday present," Julian countered.

"That's not the same because you didn't even know I existed when it was my birthday," He explained.

"When was that?"

"Early August, the sixth," Ethan found himself enjoying his time more than he should.

"That's too far away, I should get you a late Christmas present,"

"Just get me Valentine's Day present," Ethan offered before he even processed what he was implying, "I mean..." He scrambled for a way to explain, but his thoughts were interrupted by laughter next to him.

"Don't act like you having a crush on me is a secret, all of a sudden," Julian looked at him, and gave him a soft sigh, his face unreadable, "At least not to me," and then the look on Julian's features made sense.

"I'll get you a present for Valentine's," Julian assured him with a soft smile, "Let's grab the food and meet back up with them, we don't want them to worry."

—  —  —

They ended up having a quick meal at a cafe, it was nice, and Ethan made a mental note to come back when they could take their time.

Hanging out with the group wasn't too bad, Ethan had a good time talking to everyone. It was also comforting that he could feel Julian next to him the whole time, Julian would breifly respond when spoken to, but remained relatively quiet.

Ethan found it entertaining, watching Julian revert back to his old reserved self around other people. It made him wonder when he got him to be so carefree around him. He realized he probably had his pushy-ness to thank, and he definitely was thankful.
—  —  —

They were on campus when Oliver randomly pulled Ethan aside, "Why don't you have Julian over?"

Ethan wasn't stupid and immediately knew what was up, "Dude, are you and Chris fucking?"

He noticed the way Oliver's face flushed instantly, anyone would, even Elijah, "You're kidding," Ethan knew that wasn't the most supportive thing to say, but he wasn't entirely sure if he was.

Oliver just looked away trying to compose himself, "Just do me a favor?" Ethan could see and hear the pleading in his eyes and voice.

"I hope you aren't going to hurt yourself," Ethan said even though he knew he couldn't say 'no', not when it was Oliver.

"I could say the same," Oliver mumbled, still not looking directly at him.

"You really couldn't," Ethan argued, which had Oliver raise his eyebrows in curiosity. "Have your fun, Oliver," Ethan told him, "I'll hang out with Julian,"

"Thank you," Oliver said with a thankful smile, and Ethan couldn't help but worry about him. Chris, though his friend, was the type to hurt someone without realizing it, and he didn't want Oliver to be 'someone'.

As they approached Ethan's dorm building, he tugged on Julian sleeve, "Oliver wants to hang out with Chris," They both looked over to see the pair having a hushed conversation, "My dorm?"

Julian looked back with a grin, and gave Ethan an excited nod.

A/N: i started listening to Cigarettes After Sex and omg they're so Julian and Ethan. ANYWAYS please comment VOTE and follow. It would be veryyyyt appreciated. I love all of my readers like actually, especially the ones with the funny names.

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