part 14

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Julian took his time walking from his building to Ethan's.  He had a book in his hands, and He wasn't worried about getting caught, the office aid who checked on him didn't seem like he cared very much. He just asked why he went to first but not the others, and just walked out. He didn't recognize the kid, he wondered if Ethan would.

Julian knocked lightly when he got to the room. Ethan opened the door quickly, he was still dressed in his school uniform. Ethan's tie however, was undone around his neck.Julian had already changed out of the clothes and into a more comfortable outfit.

"Happy Brithday..." Ethan said awkwardly as a greeting.

"That is literally the third time today," Julian said stepping into his room and taking in his surroundings. Ethan hand been drawing, his art supplies were all over his desk.

"I'm just being celebratory," Ethan said closing the door behind him.

"Yeah, sure," Julian said walking over to his bed, "Can I take a seat?"

"Yeah, don't even ask," Ethan said taking a seat on his desk.

Julian wondered, if Ethan was the type to be made uncomfortable sitting on the same bed. The bed probably wasn't the issue, Julian realized, it was the size of the bed. It was on the smaller side, it could fit the two with some legs touching. Or maybe Ethan was just respecting his personal space.

Ethan walked over to the night stand with a small ringed book, "Is that where you draw?" Julian asked.

"Yeah, it is actually,"

"Can I take a look?"

"Hmm," Ethan thought staring at the book, "Maybe some other time, I want to give you your present,"

"Oh, right!" Julian was excited, and couldn't hide it even if he tried. He wasn't expecting anyone to even wish him 'Happy Birthday', it was nice to see Ethan go out of his way to celebrate.

Ethan pulled out an unwrapped puzzle box with a card placed on top. "Happy Birthday!"

"Wow, you like saying that don't you?"

"Only for you," Ethan said handing him the present.

The card had a slice of bread, wearing a birthday hat, with the words 'A birthday toast to you" written on the front. He opened to card to find a lonely "Happy Birthday!" scribbled in the center.

Julian thought it was the nicest thing Ethan could have done, he wasn't sure exactly what to do, so he settled by saying "Thank you," With a smile.

Julian stood from where he sat on Ethan's bed, to give him a hug. It was a quick, fleeting hug.

"Do you wanna try solving it until schools out?" Ethan asked after the embrace.

"We can do whatever," Julain responded, as Ethan gave him a questioning look. "I was serious when I said I just wanted to skip and hang out, no expectations other than that," Julian took off the plastic wrap, "If you want to, you can draw, I brought a book," Julian said lifting a small paperbacked book.

"I would like that, but if you get bored just let me know," Ethan said walking back toward the desk.

"You too,"

They stayed like that, in silence, drawing and reading. It was like the first day they met, but this time was better than before. It was only the two of them, and neither one felt the need to speak. They simplied enjoyed each others company.

It was close to half an hour when Ethan got up, Julain wondered if he was bored, but he hadn't said anything, "Are you all right?" Julian asked.

"Oh yeah I'm just changing out of the school's clothes," He said turning around, and fully taking his tie off. Ethan pulled out a grey T-shirt and green PJ pants.

"Pajamas pants already? It's barely noon,"

"Hey, mind your own business," Ethan said shaking off his blazer, and unbuttoning his shirt. Julian knew it wasn't that big of a deal, he had friends back home who would change in front of him, all the time and he rarely even notice, so why did he feel the need to look away for Ethan. It wasn't a question he didn't know the answer to, it was a question he didn't want an answer to.

"So, I know it's still early, like you pointed out, but how has your birthday been so far?"

"It's probably in my top five, it's been nice," Julian thought it was great.

"Woah, didn't know you liked me that much," He said sitting on the bed fully clothed.

"Don't get too excited, there's not much to live up to," Julian said noting the green pajama pants.

Ethan nodded his head with a look of understanding, "I get that."

He likes how Ethan didn't push for more, even if he wanted to, it's only human nature to be curious. "But I'm pretty sure, that even if all my other birthdays weren't shitty, this one would still be one of my favorites.

"Hm, really?" Ethan asked cracking his knuckles in his lap.

"Yeah," Julian said looking down noticing how Ethan continued to do the motion of cracking his knuckles, without any of them actually popping, "You can crack mine," Julian said reaching out his hand. Ethan mumbled a soft thanks. "I mean you didn't have to buy me some extravagant gift, that I probably wouldn't even touch after opening. I also just like being in your presence, even if we're not talking."

"Me too," Ethan said looking down at their hands.

"It really is the small things that count," Julian said trying to catch Ethan gaze.

"Why don't you tell me about some of your best birthdays," Ethan said still not looking up, he had Julian's hand in his, even after he cracked all his knuckles.

"All of the good ones were with my siblings, usually my sister, she used to make me breakfast and sing to me,"

"The poet right?" Ethan asked as he played with his fingers.

"Yeah, the poet," Julian gave a small smile. "I don't hate my siblings," Julian wasn't sure what made him want to tell him that, but he did.

"I know you don't, it's hard to hate the only people who truly know what it's like to live with your parents,"

"They could hate me," Julian paused allowing himself to find comfort in Ethan's touch, "My dad was worse to them, than he ever was with me,"

"But they don't, even if you guys don't speak that much, I mean from what I've seen, your brother seems to be reaching out,"

"You're right, I can't even be mad at them for leaving. I would do the same, I want to do the same. I guess that's why I was taken a back, hearing that my brother was with my dad.

"He cut contact with me, I assume, because he wanted to cut all ties with my dad. Just wondered why he would reach out to my dad first."

"That's also not true," He stopped playing with his hands and looked up at him. Julian knew he was right, and even if he wasn't he would probably still agree.

Julian let out a small groan of frustration, and covered his face, unintentionally bringing Ethan's hands to his face as well. They were warm and soft, if Julian could, he would keep them pressed against his cheeks, but he knew he couldn't. He dropped their hands, "You're right,"

Ethan just gave him a small smile, avoiding eye contact again.

A/N: Hey guys! this was my first week doing two updates, it wasn't bad and i think i'll continue doing it. Also special thanks to yoUspinMErightR0und for supporting the story since very early on, i notice every time you vote and appreciate it sm. That actually goes for every person who votes, i notice all of you who comment, follow, or/and add my story to a reading list, thank you so much it means a lot. Sorry for the long a/n i felt like letting you guys know how much i love you.

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