part 10

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When they entered Julian's dorm it was obvious which side was who's. Chris had his bed littered with school papers and protein shakes.

Julain and Ethan took a seat on the floor, placing their food and the puzzle on the coffee table. They ate and talked for a little untill Ethan asked Julain to start the puzzle.

"So, what made you want to do a puzzle instead of like... Uno?" Ethan asked as he watched Julian open the box.

"Well Uno is pretty boring with only two players and... I like puzzles," He responded placing the edge piece.

"Well they're confusing," Ethan said frowning, as he searched for a match to the part he was holding.

"Growing up they were my favorite, the best puzzle is the one my dad got me for my ninth birthday,"  He explained as he work on the upper right side of the puzzle.

"Was that like your first puzzle?" Ethan asked as he continued to search for the same pair to the same piece.

"No, it wasn't. I started solving puzzle when I was around seven or eight."

"Oh look!" Ethan tapped Julains shoulder.

"What is it?" He said tearing his focus from the puzzle to Ethan.

"I found the match," Ethan smiled showing his teeth.

"You see, it's not so hard is it?"

"It is, look at you you've done basically the whole puzzle in like twenty minutes," Ethan half complained.

"I'm not even half way," Julain said unbothered as he continued with the puzzle.

They worked on the puzzle in silence for a few minuets. Both of them stealing glances at each other, but everytime their eyes would meet, Ethan would look away knowing Julian would continue to stare.

"So, you never finish telling me why you like the puzzle your dad gave you so much," Ethan said taking a sip of water and placing the glass back on the coffee table.

"Oh, right. Well, to put it shortly, that was the first and last present my dad got me that was something I actually had interest in. So my liking to it is definitely subjective. You know, to this day I'm not sure who told him I liked puzzle, or if he even knew but it was nice," Julain sighed.

"You still have the puzzle?" Ethan asked looking at him while he worked on the puzzle.

"Yeah, I do... I mean it's not here at school but it's back home in my room."

The fell back into silence Ethan wasn't sure what to say but he didn't feel awkward, he knew Julain knew he understood.

Ethan wasn't bothers by the silence but thought some music would be nice. He reached for his phone that was on the table, but he ended up spilling his water.

Luckily the water avoided the puzzle and spilled straight on to the floor.

"Shit, I am so sorry," Ethan said grabbing the napkins from the food and trying his best to clean up, "I'm like really sorry."  He ran out of napkins, but the floor was still wet and his hands and sleeves were soggy.

Julian stood up and walked over to the restroom. He brought two towels, he used one to finish cleaning up the mess, while Ethan continued to spew apologies.

"Hey, it's okay it's just water," Julain said picking the other towel and reaching for Ethan right hand.

He dried his right hand, even though Ethan was beyond capable to do it it himself. He rolled up the half wet sleeve to Ethan's elbow and moved on to his left hand. "I'm not going to yell at you, you're fine," He said looking down at him.

Ethan wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing, but he just stared at him as he handle him with such care.

Chris entered the dorm unexpectedly. Both, Ethan and Julain, pulled away from each other. They weren't doing anything wrong or strange, but it felt like something they wouldn't do in front of people.

"Hey, guys..." Chris said furrowing his brow, "I, uh, I didn't know you were hanging out with Ethan."

"Yeah, I didn't tell you because you said you were going to be out..." Julain said trying to focus on the puzzle.

"Yup, but now I'm back," Chris said sitting on his trashed bed.

"Ethan wanna start working on our argument this week?"

"Sure." he said rolling up the sleeve Julian didn't get to.

Ethan, regardless of his usually talkative demeanor, didn't feel like conversing with either of them.

They all stayed silent and it felt awkward. Sometime past when Chris spoke randomly, "Wow! I just got invited to go hang out with Oliver, see you guys!" He quickly jumped off his bed, and walked out the room without a response.

Ethan and Julian both noticed how strange he sounded, and the fake enthusiasm but were to relived to care.

"Sorry again, by the way."

"You should really stop; I already said it was fine."

"Right, right, sorry," Ethan just cringed as Julian chuckled at him.

"Why don't you try to solve the rest with no help?" Julain nodded towards the puzzle.

"What will you do?"

"I'll just watch, maybe eat the rest of my food," Julain shrugged grabbing his bowl.

"That sounds unfair," Ethan complained.

"No, what would be unfair is you making me do it all by myself," Julain smiled then ate some of his noodles.

"Whatever," Ethan grumbled as he started to attempt the puzzle.

And that's how the night went on. Julain watched as Ethan struggled. Occasionally Julain would help him with a peice or two, but he mainly sat back, and commented something to bother him.

Ethan Left slightly past curfew, careful not to get caught. He wasn't sure how Chris would get back or where he went, since when he entered his dorm Oliver was gone too.

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