part 15

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Ethan laid in bed, it was a couple of weeks after Julian's birthday, it wasn't that late, around 10pm, but both Oliver and Ethan were trying to get to sleep. However, Ethan's mind just wouldn't settle, the obvious solution is to take Oliver down with him.

"Are you up?" Ethan asked flipping his body to face the side he knew Oliver's bed was.

"Sure, what's wrong?" Oliver slept facing the ceiling, Ethan thought it was creepy, but Oliver swore it's what helps him sleep.

"I feel like the semester is almost over, and you were barely around," He spoke into the darkness.

"I could say the same for you."

Ethan thought about what that meant, "Oh... yeah, I guess you could."

"You and Julian have gotten really close," Oliver's tone hid a bit of teasing.

"You make it out to be something that it's not," after a few moment of silence Ethan spoke again, "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know, the whole Julian thing."

"I'm not mad, I just don't think you're telling me the full thing," Oliver continued, "Do you like him?"

"What's up with you and Chris?" Ethan asked deflecting the question.

"I know you're trying to avoid answering."

"No, what is going on between you two, actually?"

Oliver sighed, "I want to be mad, but it's you," he paused for a second, "And I really don't know why you would be implying anything, have you met Chris?"

"That doesn't mean you can't like him," Even though they were going back and forth, the energy felt calm. Oliver and Ethan were able to have touchy conversations, without either of them getting heated.

"Yeah, it kind of does, unfortunately."

Ethan laid in silence again, this time for another reason. He had never really properly considered Julian's sexuality because for him it never mattered. Even if he was into guys, he wouldn't be into Ethan, and he accepted that. He was okay with admiring him in secret, or however secret anything can be with Oliver.

There was a knock on the door bringing Ethan back.

"Don't worry about it, I'll get it," Oliver said getting up and walking to the door. Ethan just closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

The moment the light from the hallway entered the room, Oliver spoke out to him, "Ethan, it's uhm... Julian," He walked back to his bed as Ethan got up.

"Hey," Julian spoke first.


"Wanna go for a smoke?" He asked leaning against the door frame.

"This late?" Ethan asked looking up at him.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep," Julian shrugged.

"Yeah sure, let me grab a sweater."

~  ~  ~

They stood sharing a cigarette like they do so often, "Thanks for the extra help," Julian said breathing out a white cloud.

"I don't mind," Ethan had been discussing school work, with Julian, the past week and a half. Julian wasn't dumb, no one at St. Eves was dumb, he just needed motivation. "The next week is probably one of the easiest part of the year, besides the first week of school,"

"Really, Why is that?" Julian took another inhale of the stick.

"All the professors want to go home and eat turkey, so do the students. On top of that, everyone knows after break shit actually hits the fan, so the professors, showing a rare act of kindness, want to give the kids a break," Ethan explained since Thanksgiving break was in around a week. The break only lasted a nine days, but every year those nine days lasted forever.

"Does the school close down over break?" Julian asked passing the cigarette to Ethan.

"Nah, they only do that for winter and summer. Are you staying for Thanksgiving?" He asked blowing into the cold air.

"Unfortunately, not," Julian sighed stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"I want to stay too, Im pretty sure if it wasn't for the fact my dad likes to show me off, they wouldn't bring me home."

"That's all parents think we're good for," Julian rolled his eyes and checked his watch. "I think we should head back it's getting kind of late, and I don't want you missing sleep cause of me."

"I don't mind," Ethan said making no move to go inside, instead he took another draw of smoke.

"I do," Julian stepped forward, taking the cigarette that was in between his lips, and putting it out.

Ethan frowned, "That was kinda rude don't you think?" He asked following Julian, as he walked towards Ethan's building.

"Whatever, let's just go to sleep."

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