part 25

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"Merry Christmas!"

Ethan was woken up to Sebastian yelling that into his ear. Any other day and he would've definitely been mad, but it was Christmas Morning, how could he?

He stretched and yawned, "Merry Christmas," he said, checking his phone for the time.


He had one notification from one person: Julian.

Merry Christmas

It was simple, and probably took him very little thought, but it was Julian that sent it. He had sent it five hours ago. That meant Julian had sent it at midnight. He saw the clock switch from the 24th to the 25th, and one of the first things he decided to do was text Ethan.

merry christmas :)

Ethan respound and turned off his phone focusing on his brother. "You think they got us real present or just a new phone?"

Sebastian let out a snort of amusement, "Definitely the first thing they saw with a high price tag," Sebastian took a seat on his bed waiting for Ethan to fully wake up.

Ethan knew he should be grateful that his parents were able to spend so much, and he was, he just sometimes wished they put at least some thought in the presents they buy them.

"Sounds like them," Ethan said stretching one last time before forcing himself to get up. "Alright, want to open my present, before Mom and Dad wake?"

"Yeah," Sebastian said with excitement, "I also got you a present."

Ethan gave him a small smile, then leaned in for a hug, "You're so old now,"

Sebastian pulled away, but Ethan continued to hold on "Bleh, too much sap," He said as he struggled in his grasp.

Eventually, Ethan let the poor kid go. Ethan walked over to closet where he hid Sebastian's present, "Come on,"

~  ~  ~

It was cold and luckily snowing, he always loved the snow, it made everything hold so much more value. As he watched the fire grow and shrink again, he imagined what Christmas really could've been like with Julian. Julian and Sebastian laughing at Ethan together, how Julian would probably get Sebastian the perfect present, Ethan sitting practically on him, as they drank hot chocolate from the same mug. But unfortunately, Julian was a time zone away, and probably wouldn't let him, so he decided to just appreciate the moment with his brother.

"Open mine first!" Sebastian said handing him a poorly wrapped box.

Ethan let out a laugh and reached out for his present. He quickly tore off the wrapping paper, to reveal a new set of water color paint and brushes, "Dude, this is a really good brand, did you actually do research?"

"Anything for you," Sebastian gave him a smile, "Okay, my turn!" he said pulling the long cardboard box. "Couldn't even wrap it for me," Sebastian said with fake disappointment as he shook his head.

"Shut up and open it," Ethan held his knees to his chest, and watched his little brother pull against the tape, refusing to ask for a knife.

"I got it!" he said slowly diving threw the packing peanuts, and buried underneath, was a brand new skate board.

"This. This is so sick." Sebastian didn't know how to ride yet, but he'd been mentioning wanting to learn for a few years now. Ethan hoped he didn't lose interest from then and now, but judging off of the unwavering grin on his face, he definitely was excited to learn how to skate. "Thank you. So much," Sebastian said before pulling him into a tight hug.

"Did you guys start opening presents already?" Their dad called from upstairs.

Shit Ethan mouthed, as he pulled a away a giggly Sebastian, who was suppressing a full laugh.

"Uhm, just one or two," he said clearing his throat.

"Well, wait. You know this, we do it every year." And every year he gives Sebastian his present when they're asleep.

"Sorry," Ethan called out, though he would've muttered it if his dad wasn't all the way upstairs.

~  ~  ~

When their parents came down, it made it a lot harder for him to enjoy the moment. They would make remarks toward Sebastian and him, and his mom kept eyeing the untouched skateboard. Ethan could tell she disapproved, but she didn't mention it. His dad did.

"Did Ethan give you that?"  the anger in his voice was notable, but not anything to be scared of... yet.

"Yeah, it was my present to him," Ethan responded knowing the question wasn't for him. He wasn't sure if his Fathers anger would be directed towards him or Sebastian, but he was hoping him speaking up, would draw attention away from his brother.

"You didn't ask me if you could."

Ethan found himself stressed over how calm dad was.

"I'm sorry," he wasn't, he was just scared.

"We'll talk about this later."

He nodded, but Ethan didn't want to talk about this later. He told himself that no matter what his dad does, he wasn't going to regret buying Sebastian his board.

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