part 2

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It was the fourth day out of the ten, Ethan was sitting at a table in the library. He had been filling his time with stupid hobbies and talking to Christopher. He stood up to look for a new book to read when he saw Julian.

Julian was browsing the poetry section. He already had three books in his hand and was grabbing his fourth. Ethan decided to go up to him. They spoke briefly the day after they met but haven't since.

"I didn't know you read poetry?" Ethan said going up to him.

"I didn't know you scared people in your free time."

"Well everyone has secrets,"  Ethan said taking a book from the pile that was building in Julian's hands. Before Ethan could get a good glance Julian already removed the book from him.

"Did you come here to find a book or to converse?"

"Whichever you're in the mood for," Ethan said with a grin.

Julian didn't say anything he just continued browsing.

"So... you're into poetry?"

"Hmm I wouldn't really say into, but sure, I read it from time to time," He switched aisle to the biography section.

"Any favorite poets?"

Julian just shrugged, not seeming to really pay attention to the conversation that Ethan was attempting to have. 

Ethan stayed quiet wondering how to progress this conversation, when Julian broke his thought process.

"My sister."


"She's my favorite poet. Growing up I was always really close to her and she would write poems. She was honestly pretty good, I mean even now when I look through her old journal it's filled with art. I don't talk to her anymore..." He trialed off.

"I didn't know you had a sister."

"That's 'cause you know nothing about me."

"I don't, but that's why I'm talking to you." Ethan said as he followed him through the library. "Do you have any other siblings?"

"A brother."

"Are you close with him?"

"No, I'm not close with any of my family... Do you have any siblings?"

"A younger brother, I really only see him during the holidays and summer," it was half true, he had older step-siblings, but he didn't count them.

"That kinda happens when you're sent to boarding school."

The conversation died out, and they eventually went their separate ways. Ethan tried talking to Julian, when he saw him in the halls, the next day, but his responses were even shorter.

The entirety of the week and a half played out like that. Every time Ethan learned a new peice to the puzzle that was Julian, he would get shut out. It got to the point Ethan was pretty sure he imagined every positive interaction he had with Julian.

It was the night before the rest of the boys arrived, and it was one of the moments that could've been straight from Ethan's imagination. Not because it was romantic, or even objectively exciting, but because Julian seemed to actually want to talk to him.

Ethan had just gotten out of the shower, clothes on but hair still wet. He was just sitting on his phone, when he heard a knock on the door. "Give me a second!" He through on a t-shirt and answered the door.

"Oh," to Ethan's suprise Julian was at the door.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a smoke, but your hair is all wet," Julian said taking in the droplets of water that were left on Ethan's neck, some trailed down his throat, teasing Julian.

"So?" Ethan's face was scrunched with confusion.

"So... You'll get sick."

"Now you care if I get sick?"  Ethan gave him an amused face, a smile tugging at his lips.

"No," Julian sighed composing himself, "Do you want to smoke or not?" Julian's voice had an edge to it.

"Sure," Ethan raised his eyebrows and followed Julian outside.

They were quiet the entirety of the walk outside. Ethan was quiet since he was trying to figure out what to say, and how to say it, and Julian was quiet because well, Julian.

Julian had never been the chatty type. Growing up he had his close friends. He would engage in conversation with kids of his parents associates, but as time passed the less open he was to new people. Maybe he was tired of the same conversation over and over again: 'Hello nice to meet you' 'I'm doing good and you?' 'My parents? they're outside.' At some point he just stopped going downstairs when guests were over. At first his dad would argue about him being rude, but eventually he got over it.

Julian handed the lit cigarette to Ethan. In all honesty Ethan didn't feel like smoking. He wasn't a big fan, he really only smoked during the worst time of the year: Holidays.

"I'm good," He said rejecting the cigarette.

"I thought you came down here to smoke?" Julian said inhaling.

"Guess not," Ethan shrugged. "School starts tomorrow."

"I know."

"You excited?"

"Definitely not, I've always hated school," Julian paused as if debating if he should continue, "I'm scared it's going to be even worse here."

"It's not too bad, I like it better than normal school, but I'm biased. I've been going to boarding since I was ten, so,"

"Well, I'll let you know if it lives up to the expectations," Julian said giving his a tight-lipped, ingenue smile.

"I'll be here in case you get too lonely," Ethan turned to examine the taller boy's features. He really was beautiful.

"Don't get your hopes up," Julian spoke as smoke spilled from his lips.

But Ethan did.

A/N: here is the 2nd chapter once again i hope you liked it. vote and share please 💗💗

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