part 26

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Ethan sat outside of his father's office. He thought it was stupid how he's always been treated similar to an employee for his dad, not a son.

Even though his dad was the one who called for this "meeting", Ethan was still the one who had to wait. Ethan was pretty sure this was just another way for his dad to mentally toture him. Keep him anxious, waiting to be called into the room, like some patient, waiting for his diagnosis.

"Let's have a chat, Ethan," His dad said, finally opening the door into his office .


Ethan found it almost comedic that he used that word. Chatting would require self control and two people expressing themselves. Not whatever they were going to do.

His dad took a seat across the desk facing him, God, dark eyes were not nearly as enchanting on him as they were on Julian. They felt cold and unforgiving, fitting.

"I thought we had already discussed this when you visted us during the fall."

His dad's wording made him sick. It only solidified the beliefs that he just doesn't view his sons, or at least Ethan, as actual family.He will forever be a show dog, kept in a kennel untill it's time to be pretty.

Ethan stayed silent.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

Ethan finally spoke, "It's just a skateboard,"

"It's not!" he raised his voice before quickly forcing himself to settle down, he has to be in control until the time is right, "It's not a good look, what if Sebastian hangs around other boys who skate his age. The trouble that could cause us. Who knows what those boys get up to."

Ethan had to refrain from rolling his eyes at his father's words.

"You should hear about the boys he lives with," Ethan responded. He always tried his best to stay quiet and agree, less conflict, less things to worry about, but he just couldn't understand the issue with a skateboard. A skateboard. Plenty of kids Seb's age have one, but maybe that's what his dad had a problem with.

"Yes, but at least they have connections, he's supposed to be apart of people like him," Of course that was the issue, his dad and his entitlement. Maybe Ethan should be flattered for Sebastian, after all he veiws him superior to normal kids without a trust fund.

"It's a skateboard, Dad, not some fake ID," Ethan knew he messed up when he felt his frustration slip through his words.

"I already told you what my issue was, I'm the dad! It doesn't matter if you think there's an issue or not!" at this point he was off and out of his seat, leaning a little to close to Ethan for his liking. He pulled away from his angry gaze, bad move.

His dad tugged him over the desk putting Ethan in a strange position. The table dug into his skin threw the thin fabric of his pj pants, the price of being comfortable. But the table wasn't the only thing digging into him, his dad held his arms hard enough that it could leave bruises. It was unnecessary, an overreaction. Everything his dad do was an overreaction

"Don't act like you're scared of me now, you weren't scared when you bought him that gift."

It was a fucking skateboard.

"That's because I didn't know you would flip your shit," Whoops.

"Remember it's your Dad you're talking to." Everything went from bad to worse. His dad was face to face to him, his hold on Ethan was practically cutting off circulation. His dads breath was gross and humid, he had to face away from him, only making his dads anger worse. He would've cried if he wasn't used to it already.

"I know, I'm sorry," it was still hard to speak, maybe the fear, or the pain, or the plain fact that his dad doesn't care enough about him to keep his hands to himself.

"I don't want to see Sebation with that skateboard, or any at that," He said finally letting him go, but of course he couldn't just calmly let him step away, he had to forcefully push Ethan. But Ethan didn't have enough energy to care, he just nodded and left.

He wasn't going to take his brothers present away, that wasn't fair to him.

A/N: uploads should be normal soon sorry for the delay not fair for you guys :(

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