part 18

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When Ethan got back to school, he decided he wasn't going to bring the phone call up, unless Julian did. He never did.

Everything was pretty normal. The first week back, and work was already pilling up. Ethan sat at lunch with all of his friends, including Julian. He couldn't pay attention to the conversation, as he planned out when to do all his assignments.

He felt a touch on his right knee, he looked up to meet Julian's gaze.

"This is boring, let's go for a walk or something," He whispered into his ear. Ethan didn't even need to nod his head, it would be redundant.

Julian left first, but Ethan barely waited, or tried to hide the fact they were leaving together. The group would've taken note of it, if it wasn't for the fact that they have snuck out together, at least five times that week.

Ethan skilled when saw Julian waiting outside the building as he walked out.

"Do you want to go to my room?" Julian asked as he started walking toward his dorm building.

"No, let's go to mine instead, it's closer," Ethan said walking in the opposite direction. Julian's dorm was on the third floor, too many stairs for Ethan, who was stupidly out of shape.

Similarly to Julian's dorm, who had what side, was obvious. Ethan's side was littered with half finished drawings and school work; most of the drawings were embarrassingly bad, at least that how Ethan felt.

Ethan would have never offered his room, if he remembered the mess he had left it in. He knew
that Julian was pretty clean, it was pretty clear after being in his dorm a few times. He hoped Julian would look past it, and he did. Julian didn't comment on the state of his room once. He just leaned against the bed post and listened to Ethan talk.

They had a new english assignment that Julian asked him about. Ethan wasn't sure why or how he needed help on every single assignment, but he didn't really mind. He would explain the assignment once, and Julian got it.

So, there Ethan sat going over the instructions, he explained what he was doing, and then gave Julian some ideas.

Julian stared at him with those stupid brown eyes, Ethan was never sure if he was listening or not, "Has anyone ever told you, you have a nice voice?"

Ethan could've punch him, square in the face, right there. It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair how he could say things that made Ethan's face heat and stomach do tricks, and be completely unfazed. He just stood there, looking down on him, like he didn't know he was the most attractive guy Ethan had ever laid his eyes on.

It left Ethan with no choice, but to be unfazed as well, "Yeah, I actually narrate those wild life documentaries," Ethan said sarcastically.

"Oh, really?" Julian said nodding along.

"Yup, I just put on a little british accent and age up like fifty years. I'm actually super famous."

"I don't know... I think the documentaries would be much more interesting if it was just your normal voice. At least i would enjoy them more," He shrugged.

Ethan just rolled his eyes, "Do you still need my help?"

"Nope, I got it, but can I stay, in case I have a question," He asked taking a seat next to Ethan, on the bed.

"Yeah, sure," Ethan said getting up to grab his laptop. Ethan had gotten used to stepping over and around papers and sweaters, it was almost embarrassing.

Ethan sat back onto the bed, next to a writing Julian. He scribbled on a peice a paper, that was against his knee with a pen. Ethan let out a soft chuckle.

"What?" Julian asked looking up from his work.

"Are you gonna write it all by hand?" Ethan asked typing in his password.

"I unfortunately, don't bring my laptop to dinner."

"Ohh, right, I forgot. If you want you can go grab it," Ethan said looking up from his computer and at him.

"Too much walking, and besides, a hand cramp isn't going to kill me," Julian said going back to the paper on his knee.

"Uhm... do you want something to place under?"

"That would actually be great," Julian said giving him a smile.

~ ~ ~

Ethan was doing his US history work, when he realized work was easier to complete with Julian around. He knew it was sort of late, but he wondered if he could ask him to come over, or maybe even suprise him by just showing up.

Ethan laid on the ground with his papers in-front of him, playing and replaying every possible outcome. He weighed the pros and cons, until he, eventually, fell asleep his face against the floor.

A/N: Sorry for not uploading yesterday or this morning. Like my alarm went off and like i didn't feel like getting up, whoops. Sorry again. Anyways please vote, comment, and please follow! i appreciate every view and comment and vote and follow, like seriously. New chapter this saturday, love you!!

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