part 24

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His tie was too tight, and the house was too hot. The heater was usually nice during this time of year, but everything was uncomfortable. It probably had to do with him sitting in the living room waiting for his brother to arrive.

He didn't go on his phone, every video he saw only added to his growing migraine. So he sat and watched the fire crackle, listening to the popping sounds and feeling the heat fill us warm body, but not in a way he welcomed.

Julian heard some voices come from the entrance, and looked up to see the same bouncy, blonde hair he saw at the dinner with Ethan. the only difference was that this time they were in his house.

Julian's gaze quickly shifted behind the pretty girl to the brawny man following closely after her.

"Oh wow, you're home for the holidays, aren't you?" Julian nodded in response, "What a lovely suprise, Isn't it?" his voices filled the room only tightening Julian's colar around his throat even more. His habit of ending his thoughts with a question was going to end Julian.

"I supposed your dad didn't tell you," He hoped the use of your sting him as much as it would him. Julian finally stood up, no amount of discomfort would make him forget his manners, on an occasion like this. He shook both of their hands before guiding them to a seat, and sitting back down.

It was Julian, Mason, and Mason's girlfriend. Great. Mason tried speaking to him but he decided he'd rather sit in uncomfortable silence, eyes flicking from his girlfriend, to the fire, and to him, than to actually speak to him.

After who knows how long, Julian's dad finally greeted his guest. He asked a worker to bring wine and cheese, which was summoned almost as fast as the words escaped him.

His dad poured everyone a small amount. He eyed Julian suspiciously before pouring him even less than he had done to the others.

His dad leaned in close, and spoke low enough so only Julian could hear, "I don't want you drunk," He spat.

His dad wasn't concerned for him, He was concerned for his own reputation. Even if it was his brother, who Julian had seen fall apart over and over again, he wouldn't dare destroy the delicately created facade of the Sin Clairs. Julian will always be forced to be on his best most upright behavior.

His eyes fell on his brother once again. This time he didn't look away, he couldn't. Julian saw right through him, no matter how expensive the suit Mason was wearing is, he will always be the boy who would take a beating, just to save Julian from one.

God, Julian felt so selfish, but he just couldn't stop himself from being mad.

"Pardon me, I need to use the restroom," He said getting up as quickly and respectfully as possible.

He found his way through the maze of his own home, and locked himself into the closest restroom he could find. He was by himself for maybe five minutes, when someone knocked on the door.

"Julian?" of course it was Mason, "Are you okay?"

Julian got a good look at himself in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair, focusing on calming himself down. He cleared his throat before trusting himself to speak, "Yes, Im alright," he reached down to open the door.

Mason didn't say anything as he stared at him, an unwavering stare. Julian forced himself to look anywhere but at him, he wanted to leave but his brother was blocking the only way.

Finally, after much internal debate, he allowed himself a glance toward him.

"I'm sorry," the words were so quiet Julian could've imagined them, but he didn't, "I'm really sorry," He spoke up louder.

Julian wasn't sure what to say or how to react, he had been dreaming, hoping, occasionally even praying, for this moment since the night he had left, but when looked into his brothers, sad brown eyes, he realized it really wasn't his fault. Mason was only a kid when he left, and is still a kid now.

"It's okay" Julian chocked, barely managing to hold back the tears that we'd forming. Before Julian could say anything else Mason pulled him into an over-bearing hug.

"No it wasn't," Mason said crying into Julian's hair, "I don't why I thought that was a good idea, it wasn't fair,I shouldn't have down that." he was beginning to ramble but his own sob cut him off.

It was so very strange for Julian, this almost mythical person, that he had demonized and resented for so long, was crying in his arms the moment he got to finally speak to him, face to face.

Julian didn't want to admit it, but he was definitely crying as well. "Julian," Mason inhaled deeply before speaking, "I am really sorry for the stupid deiscion younger me made, and for the stupider one of not reaching out, but I am really sorry. I've grown enough, and I want to be your brother again, and I am upset that I've already missed out on so much, forgive me?"

How could Julian say no, "Yeah," it was soft and quiet, but Mason definitely had heard him . Mason pulled him into another hug, shorter this time, but just affectionate. He pulled away, "Amber says she misses you."

Amber was their sister, and she was barely less than a year younger than Mason.

"You two keep in touch?" The suprise seeping through his words.

"Definitely, don't know what we would've down without eachother," Mason said with a small smile playing on his lips.

Julian couldn't tell if hearing that made him feel better or worse. On one hand, he was glad his siblings had eachother, he was glad they weren't entirely alone and had helped, but on the other all he needed was someone, someone to share the burden that was their father. He was probably both.

"She ain't ready to see Dad, but she'll come around," He said with a reassuring smile,

"I wouldnt, if I were her," Julian mumbled.

"Be happy you're not," Mason took in another deep breath, "Come on, before Dad finds us and get mad,"

Julian was content with their conversation. Sure, he still had a lot of questions and complaints, but he was going to try and take stuff one step at a time.

A/N: the amount of times my eyes es closed and i started falling asleep while editing this is crazy, please point out flaws i was literally asleep (when am i not). As always vote comment and please follow please leave thoughts down below my vision js literally some ig in and out in so tired i'll add a photo tommkr im wayy to tored like so tired sleep well or have a good dag idk

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