part 6

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Ethan was tired. The school day wasn't too difficult, but he was dying to take a nap. He went straight to his dorm after school ended. He wanted to finish all of his homework as soon as he could. The work wasn't too hard, he just had to do some reading, and a short literacy analysis for English.

During study hall, Oliver told him that he was going to hang out with Chris by the woods, and not to wait up. Ethan didn't really plan on waiting for him either way, if he was honest, but it didn't matter.

The moment he finished his homework, he loosened his grey and black tie, and went straight to his unmade bed. He didn't even bother to change out of his school uniform, or take off his shoes. He just slept face first feet hanging off the bed, blazer and all.

He'd been asleep for at least two hours, when he was woken up by a few knocks at his door. He slowly got up, expecting to open the door to Oliver. He didn't think twice about his appearance.

Unfortunately for him, it wasnt Oliver at the door, it was Julian. Julian leaned against the doorway, his neck in his room slightly, to fit better.

"Were you sleeping?" He asked him with an amused look on his face.

All Ethan could do was frown and nod.

"Did I wake you up?"

He nodded again.

"Do you want to go back to bed?"

"No, it's okay. I've been sleeping since like Three," His voice was still filled with sleep, "I mean, unless that was an invitation?"

Julian just stared at him blankly for a little while, then gave him a lopsided smile, "That sounds like a really long nap."

"It was the best nap." He said rubbing the tired out of his eyes.

"Looks like it," Julian said taking in his undone tie, his hair that was even messier then usual, and his raspy voice, it was also deeper then it was at school.

"Hey, I didn't feel like changing don't judge me," Ethan frowned again.

"All right, I'm not, I promise. So do you wanna head down?"

"Yeah, sure," He said with a nod.

As much as Ethan was embarrassed by his appearance, he was glad he got to spend time with Julian. He's still pretty quiet, but he was starting to seem more comfortable around Ethan. He makes fun of Ethan, and he's s not exactly sure if it's banter or if he means it. He's not exactly sure where he stands with him.

"How was school?" Ethan asked once they were outside.

"Fine, I guess," he said cigarette in hand, "I saw you signed up for speech and debate,"

"Oh, uh, yeah I did," Ethan said recalling the collision from earlier, it wasn't painful, well maybe mentally.

"You think you'll make it?"

"The team?"


"Definitely, I'm not very good, but I've been doing this since freshman year. I have like, seniority or something."

He tried reaching forward for the cigarette but Julian pulled back.

"You never apologized," He told him staring down at him.

"For what?"

"When you ran into me earlier," Julian mentioned with a smile.

"Why would I apologize? That was basically your fault for standing so close to me." Ethan said, his eyes wide with offense.

"I wasn't standing that close, if I was you would've said something, or at the very least made some weird joke," Julian said scrunching his nose slightly.

Ethan chuckled, "yeah, you're right," he sighed and reached for the cigarette again, and again Julian pulled back. "Hey, what's your deal?" Ethan frowned.

"Nothing," he said with a small smile, as he finally handed him the cigarette. "You can have the rest," He said runnung his hand through his hair, and stared at the ground. Ethan hands were cold and felt numb. He forgot to bring a coat, he wondered if Julian would offer his up. Definitely not the type.

"So... you signed up for speech and debate," This time Ethan said it.

"Yeah I did," Julian nodding stuffing his hands inside his pocket.

"You think you'll make it?"


Are you any good?" Ethan asked shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"I actually am, at my old school I was the best, won a lot of awards,"

"I would belive that, if it wasn't for the fact that you're so self righteous,"

"What makes you say that?" Julian asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"You're so quiet and reserved."

"Your point is?"

"You think, we're not worthy enough, for you to bless us with your thoughts," Ethan said in a mocking tone.

"Or... I just have nothing to say."

"That's not true, everyone has something to say. Even that kid John," Julian gave a small chuckle, "You're either self righteous, or you have an inferiority complex,"

"Maybe it's a little of both" Julian shrugged, "Maybe it depends on the day."

"That doesn't make sense,"

"Makes sense to me," He checked the time on the watch he had on his wrist, and looked up at Ethan with his brown eyes. "I should head back I haven't even started on the homework," he said turning away, without waiting for a response.

"Good luck," Ethan callled out as he faced Julian's back. He really hope Julian at least found him entertaining.

A/N: another one B)
i have a few extra chapters ready so i'm releasing a few at a time because i heard the more chapters the more likely readers will be invested. Anyways hope you enjoyed please vote and comment <3 <3

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