part 5

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Monday morning. He was woken up by Oliver's alarm, since he didn't bother to set his own.

"I'm scared," Ethan mumbled to Oliver as they walked to the restroom.

"You'll be okay, and if you need a little help we're all here for you."

Ethan just nodded, and proceeded to squeeze a little too much tooth paste, he rinsed the brush under water and started mindlessly brushing. No one can stay thoughtless for too long. He kept on thinking about how much he struggled during the school year.

He never got bad grades, his lowest grade throughout all of his schooling was a "B+", 88.6%, it was basically the end of the world for him. If he wasn't a son with a bright future ahead of him, then he was just the son who was lazy, and had everything fed to him, with a silver spoon.

The year he struggled with math was basically the year he realized he wasn't perfect. Growing up he was always the smartest without trying. Even when he was thrown together with all the gifted kids with rich parents he was always "the most advanced". Sophomore year was not that. He had to learn to put effort, and not just a normal amount , no, that wasn't enough. He had to sacrifice everything to get to where he wanted to be.

He stopped eating, his sleep went to shit, and the only time he went out was to see Oliver for tutoring. They all noticed it, it was hard not to.

The stinging of the paste being in his mouth for too long is what brought him back. He quickly rinsed his mouth, but the pain was still there.

He put on his uniform, put his books in his bag, and laid in bed waiting for Olivier, so they can go to breakfast.

Breakfast was basic: eggs, bacon, toast, fruit. He grabbed a slice of toast and some fruit and sat down with the group.

"Are you ready for Junior year domination?" John asked his hand in the air as if it would help us invision it better.

"No," Ethan said with a mouthful.

"Well, we are!" Elijah said banging the table, making a few heads turn their way and Oliver immediately apologized.


Ethan's first period was science, his least favorite. He wasn't looking forward to learning about formulas and the power house of the cell at eight AM.

He was one of the first students to enter the class— he usually was— so he sat in the corner in the back. Easiest way to avoid getting called on.

He sat doodling when he notice someone take a seat next to him. He was scared to look up, what if he was disappointed?

He wasn't.

Julain was the person who filled the seat next to him. He definitely just woke up.

"Good morning," Ethan said looking over at him.

There was no response other than a slight nod, and Julian pulling a book from his bag.

Ethan wanted to ask so badly what he was reading, to hear him talk about it. Every time Ethan heard him speak it was nice, his voice was smooth and comforting, but Ethan avoided dwelling on that fact. He'd fall too deep down the rabbit hole.

The professor walked in handing everyone the syllabus, and explained his policies on late work (not allowed), and bathroom during class (also not allowed). Ethan didn't pay attention for two reasons, one, all teachers share the same policy, and two, Julian was paying very close attention to the lesson. Ethan almost wanted to be the professor.

He took attendance toward the end of class. Ethan never understood what the point was of attendance at St. Eves. It's not like any of the kids would even think about skipping, and if they're out sick they'll just call up the office and have someone confirm their illness or something.

"Ethan Castillo?"

"Here," Ethan said raising his hand, he prayed his voice didn't do sound weird.

He sat waiting to find out Julian's last name. It wasn't something he really thought about untill that moment.

It was half way down the sheet when he heard, "Julian Sin Clair?"


Julian was barely audible to Ethan who was sitting right next to him. He was half hoping the professor would repeat his name so
Julian would have to speak again, but obviously that didn't happen.

The rest of his classes were the same, a rundown of syllabus, getting told they can't use the restroom or turn in late work. Lunch was fine, he and Elijah got yelled at for disruptive behavior during lunch. Ethan was annoyed since it was lunch but he knew it was coming.

Only two more periods left than study hall.

Study hall on the first day was to sign up for activities, and get those brownie points for the ivys if daddy's money wasn't cutting it.

Ethan was the first out of his friends to get to class. He only had to walk down the hall, and Elijah got held after class. He had all of his friends, including Julian, in this class so he sat waiting for them to enter.

The first one to enter was Elijah. He was definitely closest with Oliver, but he joked around the most with Elijah.

The rest of their friends knew that when the two were together, it was basically watching a pair of three year olds. Annoying three year olds with sticky jam hands.

Before anything could happen Oliver took a seat directly in between the two of them. "Elijah are you doing any sports, this year?" Oliver spoke in a way that always made him sound older than everyone else.

"Yeah, Im just doing horseback riding like usual," He said with his head on the desk.

Elijah as energetic as he can be, he gets tired easily, especially with school. He sighed deeply, "How about you guys?"

"Y'know me," Oliver said scribbling something down in his notebook. A few of their classes already gave out homework.

"Yeah, we do."

That was referencing the ungodly amount of clubs and extracurricular Oliver participated in.

"Ethan?" Oliver asked since Elijah looked half dead already.

"Speech and debate."

"That's all?"

"Yup, I really don't think I'm up for all that this year. Plus if I want to go to college, I'll just have my dad donate a building or something." Ethan said, stretching his hands above his head. He looked over to the door, and saw the three other boys walk in.

John was talking loudly about something, while nudging Julian's arm that was attached to a very annoyed looking person. Chris seemed to be day dreaming about something. John sat down in front of Elijah and started tapping him awake.

Julian sat right in front of Ethan, it didn't even seem like he thought about it. Chris obviously sat next to both Julian and John.

The seven minute passing period was finally up. Their professor explained the clubs, as if all but one student haven't been going to St. Eves since freshman year. Once he finished, a swarm of kids went up to sign up for things. All of the boys waited to go up when a few people sat back down.

Chris, Ethan, and Julian all waited in line together for speech and debate. In that order. Ethan tried not to focus too much on the members of club, as he wrote his name down on the sheet. After he signed he turned around bumping into Julian. Ethan was only a handful of inches shorter than him, but he immediately wanted to die, when he heard Julian laugh.

"Excuse me," Ethan said successfully walking back to his desk. He limited conversation with everyone; he was trying to avoid replaying the interaction. He knew that it objectively wasn't too bad, but he couldn't help but be embarrassed.

A/N: double update!! :O

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